The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Monday, December 15, 2014

With the Enemy

"You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies."
Psalm 23:5a

My idea of a perfect life would mean there was no resistance, no evil, no adversary.  In this ideal world, I'd be able to live as God meant for me to live without anyone to oppose me, tempt me, or trick me.  

While I may fantasize about such a place, it is not a part of reality.  In this world there is an Enemy who is out to steal, kill and destroy, and there is evil which is in direct opposition to God's plan.   As I live in this dark place under the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, these enemies actually serve a purpose in my life.  Even though I'd rather avoid them and wipe them out, God has something else in mind.

Faith.  It's only something I can talk about until it is tested.  I'll never know if it's real until I have to use it.  It stays as an idea in my head until I'm forced to put the concept into practice.  

Faith.  It's worth more than gold in God's economy.  And like gold, it must be purified.  The contaminants must be burned out by fire.  If the faith is real, it will survive the ordeals I'm faced with in life.  If it's not genuine, it will perish (1 Peter 1:6-7).

When I come face to face with an enemy, running into opposition as I go about my life, it's easy to doubt whether what I'm doing is important enough to put up with such difficulty.  I'm may be tempted to give in, letting my convictions go and living as if my choices don't matter.  Or, I can trust God in the plan He has for my life, believing it is good and that He will give me the strength to persevere.  

When I run into obstacles as I walk the path God has marked out for me, I may wonder if I've strayed away from God's will, mistakenly thinking He would only take me on a road that is free from difficulty or that He'd steer me around evil.  In reality, I must trust Him enough to feel comfortable even though there's darkness all around, believing God will protect me.  I'm in a war and must expect opposition, but I am under the protective wing of the Almighty no matter how bad things look.  My faith grows as I take a risk and believe in His ability to shelter me through the attacks.

My faith is tested and grown as I trust Him enough to go about my business in the presence of my enemies.

Reality.  We will be hunted down by those who think they're on God's side.  We'll be labeled as blasphemers, persecuted in many ways.  Our hearts will be grieved as those around us party like there's no tomorrow.  This is our time of grief, but joy will come.  

Jesus warned His disciples of what was to come, what has been experienced since the beginning of the Church and what we now see as 21st Century followers.  He had a purpose for revealing such realities, not just trying to scare us but to teach us of a truth.  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  (John 16:33)

Evil is a reality of living in this dark world that is ruled by a prince whose purpose is opposed to God's.  My battle as I live in such a wicked place is not against those I see, but versus the unseen powers of evil that are swirling around me in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).  They are hatching plans against me, dispatching troops to oppose me, and always thinking of ways to trip me up.  

Even though I face such insidious  and persistent evil, I am ruled by the Overcomer!  The power of Jesus is greater than any darkness I will come up against and He will not fail as my mighty Warrior.  Therefore, I can rest easy, knowing I am fighting on the winning side!

I must realize the reality of life in this world is that I will run into opposition, but He who is with me is greater than any foe I can face (Isaiah 54:17, 1 John 4:4).

Redemptive Power.  There seemed to be no hope.  Attacks were coming from all sides.  It looked like it may be the end.  Yet among the ruins, in the midst of the rubble, a tender shoot grew.  A flower flourished like a spot of beauty among the ashes.

This is a picture of God's redemptive power.  In the middle of attack, while withstanding blows from my enemies, I can gain sustenance, finding good in the midst of such evil.  Even more incredible is how God can transform that which was meant for my destruction, and go beyond merely protecting me from it, but actually using it for my good (Romans 8:28, Genesis 50:20).  In the hands of God, the most vile and dark act designed to be the end of me becomes the best thing that ever happened.

God can take the ugly and make it beautiful.  He can take that which was dead and breathe new life into it.  He is a God who gives strength to the weak, joy to the mourning, and praise in place of gloominess (Isaiah 61:3, Isaiah 40:29).  He is a redeeming God who is never without hope.  He is more than able to take that which the enemy meant for my destruction and use it as a tool of His redemptive power.

Even though it's easy to be intimidated by the opposition I face, nothing is so great that God is not greater still.

While I'd rather live my life free from trouble and foes, God has something else in mind.  He uses the opposition I face to grow my faith as I trust Him through the inevitable attacks, always transforming the outcome into something good.  In these ways, I can rest easy in the midst of my enemies, knowing that God has a plan through it all.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God even though it seems things are hopeless.

When do I dread the darkness instead of trusting the God who is known for showing up at the darkest hour?

How do I despair when opposition comes, failing to recognize God's redemptive power which transforms the bad into something good?

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