"When I saw him,
I fell at his feet as though dead.
Then he placed his right hand on me and said:
'Do not be afraid.
I am the First and the Last.
I am the Living One;
I was dead,
and now look,
I am alive for ever and ever!
And I hold the keys of death and Hades.'"
The smell of death was in the air. Fear hung heavy as the family cried out in agony. My son, my son. . . .the wail of mourning pierced the air as the reality of their loss hit. He's gone, he's gone, my son is gone. I willed my feet to continue walking, to propel me toward the place where my 7-year-old daughter lay in recovery after surgery to repair a broken elbow. To get there, though, I had to breech a wall of deep privacy; a place where raw emotion lay exposed for all to see. I had to pass by a family who had just lost their child in a sudden, tragic accident.
Death is a scary thing. No one likes to think about the end and what that will mean to those who are left behind. Jesus, however, changed the stigma of death forever when He died and rose again. Now, I need not fear.
Victory Over Death
The red cardinal lay still on the ground beneath the bird feeder. I rushed over to the limp body to see if there was anything that could be done. As I reached down to touch his crimson feathers, his eyes fluttered open and before I knew what was happening, the little guy was gone, recovered from his temporary shock. It was if he had come back to life!
This may be the closest thing I've experienced to seeing the dead come back to life. Those who lived in Jesus' time, however, witnessed His complete death followed by His resurrection. In this way He is the "firstborn over all creation." (Colossians 1:15)
I follow in a similar pattern since I was dead in my sin until I was brought back to life through faith in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:3-5) This life I've been given through faith is an eternal life; death no longer is a reality for me. When this life ends on earth, by eternal life will begin. This is one part of the victory I have in Christ over death.
The other piece, though, is the life I have been given while here in the world. I once was a slave to sin and lived to please my natural self. I did what I wanted to do, walking on the wide road that led to destruction. (Matthew 7:13-14) I am now dead to sin so it is possible for me to live for God in Christ. (Romans 6:8-12)
In the same way that Christ was dead but now He is forever alive, so I was dead but have the hope of sharing in eternal life with Him.
Eternally Alive
Every Fall I witness death all over my garden. The tomato plants wither and shrivel up, the vines dry out while the elephant ears bow low to the ground until they add to the richness of the soil. The once vibrant hydrangea turns to bare branches and the fiery red maple tree becomes a skeleton. I am used to seeing death in this world for nothing here lasts forever.
In contrast, Jesus experienced death that did not persist. On the third day, He rose again just like God transformed those dry-bones into living flesh in Ezekiel's time. (Ezekiel 37:1-14) The difference, however, is that Christ's resurrection was a permanent one. He is alive today and will be forever and ever.
In the same way that I have been given new life while here, I can expect the same eternal, permanent life as Jesus possesses. Knowing that this temporary life is not all there is gives me hope. Realizing that my eternal life will be one perfectly prepared for me and rich in purpose and understanding gives me incentive to carry on when I feel despair. (John 14:2)
In the same way that Jesus is alive forever, so I follow suit as I claim the inheritance of eternal life as God's child through faith in Christ.
Authority Over Hell
The fire was white-hot as the artisan held his tool into the furnace. As the glass heated, it become molten and pliable, giving the glass-blower the opportunity to mold the material into a work of art. As it cooled, the piece became hard, transformed from an ugly lump into a beautiful figure.
Looking at the heat inside the oven, I couldn't help but think of the torturous atmosphere of Hell. God in His righteous, just nature stands as Judge over all of mankind. He judges justly and cannot let someone escape the punishment of Hell simply because of His grace. His sense of justice won't allow it. Instead, it is the death of His own Son that atoned for my sin and yours, making it possible for God to extend mercy while His judgement falls on Jesus.
In this way I am justified by the blood of Jesus. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of my sins. (Hebrews 9:22) God cannot, in His nature, let my transgressions go without the payment of a penalty of death. (Romans 6:23) Jesus met that requirement for those who accept God's free gift of salvation. (Colossians 2:13-14, Isaiah 53:5)
Jesus has authority over Hell. Because of Him, I am free from the eternal condemnation my sins deserve. (Romans 8:1)
Death is a part of life. Because of who Jesus is and what He suffered, however, it holds no power over me as His co-heir. (Romans 8:17) Since He is my Salvation, I, too can experience victory over death, expect life eternal and live with freedom from the reality of Hell. Jesus Christ is the Living One and Giver of life to all who believe.
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can embrace the inheritance of Life that is mine in Christ.
How do I fear death even though I have victory over it with Christ?
When do I feel condemned because of my sin, even though I've been freed from it's shackles?
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