The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, October 11, 2013


"You shall not make for yourself an image
in the form of anything in heaven above
or on the earth beneath
or in the waters below.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them;
for I, the LORD your God,
am a jealous God,
punishing the children for the sin of the parents
to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
but showing love to a thousand generations of those 
who love me and keep my commandments."
Exodus 20:4-6

She talked about praying to her ancestors.  In her home, the family set up an altar where they could practice the rituals of their religion and worship both Buddha and their ancestral spirits.  Our exchange student said that most families in Japan possess a similar altar, so much so that the creation of altars that fit into a family's unique decor has become big business.

Idol worship is popular in many Asian countries where numerous gods are venerated.  While I think I'm exempt from this commandment because I don't bow down to any carved images, I do revere much that is merely a part of creation.


I want to do my part to save Mother Earth.
I only buy organic foods and will never consume anything processed.
We all have a responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint.
I feel whole when I'm out in nature.
When I look up at the night sky, I feel big because my atoms came from those stars.

These are all things I recently read or overheard someone say.  They all reveal a level of nature worship, whether it be simply loving nature a little more than is healthy, or revering it to the point of seeing it as our source of life.  Either way, I must be careful not to fall into the same trap.  While I enjoy nature and living things, my devotion and respect for it can become an end in itself.  In other words, my love for the created can easily overshadow my adoration for the Creator.

When I start to prefer going on a hike in order to regain my sense of balance or feeling of well-being, I might need to examine my motivation and make sure I'm not expecting nature to do what God is meant to do.

When my desire to save the earth becomes more important than God's commandment to share the story of salvation with the lost, I might need to take a look at my priorities.

When my enjoyment of creation no longer turns my attention toward the Creator, I might need to perform a heart-check to see where my devotion lies.

There is nothing wrong with buying organic, reducing my carbon footprint or enjoying nature, but if these pursuits take up more time and attention than I give to God, I have an idol problem.  If I put more faith in nature than in God to give me what I need, I have an idol problem.

Nature can easily become an idol which I revere more than I realize.


We live in a scientific age.  We are proud of the advances that have been made in technology, physics and medicine.  There is nothing that cannot be explained with science.  

I have always loved science, but there are limits to its power. While I can use it to explain how God's creation functions, I must be careful not to turn to it for answers before I go to God.  As the One who made all things, only He knows the ins and outs of all of His creation.  (Psalm 139)

As an example, the first thing I am prone to do when facing a health issue is to call the doctor or consult a medical reference.  What if I instead did as James suggested and asked for prayers from those who trust God as the Great Physician?  (James 5:14-16)

As more evidence that I sometimes worship science, how often do I try to explain away the impossible like when our microwave started working again after a period of disrepair?  Or when our dog's airway suddenly opened after a prayer of desperation when he collapsed while choking on a piece of rawhide?  Or when my friend miraculously was delivered from multiple sclerosis?

When I go to science for an explanation, answer or help without first turning to God for understanding and support, I am venerating science, elevating it to a position of god.

Science can easily become an idol which I revere more than I realize.


Every waking moment that was not devoted to completing necessary tasks was spent improving my condition.  My attention was constantly focused on increasing my knowledge about the sport.  When I wasn't training or learning, I was strategizing ways to enhance my workouts.  There was no doubt that bodybuilding was an obsession for me.

Recreation, sport and exercise can be healthy and beneficial, but when it becomes such a passion, I better stop and take stock.  There is also a risk that I become caught up in other activities such as dating, crafting or gardening to such a point of fixation that it dominates my thoughts and spare time.  

If I look to an activity to relieve stress in my life yet never release my heavy burden into the hands of the One who is meant to carry my load, I may consider that I have elevated the recreation to the place of an idol.

If I focus more on a hobby than I do on God's Word, desiring to learn more about it but rarely wanting the same when it comes to the Lord, I may consider that I have elevated the hobby to the place of an idol.

If I prefer investing my time in the sport, choosing it above worshiping God, then I may consider that I have elevated sport to the place of an idol.

Anything or anyone can become an idol.  Since God made a point to specify that I am to resist worshiping anything other than Him, I would be wise to take careful stock of my life on a regular basis.  My heart can quickly be stolen away by nature, science and sport, among other things.  Therefore, I had best make it my goal to keep the Lord at the center of my life.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can be sensitive to how my heart can lead me astray.

When have I been caught up with an obsession?

How can I keep things and people in their proper place? 

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