The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bread from Heaven

"Jesus said to them,
'I tell you the truth,
it is not Moses who has given
you the bread from heaven,
but it is my Father who gives
you the true bread from heaven. 
For the bread of God is he who
comes down from heaven
and gives life to the world.' " 
John 6:32-33

Imagine what it must have been like for the Israelites as they wandered in the desert for 40 years.  Each morning, slipping out of their tent, they took a basket and gathered the fine flake-like stuff that fell to the ground each day like dew.  They were instructed to only gather enough for each day, trusting that God would provide for the needs.

Jesus compared himself to this manna and then went on in this passage from John 6 to call himself the Bread of Life.   As Christmas draws near, let's examine how Jesus is the "Bread from Heaven."

Source  When the Israelites first saw the manna, they must have felt amazed and also a little confused at this stuff whose name literally means, "what is it?"  I wonder if they swapped recipes as they tried to figure out how to prepare this new food.  It is the same with Jesus.  He came down from heaven, and even though the coming of the Messiah had been prophesied for years before, many didn't recognize Him when He came.  He was in a form unfamiliar to them and of their expectations of how the Messiah would come.  Jesus told those who did not believe His message that they do not know Him because they do not know the Father.  To recognize Jesus, I must let go of all preconceived notions about who I think He is, and get to know Him personally.  He is sent from heaven to be my Savior!

Life-Giving  Wandering in the desert gave the Israelites quite the appetite.  They began to long for their life back in Egypt where, even though they were slaves, at least they had food to eat!  It was then that God provided the life-giving manna and quail.  Just as food consumed in freedom tastes better than that served in slavery, we now have the Bread of Life, Jesus, who offers liberty from the bondage of sin.  No longer am I bound to do things that come naturally, but I have another way.  Paul instructs us to, ". . .live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." (Galatians 5:16)  Before I met Jesus, I was headed on a path of destruction, having no other option than to follow my own evil desires.  Evil, because anything I think and do naturally runs contrary to God's holy ways.  But when I met Jesus and entered into a relationship with Him, He gave me another option.  I can now surrender my will to Him and let Him work through me, which yields much of His Fruit .  Jesus gives me the hope of eternal life, but also the anticipation of a fruitful life of purpose.

By Faith Even though God instructed the Israelites to only gather what was needed for each day, there were those who tried to store some manna for the next day, just in case God didn't come through.  When they awoke the next morning, however, their stash was covered in maggots and stunk to high heaven!  It took faith to believe that God would provide for their needs each day.  There was nothing the Israelites could do to generate more or less of the food God provided; it was received by faith.  Likewise, we are dead in our sins and powerless to save ourselves from the cycle of sin and it's inevitable consequences. It takes faith to believe that Jesus will clean me up and make me presentable to stand before a holy, perfect God.  When I trust Him, He does just that, and now I can live forever with Him!  Faith in Jesus gives me life.  Not just any life. . . but an abundant life!

Christmas is many things in America.  It is about shopping for gifts to give the ones I love, spending time with family and friends, sharing delicious treats and spreading goodwill.  But this Christmas, I want more.  I want it to be about the One whose birth we celebrate, and how He came from heaven to give life to those who accept His gift of salvation by faith. 

As I begin this day, it is my prayer that I will treasure my Gift from Heaven.

How is my life abundant; overflowing with the good things that God has given me?  Not so much the physical stuff, but what about His love, grace and mercy?  What about seeing His mighty hand at work every day?

Where do I try to hoard blessings He has given me instead of using them all up by spreading them around to those around me?

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