The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Profile of my Enemy

"Be alert and of sober mind.
Your enemy the devil prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
1 Peter 5:8

A curious thing happened at the beginning of America's Civil War.  The battle of Bull Run, an horrific beginning to what would become a long, drawn out war, had picnicking spectators who came out to see the action.  Unaware of the horrors of war and sure of the Union soldiers' ability to quickly and painlessly squelch this rebellion, these ignorant people thought they were about to watch a show.  This naive notion was soon corrected, however, when the sightseers became a part of a hasty retreat by the overwhelmed Union soldiers.

It is similar to my life as a believer in Jesus Christ.  It may seem like my life should be carefree and untroubled.  Like these foolish battle spectators,however, I am deceiving myself.  In reality, I am in the middle of a battle and my enemy is the Devil.  He is no less real than the nose on my face and while it is foolish to give him too much attention and thus power, it is vital to my walk with Christ to know him and his tactics.

Sun Tzu was a Chinese general who wrote an exhaustive book on military strategy called, The Art of War.  In it he advises that "If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles."  Possessing a basic knowledge of what makes my enemy tick, then, will help me recognize his many tactics and avoid doing battle with him.

Vigilant.  It could be said that Satan is an expert in human behavior.  After all, he spends a lot of time observing us and our ways (Job 1:7).  As a result, he knows what makes us tick and understands our weaknesses, using this knowledge to his advantage.  

Keeping this in mind, I must be aware of where I am weak.  Where are the chinks in my armor?  How am I most vulnerable?  Realizing that I'm susceptible to attack in the area of my self-worth will help me recognize Satan's ploys when thoughts of inferiority and lack of confidence plague my heart.  Simply speaking the truth, reminding Satan (along with myself) of what God tells me about myself in His Word puts me on the offensive as I use the Sword of Truth to render my enemy helpless.  (Ephesians 6:17)

In addition, if I know that I am especially at risk when I am physically weak, like when tired, hungry or sick, I must be extra-vigilant during those times.  These are the times when I can expect some kind of scheme of Satan to be put into action.  Therefore, I must think of myself as a soldier, staying constantly aware of my surroundings, expecting attack and being ready to fight using prayer and scripture.

Knowing that Satan is ever-vigilant will help me to stay alert of his schemes.

Mission-oriented.  Satan's sole mission is to steal, kill and destroy.  (John 10:10)  This means he is out to steal my joy, kill my faith and destroy my peace.  Therefore, I cannot let down my guard, giving him a foothold in my life.  When I welcome sin into my life, tolerating it as a necessary evil, I am opening the door for the devil and giving him permission to work in my life.  (Ephesians 4:20-27)  When I choose to turn away from my old ways, walking in the power of God's indwelling Spirit, then I am less vulnerable to my enemy's attacks.

Satan never sleeps, takes a break from scheming against me nor lets up on his mission.  Therefore, once I realize the persistent nature of Satan's mindset and his willingness to use whatever means necessary to bring me down, I will better be able to stand firm in the Lord.

So, when it seems my family has suddenly turned against me, fighting me at every turn I must consider that Satan may be using those closest to me, attempting to divide and conquer, a favorite tactic of my enemy.  It then becomes vital to come together and pray and commit to a regular time of group Bible study to take back any ground Satan has overcome in my life.

When the peace has left my heart, replaced by anxiety, I can be sure that my enemy has introduced those worries he's sure will weaken my faith.  It then becomes even more important to keep my eyes on the Author and Perfecter of my faith, giving Him thanks in every circumstance  (Hebrews 12:1-2, Philippians 4:6-7).

Even when it seems I can't catch a break, experiencing an avalanche of heartache and trouble, I can recognize Satan's hand but choose to turn my attention to the Giver of good gifts who is truly in control and is able to use even the most horrific experience for His glory and my good (James 1:17, Romans 8:28).

Knowing that Satan has a mission to steal, kill and destroy empowers me to stand firm.

Limited.  Satan is a created being and therefore is limited in his scope and power.  He really can only wield power when I let him.  When I yield to God's work in my life, resisting Satan and his minion's attempts to usurp the Lord's authority, my enemy can been defeated. (James 4:7)  In fact, it is quite effective to remind Satan of his ultimate destination and that he will soon be crushed (Romans 16:20).

When I buy into what Satan is selling, falling into his trap, I am empowering him to succeed in tripping me up.  It is vital, then, that I know the truth well, immersing myself in God's Word so that when a lie is presented I will easily recognize it as deception.  If I only rely on what I hear from others and what I assume to be true, I will easily be duped.  Since my enemy is the Father of lies, I can be sure anything that comes from him is contrary to the truth (John 8:44).

I also must keep in mind that I have a much more powerful force within me, enabling me to walk on the path of life (1 John 4:4).  Any scheme Satan employs can only succeed with my cooperation.  Therefore, if I realize the power I have to resist, I can wield such weapons liberally, rendering my enemy as powerless.

Knowing that Satan's powers are limited gives me courage to resist his schemes.

As I endeavor to follow Christ in all my ways, submitting to his authority in every part of my life, I must realize I have an enemy who desires to get me off-track.  In order to engage this enemy, then, it is important that I understand his ways, realizing his vigilance, mission and limited scope.  When I do, I can avoid many battles and instead walk in peace with the One who came to deliver the abundant life.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can remember my enemy's mission.

When do I live as oblivious to Satan's constant attacks?

How often do I fall into his traps, failing to realize I'm on his hit-list?            

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