"He said,
'The knowledge of the secrets of the
kingdom of God has been given to you,
but to others I speak in parables, so that,
though seeing,
they may not see;
though hearing,
they may not understand.'"
Luke 8:10
There was a period of time when I was a child that I learned a bit about the world of synchronized swimming. A new group had formed at our local pool and I enthusiastically joined. Even though the class only existed for about a year, I learned a lot about the sport. There were terms to discover, skills to master and routines to learn. While it was fun while it lasted, entering the foreign domain of this new activity required much education.
If I was talking to a friend who was not involved in "water ballet," as we called it in my time, I had to explain most of what I was discussing in order to keep them clued in. If I didn't, they were completely lost.
In God's kingdom, it's not so different. Only those who belong to the kingdom have the ability to understand the kingdom. While in synchronized swimming, I took the time and effort to learn about the sport, but comprehending kingdom ways is brought about by God's Spirit who lives within me. When I gave my life to Jesus, I was baptized by the Spirit, receiving the Counselor He promised to leave with me as a Guide and Helper. (John 14:16, John 16:7) The Holy Spirit teaches me spiritual truths and kingdom ways. (1 Corinthians 2:13)
As one who accepted Jesus as my Savior from the certain death my sins deserve, and who has dedicated my life to following Him wholeheartedly, I have knowledge only known to the members of the family of God.
Supreme Directive
The man lay wounded on the sidewalk, bleeding from a wound to his head. As the lifeblood seeped out of him onto the callous cement, pedestrians took a wide berth. Some looked at his clothing and assumed he was a homeless man or drug dealer, meeting the predictable demise his chosen lifestyle had dictated. Others couldn't be bothered with such things on a busy day like today. There were business deals to be made; someone else would have to help the poor soul. Many pretended not to see the suffering, troubled that such violence was occurring in their very own neighborhood.
Finally a man dressed in an embroidered salwar kameez, a traditional form of Islamic clothing, took pity on the dying victim. As he dialed 9-1-1 on his cell phone, the rescuer took the man's pulse and tried to determine his condition. "Sir! Sir! Are you okay? I'm calling an ambulance for you. Sir?"
The Muslim gentleman stayed with the wounded until he had been loaded up into the rescue vehicle. Surprisingly, when the victim recovered from his injuries, he discovered that his bill had already been paid by an unknown benefactor. (Luke 10:30-37)
Jesus said the greatest commandments are to love God and love people, in that order. If I do those two things, I'll never break any of His commandments! (Matthew 22:36-40) The Good Samaritan is a beautiful example of how to carry out this supreme directive. Loving God and others is a different message than what I hear from the world around me. I am constantly bombarded with messages to love myself, to look out for #1, and to take care of me first.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the debate of stay-at-home motherhood. Staying home to care for my children and forsake a career in the workplace is seen as foolishness. In the world's opinion, I should be honing some marketable skills and building a name for myself, not frittering away my time wiping noses and cooking meals! Serving God and my family in this vital way is viewed as a waste of time and perfectly good talents and abilities. If God called me to use this as a way to demonstrate His love to my family, though, I will never feel more fulfilled.
How can I best love God and others like the Good Samaritan did in the parable Jesus used as an example? It could be instead of spending my time focused on learning to love myself, I can learn to love God who will give me a love for all of His creation, including me. Perhaps I could stop thinking about how I can get ahead and instead come up with ways to love those around me. Maybe when God blesses me materially, instead of assuming its for me I could ask God if He wants me to give it away to someone else.
One of the secrets of God's kingdom is to love Him and others above all else.
Seeking His Kingdom
I remember my years in High School where I was taught to prepare for a career in the world. I learned to write a resume and extol my virtues. I researched interesting fields and found out how to enter that occupation. In short, I was learning how to seek success.
Jesus said the pagans go after all the necessities of life because they think they need to provide for themselves. But as a child of God, my Father knows I need these things. Therefore, I'm free to spend my time going after other more eternal pursuits. (Matthew 6:25-34)
While the world says the world is mine for the taking, God says He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and all of creation is His for the giving. (Psalm 50 Philippians 4:19-20)
I am bombarded with messages to promote myself and be my own number one fan, but God says He'll be the one to lift me up in His time. (1 Peter 5:6)
I always hear that I only have one life so I should live it to the hilt, grabbing all the pleasure, comfort and happiness I can, but God says my life belongs to Him and learning to take what He gives will result in contentment and peace. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Matthew 6:24, Philippians 4:11-13)
Another secret of God's kingdom is to wholeheartedly and single-mindedly go after His kingdom.
Let Him Judge
You're not going to let him walk all over you, are ya'?
Don't just stand there, do something!
I deserve better treatment than this. May I speak to your manager?
I paid a lot of money for this weekend and I'm not going to let this poor service ruin it for me. I'm going straight to the top. Let me talk to the owner.
How can you let her talk to you that way? If I were you, I'd give her a piece of my mind.
These are all examples of how people conduct themselves in the world today. As modern women, I hold many of these same kinds of attitudes. I believe I must stand up for myself or I'll be taken advantage of. If I don't speak up, I won't get the best deal possible. I'll never get the service I deserve unless I demand it.
Tragically, this puts me in the place of God, the only true Judge. He is the sole Being who knows what I truly deserve: Death. Despite my high view of my rights, my sins place me at the bottom of the totem pole with no special privileges or liberties as far as God is concerned. I like to think I am entitled to be treated respectfully, but if God Himself does not receive that honor from His created beings, why do I think I should?
Instead, God gave the example of His Son who came in human form over 2000 years ago. He said that Jesus took on the nature of a servant and made himself nothing even though He was in very nature, God. (Philippians 2:5-11) Why would He take such treatment and stand silent before His accusers? (Isaiah 53:7) He did it out of obedience to His Father, and out of love for you and me. (John 15:3) His submission resulted in glory to God.
In the same way, if I can leave the judgement and retribution to God, the glory will go to Him when I stand silent instead of sticking up for myself. Letting God defend me will always result in the name of Jesus being exalted and the humbling of my own identity. (Philippians 2:9-11)
A third secret of God's kingdom is that I can let God defend me, giving Him the rightful position of righteous Judge. (Psalm 7:10-11)
There is so much I can base my life upon, even when trying to live for God. But His Spirit teaches me many secret things about His kingdom, including proper priorities, godly focus and humility. When I open my heart to what He is teaching me, He will be glorified in my life.
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I will learn the secrets of the kingdom being revealed in my heart by God's Spirit.
How do I ignore His teachings and instead grasp onto worldly wisdom?
When am I reluctant to let God defend me instead of standing up for myself?
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