The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Who is Jesus?

"Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem.
It was winter,
and Jesus was in the temple courts
walking in Solomon's Colonnade.
The Jews who were there gathered around him,
saying, 'How long will you keep us in suspense?
If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.'
Jesus answered, 'I did tell you, but you do not believe.
The works I do in my Father's name testify about me,
but you do not believe because you are not by sheep.
My sheep listen to my voice;
I know them, and they follow me.'"
John 10:22-27

"The wisest man who ever lived."
"A good, caring, compassionate human."
"A teacher whose lessons still apply even today."
"My friend in Puerto Rico."
"A white guy with a beard."
"A story made up by someone."
"A man with good morals and beliefs and possibly some special gifts."
"A kind of Ghandi-type guy."
"My Lord and Savior."

These are some of the responses of people walking the streets of New York City who were asked, "Who is Jesus?"  Most people agree there is something special about Him, but only those who follow Jesus Christ truly know His identity.  

Rightful Shepherd

In this age of technology, modern-day man has more access than ever before to information.  There are many voices calling out, claiming outrageous declarations of salvation, healing and fulfillment if only I would follow them.  I hear how I can have it all, reach the highest goal, and find true happiness; all by doing what they say.  The messages are alluring and appealing to my sin nature.  I'm easily enticed by their self-centered tilt.  Soon, I'm following someone I don't even know because I like what I hear and want to believe it to be true.

Jesus, however, is the only One who belongs at the head of my life, leading me through the labyrinth of trials I routinely encounter.  He is my rightful Shepherd. (John 10:1-6) While many may claim to have a better way, Jesus is the only Way for me to get to the Father and the sole source of a deep and meaningful life.  (John 14:6, John 10:10)

When Jesus leads me down the dark path of the unknown, then, I need not fear because He is with me.  Just as a shepherd brings his wayward animals back in line and defends them against harm with his rod, or calms his nervous sheep, drawing them close to himself with the touch of his staff, so Jesus protects and comforts me during these times. (Psalm 23:4)

During the desert times, when I cease to feel His comforting presence, I can go forward in faith as I recall and cling to the truth He has been faithful to teach to me.  When all seems lost and I don't know if I can carry on, I can listen to His still, quiet voice as He brings comfort to my heart.

Jesus Christ is my rightful Shepherd and His is the only Voice to which I need listen.


One of my favorite series of books as a child was the Laura Ingalls Wilder autobiographical Little House set.  In one of these classics, "Little House on the Prairie,"  Laura's father was building their new log cabin on the prairies of Oklahoma.  After the walls and the roof had been completed, they had the frightening experience of a nighttime visit by a pack of wolves who surrounded their house in the eerie moonlight.  While the walls were stout and strong, the only door was a flimsy quilt hanging in an opening in the wall.

Pa stood guard all night, keeping an eye on those predators through the window holes while their trusty dog Jack paced back and forth before the doorway.  Laura was able to sleep soundly because she knew her father and canine companion would keep those wolves at bay.

It is very similar with Jesus.  He is the One who saves me from the certain death my sins deserve as well as provides the only way for me to enter into His everlasting kingdom. (John 10:7-10) In the same way that Laura felt at peace when she knew her "Pa" was acting as the door, so I can rest in the knowledge that Jesus is the Gate for His kingdom sheep pen.  It is only through Him that I will find an eternally abundant life, beginning the moment I enter in.

Jesus Christ is the Gate and I can trust Him as both my Lord and Savior.

Good Shepherd

It is difficult to find someone to take care of my home and animals while I'm away on vacation.  While I can always hire a service or pay a neighbor youth to do the job, I never know if they will pay attention to my detailed instructions.  There is always the fear that they will only do the minimum and not care about the things that are important to me.  I do have a good friend, however, who I always know I can trust.  I know this because I've seen how much she truly cares about me.

It's the same with Jesus.  He loves me enough to lay down His life in order to save me. (John 10:11-18) He cares enough about me that He would leave all the other sheep in order to find me when I go astray. (Matthew 18:12-14)  He is concerned enough about my life that He never ceases His pursuit of me and desires nothing more than for me to find fulfillment within His fold. (John 17:20-26)

Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd who loves enough to give His life as a ransom and to never give up on His sheep.

Jesus is many things to many people, but to those who follow Him, His identity is clear.  He is the One Voice to whom I listen, the only Gate through which I enter, and the Good Shepherd who truly cares.  This is who Jesus is to me.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can remember the true identity of Jesus.

When do I forget He is the only One to whom I should listen?

How do I get sucked into false teachings because they say what I want to hear? 

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