The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Never Hungry

"The LORD does not let the righteous go hungry,
but he thwarts the craving of the wicked."
Proverbs 10:3

God promises many things and He is faithful to keep each one of His words.  But this one has me wondering:  Is there more to hunger than an empty belly?

Righteousness.  There are many things I crave while living this temporary life.  I often drift toward selfishness, thinking if I could only find myself and figure out who I really am then I will be happy.  In my tendency to focus on my own needs and wants, I end up going after the things I think that will bring fulfillment and meaning:  success, pleasure, financial security, material wealth, social status (1 John 2:16).  In spite of my efforts, I never find complete gratification.  I'm always wanting more.

Then I remember that I was made for more than this.  In Christ I've been made right with God, the very thing I need to be able to enjoy His favor, to find His blessing, to prosper spiritually.  And when I truly value His better way of living, craving for all that He values like honesty, fairness in my dealings with others, kindness and obedience to His laws, I will find fulfillment and pleasure.  Finally, contentment will be mine as I walk in peace with my Shepherd.

God promises a happy and satisfied heart when I hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matthew 5:6).

Living Water.  She came to fill her jar with the life-giving liquid but came away with so much more.  No one valued her.  In fact, most saw her as worth little more than the grime between their toes.  She was despised by women and used by men.  Because of her station in life, she was constrained to visit the community well in the heat of the day to avoid the gossip and scorn of the other women.  Her heart ached for connection, for acceptance, for true love.

Then came the One who offered her Living water that will quench her deep-in-the-depths-of-her-soul yearnings.  Jesus gave her a new beginning as a woman who was seen and loved by the God who made her, and she received His gift of the abundant life with great joy (John 4:13-15).  

When I follow suit and receive the living water Jesus offers me, I will have everything I need flowing through me.  The indwelling Spirit of Jesus will quench my deepest thirsts, fill my empty places and heal my hurting heart.  He came to turn my worst nightmare into a great victory, not the kind of victory where I rise to the pinnacle of success or gain everything I ever wanted, but triumph over evil, worthless living and all that separates me from His love (Romans 8:31-37).  I am secure in His clutches, and this is the kind of success that lasts an eternity.

God promises to quench my deepest thirst with the living water that is found through faith in Jesus.

Bread of Life.  They saw their chance.  If they followed this charismatic and powerful teacher, they would never have to worry about food again.  Their days of hunger would be over.  Never again would they have to scrap for a few morsels to sustain their families.  Life would be good and they could focus on more than just survival.

Then Jesus brought them back to reality (John 6:25-34).  He came to give them more than just physical food to fill their bellies.  He came to fulfill every spiritual need as the Answer to every question they pondered, the solution to each problem they faced.  Jesus declared Himself the Bread of life that would deliver eternal and abundant life to those who believed (John 6:35).

I, too, am offered this full and thriving life as I look forward to life forever in my heavenly home.  When I trust in Jesus as my Savior, submitting to Him as Lord of my life, I will never lack for anything.  If, however, I stray away, looking elsewhere to supply my needs, to answer my questions, to offer solutions to my problems, I'll spend my days searching in futility.

God promises to satisfy my deepest hunger when I give my life to Jesus, the Bread of life.

The one thing I can count on in life is for God to keep His promises.  Therefore, there is no risk in seeking Jesus as my source of happiness, the Living water who will quench my deepest thirsts, and the Bread of life who fully satisfies my deepest cravings.  In Christ, I will never hunger for what really matters.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to be in charge of giving me what I need.

When do I look beyond Jesus to find meaning and purpose?

How am I straying away from my Shepherd who desires to give me what I most need?

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