The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Soli Deo Gloria

". . .in all things God may be praised
through Jesus Christ.
To him be the glory
and the power
for ever and ever.
 1 Peter 4:11

In years past, the day after Christmas has been a let down.  After working so hard to prepare for Christmas by shopping, decorating, sending out cards, baking, wrapping presents, attending performances, filling stockings, etc., the day after seems anticlimatic.  But this year is different.  This year I didn't do one bit of shopping, and I noticed a difference in my heart.  When we sang the words, "You alone are worthy. . ." on Christmas Eve, it grieved my heart to realize that I had placed many things before Jesus.  In an effort to make Christmas special for my friends and family, I had forsaken the One for which Christmas exists.  In my heart, I had placed these other things on an altar and worshipped them.  Once Christmas was over, and those things were gone, a hole was left leading to a feeling of disappointment.

This year, there is no descent down from the peak reached through the frenzy of preparations.  Instead, I see that today is a day to celebrate!  Jesus has come!  And in His coming, I have hope.  Not just a hope of heaven, but a hope of a life filled with meaning and purpose that is overflowing with the glory of God! The day after is a day in which to rejoice.

Restoration  Before Jesus came, I had no hope of a relationship with a holy God.  In His holiness, He is set apart from all sin and perfectly free from sin.  I am sinful from birth and have no hope of living up to His standards of perfection.  In this way, I cannot enter into His presence as a sinful being.  But while I was still in my sinful state, Jesus came in order for Him to take my punishment so that my relationship with God is restored through faith in Jesus Christ!  The day after Christmas is a day to celebrate because I can experience a personal relationship with the One Who created me and loves me with a love I cannot comprehend!

Emancipation  Before Jesus came, I was bound to sin much as a slave is bound to his master.  The slave has no choice but to do as his master bids.  He can try to rebel, but in the end, the master will get his way.  The master owns the slave, who has no free will of his own.  Rather, his will belongs to that of his master.  This is like me with sin.  Before Jesus came, I had no will of my own, no choice but to do as the sin within me bid.  Thankfully, Jesus has set me free from this burden and now I have the opportunity to walk in the light, living as a child of light!  The day after Christmas is a day to celebrate because I can live as a child of light, free from the burden of sinI am free!

New Creation  Before Jesus came, I lived for myself and my own desires.  This led to an empty existence lacking in purpose and understanding of my worth in God's eyes.  But now I am made new.  All the old ways have passed away and I have been created in Christ to do good works!  Through the power of God's Spirit working within me, I am now capable of doing good, whereas before Christ I was only capable of sin.  The day after Christmas is a day to celebrate because I am made new, living a life of purpose and worth!

I will no longer feel let down after Christmas, because I know that my relationship with my Father in heaven has been restored, I have been emancipated from the bondage of sin in my life, and I am a new creation!  These are all reasons to celebrate all year long, thanks to Jesus, my Lord and Savior! 

As I begin this day, it is my prayer that I can keep this spirit of Christmas in my heart throughout the year.

Where have I placed other things, activities or beliefs above God?

How can I set aside my sinful nature and walk in the light?  What sin is coming between me and God?

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