The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

One Desire

"Then I realized that my heart was bitter,
and I was all torn up inside.
I was so foolish and ignorant--
I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.
Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
I desire you more than anything on earth.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever."

I look at those who are lost, who are following their own way and it seems they have it so good.  Riches.  Success.  Adventure.  Lives of leisure.  It's easy for me to wonder why I stay on the narrow path, struggling through life.  I have none of the above as far as I can see.  God always provides what I need but there is never an abundance of money.  I wonder why my business endeavors don't flourish like what I see in the world.  My life is filled with all kinds of challenges and there is always so much work to be done.  It's natural to think that following Jesus is not all it's cracked up to be.

Then I notice what's going on in the Body of Christ.  Some are facing cancer.  Others bankruptcy and foreclosures.  A few endure the end of their marriages.  The atmosphere is rife with suffering.  What is the benefit of following Jesus?  Is this the abundant life He came to deliver?

In the same way the psalmist came to his senses, I must change my perspective and stop looking at this life through the lens of the world.  When I focus my attention on my greatest Treasure, my One True Desire, the Lord reminds me of the true riches I have in this life.

Security.  I remember watching a popular morning talk show where the host would often talk about a childhood memory of his mom fretting that they would end up in the poor house.  The man shared of his resulting worry that his family was always on the edge of losing their home and that the slightest sign of trouble would send them into oblivion, never to be together or happy again.

Children have a strong need to feel secure in their position, knowing that when they wake up tomorrow, their parents will still be there, taking care of their needs.  The same is true for me as God's precious child.  If I'm always worried that He might kick me to the curb, rejecting me from His kingdom, I will live with that nagging fear coloring my every waking moment (1 John 4:18

Thankfully, the blood of Jesus has made my place in the family of God secure.  As a result of what Jesus has done for me in dying on the cross, there is nothing I can do, or experience, or fail to do, that will make God stop loving me! (Romans 8:38-39

He is the perfect Father who will never grow tired of waiting for me to learn His lessons, or become impatient with my fears, or get sick of my wayward ways (Isaiah 40:28). His love constantly draws me toward Him and He is never repelled by the darkness of my heart.  Instead of being repulsed by my sinful state, Jesus' sacrifice makes it possible for my Father of compassion to go toward the suffering, comforting me like no one else can (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

Even though it seems like those on the wide path of destruction live free from hardship, I have the advantage of security in God's kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ.  

Direction.  One of the most confusing times in life can be high school graduation.  What do you want to do with your life?  Where will you go now?  How will you use what you've learned to make something with your life?  It's easy to feel overwhelmed and confused.

Many times, I make poor decisions in order to avoid sitting stagnate, not moving forward when I get the feeling I should be driving on.  Unfortunately, the One who holds the blueprint for each life is often ignored (Jeremiah 29:11-13). If I were to consult the Lord, asking Him for wisdom in each situation I face, He would never disappoint (James 1:5-8).

As a follower of Christ, I have the benefit of a Good Shepherd who is always at work, guiding me with His wise counsel (Psalm 23:1-3).  While those in the world are forced to try to figure life out on their own, I can let the One who knit me together and recorded all my days in a book lead me where He means for me to go (Psalm 139:13-16).  I must never fail to realize such a benefit!

Even though it seems like those on the wide path of destruction have it made, I have the advantage of divine direction through faith in Jesus Christ.

Future.  The stock market crashed.  A man was the sole survivor in an accidnet that took his family from him.  The hurricane wiped out an entire community.  These are the times when people fall into despair, wondering what kind of hope they have in the face of such destruction.  

If this life was all there was, I would feel just as despondent, especially when going through hard times.  As a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ, however, I have so much to look forward to!  Not only is Jesus preparing a special place specifically for me in my Father's house, but I will receive a new body that is free from defects and will last forever (John 14:1-4, 2 Corinthians 5:1-4).  To make it even better, heaven will be free from suffering and difficulties, a place filled with joy and lit by the glory of God (Revelation 21:3-4, 11, 23,).

Even though it seems like those on the wide path of destruction live the sweet life now, I have the advantage of retaining hope for my glorious future, especially during the darkest times.

It's easy to get off track, turning my attention toward the seemingly good life lived by those in the world.  Once I come to my senses, however, I realize the benefits I possess as a follower of Christ.  I have security in my place in God's family, direction for my life, and a future that gives me hope.  It is then that I remember that God is my One Desire, my True Treasure!

As I begin this day may I keep my eyes focused on the Treasure I do possess instead of all the things I think I need but don't have.

When is it hard for me to keep from lusting after the things of this world?

How would keeping an eternal perspective change my outlook on life?   

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