The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Dynamic God

"In my distress I called to the LORD;
I cried to my God for help.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came before him, into his ears.
The earth trembled and quaked,
and the foundations of the mountains shook . . .
He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
he drew me out of deep waters.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy. . ."
Psalm 18:6,7a,16,17

There is no deeper longing in the human heart than to be heard.  Arguments often times are generated by each side desperately trying to make their case known while neither seeks to understand.  I often search for a listening ear, a compassionate shoulder on which to cry, someone who cares.  Meanwhile, marriages crumble, relationships collapse and the heart is estranged.  Does anyone hear?

God is not far-removed and disconnected from His image-bearers, stuck in one place and hopelessly one-dimensional.  He is intertwined and intimately involved in our lives, complex and dynamic.  He desires relationship as much as I do, yet He is perfectly equipped to maintain such a bond.  He always hears, never fails to understand my heart's cry, and responds in a way that will bring goodness and blessing into my dry and broken spirit.  He is the One I've been searching for all this time.  He is the One who can fill this deepest need.

Receives.  He is a holy God.  He is on the throne in heaven on high.    He must be far too busy and way too hallowed to listen to lowly me, or so I think.  In reality, I was made to live in relationship with Him.  I was not meant to go it alone, bear my own burdens and solve every problem I face.  He wants me to come to Him as a daughter approaches a loving Father who desires nothing more than to care for His child (Matthew 6:32-33, Hebrews 4:16).

Our God, the Maker of heaven and earth, is not an aloof God who is consumed with power and stingy with His gifts.  No.  Through faith in Jesus Christ, He is welcoming and approachable.  He listens to my desperate cries for help.  My petitions never fall on deaf ears, but always reach His consciousness where He is grieved for me.  My sufferings move the heart of God.

God always hears my prayers.

Responds.  It is good to know that I am heard and fully understood.  My heart longs for such love, and I have it through Christ.  Even more astounding than such a powerful God being attentive to my cries, however, is a mighty God who actually does something in response.

My Father doesn't just hear me, but my voice moves Him to action.  When I am wronged He burns with anger.  When my heart hurts He is grieved as a Father who wants nothing more than to take His child's pain away.  When I am in distress He leads me to a place of safety (Psalm 18:16-19).

God is always at work on my behalf.  He doesn't just leave me to my own devices, but constantly meddles in my life, giving me more than I could ever have on my own.  Sometimes this kind of attentiveness hurts as He molds me into the shape of His Son.  Other times it makes my heart sing as I see His love in action.  Still, I can trust in Him always, knowing He is on the job and will never let me down.

God responds to my prayers.

Reflects.  God hears me always, then responds in ways only He can.  But there is more.  The Lord is a God of order, of government, of symmetry.  He is not a random God, but One who cannot be mocked.  Therefore, I can expect to reap what I sow, to receive what I give (Galatians 6:8).  In other words, God reflects back to me what I think of Him and the way I live my life.

It reminds me of a parable I once heard of a wise man posted at the gates of a great city.  A traveler approached and asked the elder, "What kind of people live in this place?"  
The man replied with a question of his own, "What were the people like from where you came?"
"Oh, they were nasty and cruel, always looking to make a buck."
"Then that is what you will find here as well."  
The newcomer went on his way and entered the city.
Soon, another weary traveler approached the sage.
"Tell me, sir, what kind of people live in this place?"
He countered again by asking how the people were in the place from which he came.
"Oh, they were wonderful!  Kind and thoughtful, generous and caring."
"Then you will find the same here."
The moral is that I find what I seek and my perception is colored by my expectations as well as my own attitude.

This is similar with God.  He does not change, but it is I who determines the side of Him I will see.  If I'm faithful, trusting in Him as my only hope, I will see Him as faithful.  If I live with integrity, He is to me a God who cares about how I live.  If, however, I live to please myself, not caring if I deviate from His best for me, He will appear as my antagonist.  I will soon grow angry at Him, wondering why His hand always seems against me, while in truth, it is I who is contrary to Him (Psalm 18:25-28).

Therefore, I have a responsibility to constantly check my attitude, to ask God to show me where I'm off, to test my own motives (Psalm 139:23-24).  The minute I sense a change in the way I view God, it is necessary that I stop and take inventory of my heart.  How am I doubting Him?  Where am I becoming lax, thinking sin is not a big deal and giving myself a pass?  How am I sowing seeds of the flesh?

God reflects my own attitude back toward me.

Thankfully, God is nearby, intimate and approachable, not stagnate, dead or unresponsive.  As such, I can trust Him to always hear my cries, to respond in a way that is best for me, and to reflect what I give to Him.  Yes, let me relate to Him as the living, responsive and dynamic God He is!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to spill my heart out to Him, no matter how ugly it may seem.

How do I expect less from God than what He is able to give?

When do I think God does not hear me, turning bitter and angry in response?

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