"Since we are receiving a Kingdom
that is unshakable,
let us be thankful
and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe.
For our God is a devouring fire."
My daughters and I heard it before we felt it. A low rumbling resonated through the earth as we sat in the school room working on some math problems that February morning in 2001. Living on an Army post as we did, we were accustomed to the sounds of artillery fire so we dismissed the noise as the normal concussions heard as a result of training exercises. I stopped in mid-sentence, however, when I felt the rolling of the floor beneath my feet. It took a few seconds for my mind to comprehend what was happening. "Earthquake!"
As my four girls and I huddled in the doorway of our inner hallway for the duration of the 45-second quake, we truly realized our own lack of control. We cried out to God in desperation, pleading with Him to stop the movement that was recorded at a magnitude of 6.8.
The Nisqually Earthquake caused damage to roads, bridges and buildings throughout the Pacific Northwest. While these physical structures were shaken, the coming kingdom cannot be moved. (Daniel 2:44) What we have to look forward to is not like this world that is filled with things that can be lost, stolen and broken. The knowledge of this truth can change the way I think of my life here, thus instigating a new way of living.
Remain Thankful
Physical pain, emotional suffering, abuse, divorce, murder, kidnapping, accidents, treachery. . . and the list goes on. This world is filled with sin and it's consequences. There is not a day that goes by that something bad doesn't touch my life in some way. The question I often ask myself is, "What if this were all there was? What if I had nothing better to look forward to?" The answer I usually give myself is that I would have no hope and no reason to carry on.
Thankfully, I have an eternity with my Father after this life is over. Jesus said before He returned to His rightful position at the right hand of God the Father that He was going to prepare a place for me and all my brothers and sisters in Christ. (John 14:1-3) For this reason I have nothing but good in my future, which makes me more willing to endure the present. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
Therefore, I can remain thankful despite the harshness of this world. If my body is falling apart, I can turn away from despair and take on the garment of praise in a God who will give me a perfect body that will last an eternity. (Isaiah 61:3) If I struggle with broken relationships, I can take heart that my bond with a loving God can never be severed. (Romans 8:38-39) If it seems heartache after heartache keeps coming my way, I can keep my eyes on the One who comforts those who mourn. (Matthew 5:4, 2 Corinthians 1:3-5)
While I live in this fallen world, it is my desire to remain thankful for a God who planned for eternity.
Addison Road performs a beautiful song that makes a good point regarding the holiness of God. Take a moment to listen and meditate on the lyrics.
What do I really know of the holiness of a perfect God? Can I fathom His awesome character? He is so great I cannot begin to know Him completely, nor hope to have Him figured out. (Isaiah 55:8-9, Isaiah 40:12-14) Instead, I can only desire to know Him more, standing in awe every time He reveals a bit more about Himself. It seems I should be careful to not grow complacent or accustomed to His miraculous ways, but always maintain a spirit of wonder.
When I see the intricate beauty of a budding rose, I can either pass on by or stop to revere the Lord as the maker of heaven and earth. When it seems like everything is going wrong, I can either sink into despair or stop to look for the good that God is doing in the midst of the bad. When I am tempted to do what comes naturally, I can either give in to my flesh or stop and sacrifice that desire on the cross, allowing God to have His way with my body which is His temple. (Romans 12:1)
While I live in this fallen world, it is my desire to worship the Lord in the way I live my life, giving Him the respect and reverence due such a holy God.
Maintain Faithfulness
If I were to measure my thoughts, would the majority be about God and His ways, or mostly about myself and my ways? Even though I have no way to take such a measurement, I have a sneaking suspicion that I mostly think about me.
There are many good things in this life on which I can spend my time and efforts: art, exercise, nutrition, hobbies, careers, even serving in the church. Out of everything I do in a particular day, however, how much is done with any thought to God and what He wants me to do? Most of the time, I make my own schedule without consulting God, acknowledging Him, or more importantly, seeking Him out.
God is a jealous God, a consuming fire. (Deuteronomy 4:23-24) He is not jealous of me, but is jealous for me; my time, attention and heart. Anything that distracts me from focusing on the Lord as my everything is in danger of being an idol. An idol could be running, scrapbooking, cooking for the needy, or my job. Whatever it is, if I am not willing to let it go if God asks, it means I'm holding on too tight, making it more important than God. He is the only One I should be unwilling from which to part.
While I live in this fallen world, it is my desire to stay faithful to God as my most prized possession.
Everything in this world except my relationship with God is at risk of falling away. Consequently, I cannot place too much emphasis on this world but keep a thankful attitude that I have so much more in my future than what I can see here. It is also my calling to worship God in all my ways, and to maintain a faithful attitude toward Him. In this way, I will invest in God's kingdom which will not be shaken.
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can worship God in my attitudes and actions.
When do I sink into a negative attitude, forgetting all to which I have to look forward?
How do I maintain my loyalty to a God who wants all my attention?
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