"Now go,
for I am sending you to Pharaoh.
You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt."
Exodus 3:10 NLT
"There's an app for that."
Remember Apple's popular catchphrase that set the world on fire? They were promoting their iPhone in 2009 when this memorable advertising campaign first hit the airwaves. The idea was that any need or issue a user had could be solved or fulfilled with one of their nifty software applications.
While a computer company is stretching it a bit in making the claim that they can answer any question or satisfy any thirst, but God can easily declare that truth. No matter what He calls me to, He always has a comeback for any excuse I can make.
Identity Crisis
"Who am I?" Moses asked. "I'm not cut out for a job like this! I'm not a leader! I can't do what you're asking!" (paraphrased from Exodus 3:11)
Can you relate? When God gently introduces an idea into my mind, I often balk at the very thought. I try to picture myself doing what He has suggested and I just can't see it. Instead, I remember all the times I've failed in the past or I think of all the people who would be better suited or I rely on my own lenses through which to see myself.
God, however, calls me not because I am well-suited or completely prepared. He knows perfectly well that I can't do what He has asked of me. What He wants to know is if I know it. He wants me to get to the point where I say to Him, "I know I am completely unable to accomplish this task, but I know who You are, and I have complete faith that You can achieve this mission through me. I trust You enough to accept this calling."
The answer to the question "Who am I?" is this: "I am a sinner saved by grace so even though I can't, I choose to believe that God can."
Knowledge Deficit
"I don't know enough about You and Your ways. What if the people ask a question I can't answer?" (paraphrased from v 11-12) It seems Moses was picturing himself standing before the people of Israel, telling them of God's plan when all they could do is protest. He could hear the voices of dissent, asking him all sorts of questions to which he had no answers.
I can relate. It seems I often use this excuse to reject God's calling on my life. Teach Sunday School? Lead a Bible study? Write a blog? I don't have all the answers. In fact, I don't know much at all. What if I fail?
What I must always remember is that God can't fail! If I take a look at Isaiah 55:10-11, I am reassured that God always accomplishes what He wants to with His Word. It never returns empty but always produces fruit. Therefore, if I am faithful to read His Word, use it to encourage, apply it and talk about it wherever I go, God will make sure it brings forth a harvest.
The answer to the question, "What if I fail?" is this: "I may not know enough, but my success or failure is not dependent upon my readiness but on God's faithfulness."
Credibility Issues
"What if they don't believe me? What if they think I'm making the whole thing up? What if I turn to go and no one follows?" (Exodus 4:1-9)
As one who has worked with youth, I can truly relate to this fear. There are many times when I am speaking and it seems no one is listening. Or I am searching for an attentive countenance among a sea of deadpan looks or faces that are clearly saying, I don't care. When is this gonna be over so I can get on with my life?
Teenagers can be a tough crowd, but what I have to remember is this: If God calls me to deliver a certain message, I can be confident that His power will draw those people who need to hear what I have to say.
So when I'm afraid to talk to my coworker because we have never really gotten along, I can remember that the favor of the Lord will be upon me and will incline her heart toward the message she needs so desperately. Or when I fear rejection as I answer God's call to reach out to the homeless, I can be sure that He'll open the ears of those who were meant to hear. Or when I answer His summons to enter into prison ministry but I'm afraid no one will listen to me because I come from a different background, I can walk forward in confidence knowing that the favor of the One who is in me will make the words I say strike a chord with someone.
The answer to the question,"What if no one listens?" is this: The power of God will prepare the hearts of those who need the message.
Matters of Insecurity
"Okay, let's get real. You know full well that I've never been good at speaking. I can hear what You're saying, but if I try to do what You are proposing, the words will never get out. My tongue will get tied and I'll end up looking like a fool as I stand there with my mouth open." (paraphrased from Exodus 4:10-12)
Everyone has insecurities and Moses was no exception. He was like most humans and held a deep fear of speaking in public. In fact, it sounds like he suffered from some kind of speech impediment. The task God had asked Him to accomplish was probably a manifestation of his worst nightmare come true.
Many times God does call us to face our deepest fears. He doesn't want us to hold anything back from Him and often He helps us get over these insecurities by calling us on the very thing we dread the most.
It could be I say I would never go somewhere that had creepy crawlies but then He calls me to the mission field of a remote, underdeveloped country that is known for its wide array of insects. Or maybe I think I could never get over my fear of heights. Then I am suddenly offered a job on the top floor of a skyscraper and given an office covered in windows. Or I may tell myself I could never in a million years get over the panic that seizes my heart at the thought of living alone. Before I know it, I find God placing me in a solitary existence.
There is nothing that is impossible with God. Therefore, the only thing holding me back is my own doubt in what God can do with His own creation.
The answer to the excuse, "I'm afraid," is this: All responsibility for accomplishing the task before me lies in the hands of God.
Whatever I can dish out, God can take it. When I forget who I am, He reminds me it is not my identity I must focus on, but His. When I think success or failure depends on me, He reminds me it is a question of His faithfulness and it is impossible for Him to fail. When I'm afraid no one will listen, He reminds me it is His job to open the hearts of those who need to hear. And when I doubt that I can do what God has called me to, He reminds me that all responsibility lies on His shoulders. No matter what my excuse, God has an app for that!
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to take Him at His word.
When do I falsely think the success of a mission lies in my hands?
How am I forgetting the power of God in the way I respond to His calling on my life?
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