The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blessing of Life

"You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows."
Psalm 23:5b

He was a simple shepherd boy, the last-born of eight sons.  He did not have dreams of grandeur but enjoyed tending the sheep and delighting in God's creation, marveling at all He had made.  One day, everything changed. The great priest and prophet of Israel visited his family, asking specifically to see the youngest.  As the oil ran down the sides of his head, the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon the boy who was to be king.  David was chosen by God (1 Samuel 16:1-13).

The Psalms are filled with the outpouring of this man's heart as he expressed his thankfulness and praise to such a God as this.  A God who enters into a young boy's life and changes him forever.  A God who is personal and relational.  A God who loves His image-bearers.

Similarly, God blesses me in many ways I don't deserve.  He does it to fulfill His plan, to further His purpose, to complete His design.  But that's not all.  God loves to bless me more than I can imagine because it makes His heart sing.

Set Apart.  There is a reason I'm here.  I'm not a part of some huge cosmic mistake, popping up by accident and here to serve no purpose.  Instead, I've been created as a masterpiece, set aside for a specific function, to fill a tailor-made role and to complete a particular mission (Ephesians 2:10).  There is no one on earth who can do what I do, who thinks the way I think, and who is put together in the same way as me (Psalm 139:13-16).

As unique as I am, though, I'm not simply here for my own purposes and to live to please myself.  No.  I'm made for God.  He's got this great plan that hatched long before I took my first breathe.  He has something in mind for me to do, a part to play in the great drama of life and a job to do in His Body (1 Corinthians 12:12).  Through faith in Jesus Christ, I am set apart for Him.

God has a certain plan for my life that is designed just for me and will bring glory to Him.

Chosen.  He loves me first so that I know what love is and can let that love flow to others (1 John 4:19).  Comfort comes from the Father of compassion so that I can then comfort others in the same way I've been encouraged and consoled by a merciful God (1 Corinthians 1:3-4).  Likewise, my faith in Christ was initiated by God Himself (John 6:44) and comes as a result of His supernatural work in my heart, showing me my need for a Lord and Savior (John 15:16).

It's easy for me to think I was smart enough to pick the Way of life or that I saw how much I needed Jesus.  The truth is that God is the source of everything good in my life, including the faith I use to trust in Jesus as my Savior (Ephesians 2:8, Hebrews 12:2).  He is the initiator, the catalyst, the spark.  He softened my heart, giving me that hunger for Him so that I could live the life He created me to live.

God chose me for Himself, giving me a sense of contentment as I walk with Him.

Overflow.  God is not a stingy God.  He doesn't withhold, giving only what is necessary for life.  Looking at a field of tulips heralding the arrival of Spring, a brilliant blanket of gold and scarlet, I see His generous heart.  He goes above and beyond what is necessary, giving much more than what is needed.

With such a Father as this, I can expect to be lavished with His love, invited to come to Him at any time with every problem, no matter how small (Hebrews 4:16).  Not only does He listen to my petty complaints, but He gives me all I need and more.  He overflows my cup with grace, love and mercy, giving me the resources to be able to go above and beyond what is expected of me.  I can do more than just survive this difficult life.  I can thrive (John 10:10).

God overflows my life with such goodness that I can't possibly keep it all for myself.

My life is filled with many blessings, signposts of God's amazing love.  I haven't done a thing to deserve such bounty, but He still sets me apart for His holy purposes despite my brokenness, chooses me to join His family as His precious child even though I'm anything but worthy, and overflows my cup of blessings regardless of my stingy, greedy nature.  Through faith in Jesus Christ, I have all these blessings of life, and more.

As I begin this day may I trust such a generous God to give me more than I can ask or imagine.  

When do I run after things, not believing that God has something even better in mind for me?

How am I afraid to accept His blessings, thinking I'll somehow ruin it?      


  1. Amen Cindy. There is so much to learn from a meditation on the sheperd boys life. May God help us to be like David and run to the One who is our refuge.

    1. Yes! We can learn a lot about the heart of God by digging deep into the life of the man who captured God's heart! Good to hear from you, Marty!
