The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Amazing Grace!

"Though he was God,
he did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave
and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,
he humbled himself in obedience to God
and died a criminal's death on a cross."
Philippians 2:6-8 NLT

I've heard it said that grace is getting what I don't deserve;  the unmerited favor of God.  I can think of many example of God's grace in my life.  Salvation from eternal punishment.  Abundant life.  Intimate relationship with the One who loves me most.  There is so much evidence of His grace.

The ultimate manifestation of His grace and the conduit by which grace His delivered to an undeserving humanity is Jesus.  Jesus is both the best example of God's grace extended to me as well as the means of His expression of that grace.  Without Jesus, a holy God could not show His grace toward sinful man.  Here are some of the sacrifices Jesus made in order for me to experience a constant flow of God's grace into my life.

Poor.  Recently, my family and I have tasted what it is like to be homeless.  During the time when we had no address and nowhere to call home except a local motel, I often thought of Jesus who had, "nowhere to lay his head." (Luke 9:58 ESV)  The One who possessed ultimate riches sacrificed such bounty in order to deliver God's grace to His own.

Missionary Sid Halsband put it this way.  "He who had unspeakable wealth said, 'Shew me a penny' (Luke 20:24).  He who abode in the ivory palaces of heaven borrowed a pillow in Bethany (Matthew 21:17).  He whose heavenly podium was the Great White Throne borrowed a boat from which to preach (Luke 5:3).  He who spoke worlds unknown into existence, borrowed loaves and fish to feed a hungry throng (John 6:9).  He who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills borrowed a donkey (Mark 11:3).  He who inhabits eternity borrowed an upper room (Matthew 26:18).  Finally He who is the source of life borrowed a tomb (Matthew 27:60)."

He who was rich became poor so I could taste true treasure (Matthew 6:19-21,  Matthew 19:21).

Mortal.  Aches and pains.  Suffering.  Aging.  Injuries.  Illness.  Death.  There are many disadvantages to living the mortal life, all of which Jesus willingly took on in order to show God's love and grace to mankind.

When Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, it was not as God disguised as man.  He was not some kind of superbaby who had to pretend He didn't know all things as He grew at His mother's knee.  He truly gave up His divinity in order to become a man.  He exchanged His divine nature in order to take up a human one (Hebrews 2:17).  And He made such a sacrifice for me, despite my unfaithfulness and my wayward spirit (Romans 5:8).

He who was divine became mortal so I could taste immortality (1 Corinthians 15:42-49).

Criminal.  He was scorned, accused, beaten, mocked, spat upon, and crucified.  Even though He had done nothing wrong, He was killed along with the other criminals.  Despite the fact that Pilate could find no wrong in Him, He was condemned to death on a cross by this symbol of human authority who bowed to political pressure (Luke 23:13-25).  He was treated like a common criminal even though His name is above all others (Ephesians 1:20-21).

As a result of His unspeakable sacrifice, I am made right with God.  My sin is covered by His perfect blood, ushering me into the presence of my Father who loves me perfectly but whose holiness requires separation from such filth as is found in my heart.  This redeeming aspect of Christ's sacrifice is remarkable evidence of God's grace in my life.

He who was sinless became sin so that I could taste the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Sometimes I take God's grace for granted, not truly appreciating all that Jesus sacrificed in order to deliver the unmerited favor of God to my undeserving life.  Today, let me turn my attention to Jesus' willingness to become poor, mortal and to be considered as criminal, all for my sake.  Such grace is amazing indeed!  

As I begin this day may I truly appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made in order to deliver God's grace to me.

When do I take God's grace for granted, not recognizing what was given in exchange for that grace?

How am I ungrateful?

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