The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Thursday, December 4, 2014

God's Perfect Law

"The Law of the LORD is perfect,
refreshing the soul."
Psalm 19:7a

Jesus came to set me free from the necessity of following the law.  God's law cannot save me.  Doing what He says does not earn me entry into heaven nor does it make me righteous and holy.  So what's the purpose of the law now that I am under the grace of the new covenant (Romans 7:4-6)?  Do I just throw it out?  Or is there still a purpose for all of God's Word?

Revives.  It's easy to walk through life in a daze, numb to the realities of God and His standard.  Even though I have the benefit of His Spirit living in me, I have the choice to listen, to heed, to respond (Galatians 5:17-18).  

It helps to have the added safeguard of God's living and active Word awakening me to truth (Hebrews 4:12).  When I run up against these walls built for my protection, I realize how faulty my line of thinking is, or how treacherous is the sin within my flesh, or how quickly I fall.

I need God's Word to revive me from my numbness.

Enlightens.  If I try to live my life apart from God's Word, thinking I get enough instruction, understanding and revelation directly from Him, I am in danger.  While it's true that I am one of His sheep who knows His voice, there is also an Enemy who is quite adept at mimicking His distinctive sound (John 10:27).

This enemy makes it his life's work to undermine what God is doing in my life, steal away the peace I have in Christ, and throw falsehoods disguised as truth into my consciousness (John 10:10a).  Without the leveling of God's Word, I start down a slippery slope that leads to destruction.  Before I know what is happening, I believe God's utmost desire is for me to be happy, that His greatest blessings are material, and that since my sins are forgiven, I need not worry too much about turning away from that which comes so naturally.

I need God's Word to enlighten me, to show me where I'm off, to get me back on track (Psalm 19:8).  I need God's Word to provide the foundation of my faith.  I need God's Word to help me discern His voice because He will never contradict His own Word.

I need God's Word to enlighten me as I live in a world that does not know the truth, in a body that leans towards darkness, with an enemy who is bent on my destruction.

Holds Value.  The latest technological gadgets.  Nifty kitchen appliances.  Fun entertainment options.  Amazing advances in automobiles.  Glittery bangles.  There is much in this life that I treasure.  It's way too easy to get caught up in treasuring that which will one day rust, break or be stolen, lost or ruined.  This stuff catches my eye and captures my heart in ways I cannot explain.

As a result, I must guard against valuing the very thing that will draw me away from Christ.  While there's nothing wrong with owning "stuff," it must never own me.  In other words, I must always be ready to give it away, as if it weren't that important.  When it becomes so vital that I feel I can't live without it, I'd better sit up and take notice.  Whatever I treasure determines the location of my heart (Matthew 6:21).

What if I chose God's Word as my greatest prize, my most valuable possession, my sign of wealth (Psalm 19:10)?  Solomon advised that I, "choose (wisdom's) instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold," and the Psalmist said, "The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold." (Proverbs 8:10, Psalm 119:72)

I need God's Word because it is the most valuable thing in my possession.

While it's true that the law of God doesn't save me, it is still necessary.  God's Word revives and enlightens me and hold's value for me as His child.  Therefore, I must never toss out God's perfect law!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can treasure God's Word in my heart so that I may not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).

When do I forget that Truth is for my protection (Ephesians 6:14)?

How am I guilty of treasuring that which will not last?    


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