The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Monday, October 7, 2013

Power Manifested

"Jesus knew that the Father had put all things 
under his power, 
and that he had come from God and was returning to God;
so he got up from the meal,
took off his outer clothing,
and wrapped a towel around his waist.
After that,
he poured water into a basin
and began to wash his disciples' feet,
drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him."
John 13:3-5

Every year Forbes compiles a list of the most powerful people in the world.  In order to come up with this roll, they considered people from all walks of life and measure their power in four areas: the number of people they influence, the financial resources they control, how many spheres of influence they possess, and that they actively wield their power.  This analysis gives Forbes a ranking of who they have determined to be the most powerful people in the world.

Not surprisingly, there are those on the list who command troops, lead nations or run corporations.  In God's kingdom,however, power is shown in a radically different way than in the world.  Jesus perfectly demonstrated the manifestation of kingdom power; servant hood.  Jesus Christ would have never made Forbes list of the most powerful people because He doesn't operate by the rules of the world.  Neither, then, should we.

Before I can become a true servant in the spirit of Jesus, there are some things I need to know about myself.


Jesus knew that His Father had placed all things under His domain.  Being secure in His position, He did not need to prove His authority.  Instead, He was free to lower Himself to the position of servant, knowing this humble attitude would not diminish His power or authority.

In a similar way, I have a certain position in God's kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ that comes with specific powers.  If I realize the power I have over sin, for instance, then I can walk free its heavy burden and operate in this world as a slave to righteousness. (Romans 6:6-7

I must also realize that even though Satan in my enemy, He has no authority over me except what I give to him.  The Enemy of my soul is powerless to influence me if I wield this power liberally. (1 John 4:4)

Even though I live in an evil world, I am not bound to it.  Instead, God has given me the ability to live here without buying into it's value system, beliefs or perspectives. (John 15:19, Romans 12:2)

Therefore, since I know the kind of authority I've been given, I am free from the need I may feel to prove myself, or protect my rights, or show my importance.  Due to the fact that God has already given me all the power I need, I can live with a quiet assurance of my position.  
If I am tempted to elevate myself instead of honor God, I can then resist the urge out of reverence for Him.  If the lies floating through my head sound like truth to my flesh, I can choose instead to listen to the Voice of truth that tells me the more accurate story.  And if my itching ears start liking what the world is selling, I can stand firm against conforming to the pattern of this world.

Before I can serve others with true humility, I must accept the authority God has given me through faith in Jesus Christ.


Wolverine, one of the characters in the X-Men series, struggles with not knowing from where he came or how he received his powers.  This amnesia severely hampers his effectiveness and plagues his psyche as flashes of his past haunt his memories.  There is no doubt that understanding from where I come is equivalently as important for my ability to function in the present and move forward into the future.

Similarly, Jesus knew He did not come of His own accord, but was sent by His Father.  Even though He willing submitted to His Father's will, the plan originated with the Father.  (John 3:16-17)  As a result, Jesus was secure in His origin and free to boldly follow His Father's plan.

I, too, have an origin as a child of God.  Jesus said that I did not choose Him, but He chose me.  (John 15:16)  Furthermore, when I realize that I've been created to do good works that God prepared in advance for me to do, then I more fully understand my purpose.  (Ephesians 2:10)

Consequently, when I am tempted to go after success, I can remember that I am put in my position for a reason and must keep in touch with the Writer of my story in order to know the purpose for my placement.  When I am similarly floundering in a sea of confusion, feeling like I'm spinning my wheels and that my days are insignificant and devoid of meaning, I can remember the purpose for which I've been created.  When I find myself going after the things that make me feel fulfilled and important, I can remind myself from Whom I came and seek His will instead.

Before I can serve others with true humility, I must realize I've been chosen by God for His purposes.


"I believe this is all there is, and quite frankly, I'm okay with that."  It was hard to hear the words my new friend was saying, but she seemed quite sincere.  As I got to know this professed atheist, however, I began to notice a spirit of unrest and bitterness.  Her initial proclamation of being at peace with her final destination did not seem to pan out in the way she lived her life.  

Knowing where I am headed is vital to my sense of security in this life.  In the same way that Jesus knew His time here was limited and that He would soon return to His Father in heaven, I can take comfort in knowing I have a similar final destination.  Before He went back to join His Father, Jesus said, "My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?" (John 14:2)

Possessing this wonderful knowledge of my eternal resting-place gives me a hope I would otherwise not enjoy.  Once I get this, I will be secure enough to serve others with passion, knowing that this life is not all there is.  

If I think I must get everything I can now because I don't have anything to look forward to, then I'd be tempted to focus only on myself.  Since I have a great treasure awaiting me in eternity, however, I can spend this life serving others in humility.  My reward will not be experienced here, but in heaven.

Before I can serve others with true humility, I must realize my eternal destination and place my hope there instead of here.

Power in this world results in the elevation of those who wield the influence.  In God's Kingdom, however, great power is given so that I can humble myself to the point of servanthood, like my Lord Jesus demonstrated while here on earth.  (Philippians 2:5-11)  When I realize the authority I've been granted, my origin and destination, I can more easily step into a humble role that minimizes my importance but beautifully glorifies God's.  In this way, His power is manifested in my life.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can remember from where I came and where I am going.

When do I forget I have a purpose and begin to follow my own dreams instead?

How does knowing that I'm chosen by God change my attitude?  

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