The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, May 15, 2015

Seemingly Sweet, Deceptively Bitter

"My son, pay attention to my wisdom,
turn your ear to my words of insight,
that you may maintain discretion
and your lips may preserve knowledge.
For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey,
and her speech is smoother than oil;
but in the end she is bitter as gall,
sharp as a double-edged sword."
Proverbs 5:1-4

Solomon is warning his sons of the dangers of adultery, the allure of the other woman, the danger in straying.  While his caution is timely and powerful, there is more that I can glean from his godly advice.  In my own life, there is much that lures my flesh away from the path that leads to life.  Therefore, I am wise to heed this important advice.

Keep Discretion.  It's easy to go with the flow in order to keep the peace.  The world all around me is headed in the wrong direction and it is tempting for me to join in, to adopt politically correct beliefs, to compromise under the guise of "love."  To do so, however, does nothing to win the soul of the lost.  Instead, I end up falling victim to the lies and lose my saltiness (Matthew 5:13-16).

Therefore, it is important that I guard the godly knowledge I have attained, constantly honing my understanding of the Gospel and applying the truth of God's Word to every belief and worldview I encounter.  Instead of just swallowing messages I hear, I must chew them up, searching for the flavor I have come to recognize as the truth.  If I can't taste it, if it doesn't line up with Scripture, if it makes sense to my mind but raises red flags in my spirit, I would be wise to turn away and reject such messages.  It's time I stick to what is right.  

I am wise to heed the advice of Solomon to keep discretion in all my ways.

Cultivate Appreciation.  I live in a world where I am encouraged to strive for more, to look for ways to conserve time so I can benefit later, to scrimp today so I can splurge tomorrow.  While this may seem wise on the surface, the result tends to be a spirit of discontent.  When I'm always wanting more, focused on saving now for later, scurrying around so I can have some extra time at the end of the day, I fail to appreciate what I do have.  In order to have more later, I am not present now.  I'm so future-focused that I miss opportunities to connect with those I come into contact with as I'm rushing around, neglecting what I have in this very moment while I'm reaching further, higher and beyond.  

Therefore, it is important that I cultivate an appreciation for what God has given me, to pay attention to what is happening in the here and now.  In the words of Jim Elliot, "Wherever you are, be all there!"  It's easy to be so distracted by tomorrow that I miss out on today.  Whatever God has blessed me with in this moment, then, I can choose to treasure it.  The idea that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence tends to deceive me into thinking my own yard has no value.  It's time to be grateful for what is in my midst.

I am wise to heed the advice of Solomon and cultivate an appreciation for what I've been given (Proverbs 5:15).

Avoid Temptation.  As I go on my daily walk, there is a corner where my dogs catch a scent that captures their attention.  Each time we reach this part of our route, they use every tactic they know to pull us over to that enticing spot so they can add their scent to the collection.  Since we know this is such a temptation for them, we do what we can to avoid that place, making a wide berth around the tempting spot and picking up the pace as we go around that corner.  It's the same with me.   There are some areas in my life that are strongly alluring to me, that trip me up every time, that are too strong of an attraction for me to resist.

Therefore, it is important that I avoid temptation, making it as easy as possible to stay true to Jesus and to stick to the race He has marked out for me to run (Hebrews 12:1).  Instead of testing my resolve by exposing myself to that which easily lures me away, I would be wise to stay away from what is hard for me to resist.  It could be sensual entertainment, ungodly company, or obsessive pastimes.  Whatever it is that draws me away from my First Love, it is important that I stay far away in order to minimize the temptations I often face.  It's time to actively work to keep my life pure (1 Peter 1:13-16).

I am wise to heed the advice of Solomon and avoid the temptation that will lure me away from God's best for me (Proverbs 5:7-8).

There is much wisdom found in God's Word.  If I am to be considered as wise, I must realize the things that are seemingly sweet in my life may turn out to be deceptively bitter.  Therefore, it's important that I heed the warnings of Solomon and maintain a discerning mindset, nurture a grateful spirit for what God has blessed me with, and to keep far away from that which seduces me away from the narrow path.  These are the words of wisdom to which I choose to pay attention.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to guard the knowledge He has given me, turning away from what doesn't line up with His Word.

How do I compromise what I know is the Truth in an effort to appease those with differing beliefs?

In what ways do I deny the Truth to those who are lost and in desperate need of Jesus?

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