The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Because of Who He is

"I love you, LORD;
you are my strength.
The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me,
and my place of safety.
I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise,
and he saved me from my enemies."
Psalm 18:1-3 NLT

God is worthy to be praised.  It is easy to extol His virtues after a successful rescue mission, or when He protects me from harm, or on the occasion of witnessing a work of His mighty hand.  

If I believe He is so great, however, I can choose to always give Him praise, as if I believe I am already saved, guarded, and delivered, even before I am.  Yes, I can praise Him at all times because of who He is.

Rock.  The door to the barn shifted in the bitter cold Northerly.  As big as it was, rising 15 feet up, it's weight was no match for such a strong wind.  I found some large boulders nearby that would do the job of shoring up the door for the next storm.  Heavy as they were, these rocks would not be moved by any force of nature.

Stones have that reputation.  They are used as paperweights to keep light sheets from blowing off the desk, or can be fashioned into a foundation for a house, or can even stand as a landmark for generations to use to find their way.  A rock is going to stay in place even when mighty trees could be uprooted by strong gusts or heavy rains.

God is this rock.  He's unmovable.  He doesn't change (James 1:17).  He isn't susceptible to suggestion (Isaiah 40:13).  God is solid and dependable (Numbers 23:19).  For this reason, I can take refuge in Him.  Despite what is going on around me, I can always find Him right where I left Him.  I can believe He is there even if I don't sense His presence because He is my solid, unwavering rock.

When everything is swirling around me and I don't know which way is up, I can stand on this firm foundation, gaining my bearings once again.  When I begin to sink down into the pit of despair, feeling hopeless and discouraged, I can step up onto this solid pillar of strength, finding firm footing again.  When I'm confused and unsure, like I'm wandering through a wilderness of uncertainty, I can look for Him as a beacon of guidance, knowing I will find Him in His steadfastness.

I can praise God because He is my solid Rock.

Fortress.  The wind was relentless up on top of the mountain.  While the view was gorgeous, all of Puget Sound laid out before me, the bitter cold was made worse by the gusts blowing right through my clothes.  I made my way to the stone tower, hoping to find some shelter.  As soon as I stepped inside the solid structure, I was surprised how much warmer it felt.  I had found a fortress against the storm.

Life is like a storm, relentlessly pounding against me, wearing me down.  In such an environment, I need shelter.  I need a fortress that will protect me from harm.  I need a refuge where I will be safe.

God is that fortress.  No matter what happens in this world, I can find security in Him.  His solid nature can guard my mind from confusion, providing a refuge from the tantalizing lies I am tempted to adopt as truth.  His protecting Spirit keeps me from bearing too strong a temptation, giving me a way out in His mercy (1 Corinthians 10:13).

I can praise God because He is my Fortress.

Deliverer.  When I went through Lifeguard training, one of the important skills I learned was how to escape from an aggressive victim.  Those who are trying to save themselves, thrashing around in desperation, make for a dangerous rescue because they can take the rescuer down with them.  For this reason, a lifeguard prefers to help someone who knows their need for help and has surrendered to the lifesaver's efforts.   

It's the same with me and Jesus.  I am unable to help myself, but that doesn't always stop me from trying.  Before I can be saved, however, I must realize my need for a Savior.  If I don't think I'm in jeopardy or danger, or believe that I can somehow save myself, I won't see my need to be delivered nor will I make a good candidate for saving.  It is necessary for me to feel the weight of my sin in order to truly appreciate what Jesus did for me on the cross, but it's also important that I fully give into His rescue plan, trusting fully in Him as my Deliverer.

Sometimes I think I'm partially responsible for my own deliverance, like I can play some kind of role in my own rescue.  In reality, God is the only One who is able to deliver me from the punishment of my own sins.  After all, I am unable to meet His perfect standard as is required to enter into His holy presence (Romans 3:23).  I need the blood of Jesus to save me from the wrath of God my sins have brought down upon myself (Romans 6:23).  Trying to take part in my own salvation is even more ridiculous than me thinking I can save myself when I'm drowning.

Other times I feel guilty for letting Him bear such a load so I attempt to take some of the burden back until I cry, "I can't take this anymore!"  I can even get the idea that I can help myself this time, thinking that I'll let God handle the next crisis, until I buckle under the pressure of trying to be my own savior.

I can praise God because He is my Deliverer.

I don't have to wait until God comes through.  Instead, I can praise Him now for what He is always doing on my behalf, honoring Him as my Rock, my Fortress and my Deliverer.  I can always worship Him for who He is, not just what He's done.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can praise God in the midst of the storm, giving Him accolades for who He is.

When do I withhold praise until things turn out the way I want?

How am I guilty of only worshiping God for what He has done for me instead of admiring His character and attributes?          

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