The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Sheep Amongst Wolves

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves;
be ye therefore wise as serpents,
and harmless as doves."
Matthew 10:16 KJV

Their little heads raised up in alarm as the scent of the wolves drifted down-wind to where the herd was grazing in the field.  Wolves!  The sheep panicked and instinctively circled into a large mob with the younger, more vulnerable lambs in the center.  Their only defense was the size of their flock; their strength came in their numbers.  

As believers, Jesus has sent us out into the world as sheep among wolves.  No one would dispute the fact that we live in a dangerous, evil world where many wolves roam.  It's easy for me to be enticed into a way of thinking that's counter to the truth of the Gospel that Christ has taught me. (2 Timothy 3:12-15  Jude 1)  I can easily fall for anything that sounds good if I'm not firmly rooted in the Truth.

I am called along with all other followers of Christ to live in the world but not be of the world.  (Romans 12:2   John 15:18-19)  But what does this really mean?


Her tiny face grew into a shade of deep crimson under the strain of her cry.  Soft, chubby hands soon emerged from the swaddling clothes as she struggled to make her plight known. Tears ran down her cheek as the infant lay in the box where her teen mother had placed her on the threshold of the church, hoping that someone would take pity on her and care for her as she deserved.  

Babies are a picture of vulnerability.  Completely helpless and unable to do anything for themselves, infants need a caregiver to take care of their basic needs and love them into security.

As a child of God, I am similarly defenseless against the dangers of this world.  I have no power within myself to withstand Satan's attacks.  I am weak and helpless to stand up to the temptations I face on a continual basis.  I am left exposed in a dark world that would love nothing more than to see me perish.  Like the baby left by itself, I have no hope.

Thankfully, God is a strong and able source of protection if I will only trust in Him to do the job.  (Psalm 91)  Many times, though, I think I can handle what the world dishes out.  I flippantly dismiss Satan's ploys without calling on the name of Jesus to fight my battles for me.  I foolishly expose myself to activities or people who I know will lure me into areas of sin.  I intentionally take part in activities where I know I'm taking a risk of falling into a pit or heading down the path of destruction.

When I trust in God as my protector, I take on the power of Christ to submit to God and resist the tricks of the Devil so I can watch Him flee away in defeat.  (James 4:7)  When I rest in the shadow of the Almighty, I will hear and respond to His guiding voice as He steers me away from that which attracts me to sin.  When I make the Most High my dwelling, I will be so consumed with His goodness that I won't want to travel a different path.

As a sheep among wolves I am vulnerable, but God is my Mighty Fortress.

Good Expert

I held a summer job for a short time at a bulb farm.  All day long I stood on a conveyor belt line with a dozen other girls watching the flower bulbs pass by.  At first, I couldn't really see the difference between the "bad bulbs" and the good ones.  After a day or two, however, I became proficient at picking out the weak or shriveled tubers and discarding them in the trash bin.  I became somewhat of a bulb expert.

Since I am called to live among the evil of this world, I must become a "good expert."  My Father is the Father of lights through whom all good things come. (James 1:17)  Therefore, when I look for good, I'm searching for the work of His hand.  Just like I was able to spot all the good bulbs that summer so long ago, I should be able to see what He's doing a mile away and be willing to join in.

The wisdom of Solomon tells me that, "He who seeks good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it."  (Proverbs 11:27)  When I make it a habit to see the good in situations, God will send more blessings my way.  It's easy to see the bad all around me; my flesh seems to be drawn to it.  Looking for the good, however, takes practice.

This means that when a friend calls with gossip about another, instead of soaking in the news like a sponge I can look on it as an opportunity to stop the rumor-spreading and pray for the intended victim.

Or when illness befalls me or my family, I can trust God for all the good He will bring out of it and begin to look for ways I can serve.

Even when tragedy strikes, instead of honing in on the problems, I can point to all those who are gathering to share the love of God to those in need and to find where I fit into the rescue efforts.

As a sheep among wolves I can become an expert at spotting the threads of good God interweaves throughout the tapestry of darkness.

Innocent of Evil

The news delivers horrible reports of criminal, moral and ethical wrong doing on a daily basis.  The computer is a constant source of the wicked of this world.  As they say; bad news travels fast and I have no barriers to stop me from keeping abreast of current events.

When I committed to Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I enter into His kingdom where evil is not a threat.  It may be all around me, but it only can touch me where I give it access.  For example, sexual sin is rampant on the Internet.  Like no other time in global history can I easily access pornography of every shape and form.  This epidemic, however, has no bearing upon me unless I turn toward it.  

To be innocent like a dove, it means I can be aware of the existence of evil, but not partake in it or succumb to worry over it.  God is still God, and He is not at all concerned about being overtaken by the darkness.   To God, the darkness is as light.  (Psalm 139:11-12)  As a holy God, He can never do anything but good.  I am called to live in this same way: separate from the evil in every way through the power of His Spirit who dwells within me.  (1 Peter 1:15-16)

Just as a toddler does not naturally worry about bad things, knowing that his parent will take care of him, I can look beyond all the terrorist attacks, random mass killings, child abductions, sexual molestation, gang violence and all the other acts of evil and instead rest peacefully in the Lord.

The psalmist says to, "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes."  (Psalm 37:7)  God's sovereign plan is always intact and He is fully and completely in control as events unfold.  I need not worry because I know the One who created the blueprint for life.  Since He loves me beyond measure, I can trust Him to place to protect me.

As a sheep among wolves I am surrounded by evil but need not let it overcome me.

Living in such an evil world is not where I'd intentionally place myself.  Jesus, however, knew His Father's will and did just that.  He put me in a place where I am vulnerable, can learn to spot His goodness all around me, and adjust to living in the middle of evil without succumbing to it or letting it overwhelm me.  In other words, I live as a lamb among wolves, shrewd as a snake but innocent as a dove, for the glory of God.  

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can keep my eyes on God as the evil flows all around me.

When do I choose to focus on the problems that flood my day instead of looking for the solutions God is providing?

How am I partaking in evil, no matter how small?

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