The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Am I Ready for Christmas?

"You know the generous grace
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Though he was rich,
yet for your sakes he became poor,
so that by his poverty he could make you rich."
2 Corinthians 8:9

"Are you ready for Christmas?"
"No I have a few more gifts to get.  How about you?"
"I haven't even started yet!  I wait until the day before and catch all the sales!"

This is a typical exchange at this time of year.  When most people are asked if they're ready for the big day, they immediately think about whether or not they are done with their shopping.  Gift giving is a big part of Christmas, in fact I would estimate it might make up about 60-80% of the typical American Christmas with the rest of our time, effort and thoughts going to food, decorations and church, because who doesn't love a good candlelight service? 

This year I am challenged with the thought that, if Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ, where is the focus of my heart?   And how does that focal point bring honor to Jesus' sacrifice of lowering Himself to a mere baby in order that I may have the richness of a relationship with my Father and the hope of heaven? 

Grace  Grace can be defined as getting what I don't deserve.  My life, family, friends, home, health, possessions, even my next breath, is not guaranteed or earned.  Instead, it is all a gift from the Creator to me, the created.  He doesn't owe me anything!  But God is rich in grace and gives even though I don't deserve it.  Jesus taught that, " He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." (Matthew 5:45)  God is generous to all, even when we don't think about Him at all throughout the day. Would you give good things to someone who doesn't even give you a moment out of his day?  I wouldn't!  But God does.  And He calls us to extend that same grace to others, even if they don't deserve it.  This Christmas, I can give the gift of grace!

Rich When I think of what it means that Jesus is rich, I automatically think of all the resources, power and legions of angels that are at his disposal, ready to be put into action at a moment's notice.  But He also dwelled with His Father in heaven when He gave that up in order to live the life of a human for 33 years.  He gave up the glory of heaven for me!  Even though He has been returned to His rightful position, it is an unthinkable sacrifice to surrender the richness of His proper place for any period of time.  I have a hard time even yielding my favorite chair in the family room!  If I can adopt Jesus' attitude of surrender, think how it would benefit those around me.  This Christmas, I can give the gift of sacrifice.

Poor  Jesus put Himself in the position to be ridiculed, disrespected and cast aside.  "Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.  Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;  he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being."(Philippians 2:6-7 NLT)  Jesus became poor so I can be rich in the blessing of heaven.   I run from anything that would put me in a position of humiliation, embarrassment or disgrace.  Why is it acceptable for Jesus, but not for me?   This Christmas, I can give the gift of humility.

Let me ask myself the question again.  Am I ready for Christmas?  I need to be ready to extend grace to those who don't deserve it, give up positions I feel entitled to hold, and become humble for the sake of God's great name.  No, I am not ready.  There's a lot of work to be done on my heart in order to be truly prepared for Christmas.

As I begin this day, it is my prayer that I will not just focus on the physical preparations for Christmas, but that I will allow God to prepare my heart.

How am I demeaning the sacrifice Jesus made in coming down into His creation in the way I celebrate Christmas?


  1. this was perfect timing for me today....I've been thinking about this already this morning. Thanks Sis!!!! I need to truly get ready for Christmas!

  2. I'm glad this inspired you. . . it touched me as well. Give hugs to everyone for me!

  3. Although I'm not "ready" for Christmas, this year more than ever it's important to me to dwell on the things you've written about. Thank you for the spiritually contemplative focus you've put on Christmas this year. Merry Christmas to you and your dear family!
