"Through Jesus, therefore,
let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--
the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.
And do not forget to do good
and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased."
The sacrifice was always before them. As they went through each day, there was a continual need to seek a blood covering for their sins. You see, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. (Hebrews 9:22) And so, they obediently brought their sacrifices before a holy God.
The old way of sacrificing animals is over. No longer is there a need for me to make up for my sins or to seek continual purification of them: I am cleansed once and for all by the blood of Jesus. (Hebrews 10:10) Instead, as one who is made holy by His blood, I am called to give a sacrifice of praise!
When my husband and I got married, we professed our love for one another before God and witnesses, pledging our allegiance to each other as husband and wife. Even though each of us heard the other's vows, that one time declaration was not enough. Instead, we must find ways to express that love on a daily basis.
In the same way, I can't expect to let my praise for God on Sunday morning, or the acclaim I give Him when things go well, or the honor I show when I'm feeling good be the only worship I extend to God. He deserves to be praised continually no matter my circumstances, state of mind or location, for He is worthy. (Psalm 145:3) The Lord is so great that He transcends all things. His perfect character does not change so even if my situation is horrible, He is still good and worthy of my praise.
It seems Job understood this concept. Even after losing his wealth and his family all in one day, he responded with, "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." (Job 1:21)
Even though animal sacrifices are no longer necessary, my continual attitude of praise is.
They spent a lot of time going through the motions, performing the obligatory rituals. Even though, by outward appearance, everything seemed right, God was not pleased. The hearts of the Israelites were far from Him even though they were saying the right words and doing the right things. (Isaiah 1:10-15)
God does not care how I look on the outside, but He is more concerned with the attitude of my heart. He is pleased with a submissive attitude that is willing to do as He asks, go where He bids, and accept what He has chosen for me. Furthermore, as God's special possession, it is my place to adopt a heart of praise for Him. (1 Peter 2:9)
It's easy to see the negative things going on around me as I live in this fallen world. But as His child, it is my desire to have eyes that can see the unseen: The goodness of His love as shown through my acceptance as His daughter, the forethought of His sovereignty as shown in the provision of my needs, or the faithfulness of His presence shown through the peace that rules in my heart.
Even though animal sacrifices are no longer necessary, it is important for me to yield to the Lord by cultivating a heart that desires to please Him.
It's easy to see the negative things going on around me as I live in this fallen world. But as His child, it is my desire to have eyes that can see the unseen: The goodness of His love as shown through my acceptance as His daughter, the forethought of His sovereignty as shown in the provision of my needs, or the faithfulness of His presence shown through the peace that rules in my heart.
Even though animal sacrifices are no longer necessary, it is important for me to yield to the Lord by cultivating a heart that desires to please Him.
The supplies were pouring in, filling his storeroom to capacity. Even though he didn't need such an abundance, the Apostle Paul accepted it with thanksgiving as a sacrifice pleasing to God. (Philippians 4:18)
Likewise, it is important for me to not only look for ways to help others and contribute to the provision of their needs, but to be willing to accept the same from those who are moved to lend a hand. If caring for one another in practical ways is a part of how we can please God, I must not block that desire in my brothers and sisters by refusing their assistance.
Even though animal sacrifices are no longer necessary, I can please God by both giving and receiving help from His family.
Thankfully, I no longer have to offer animal sacrifices in order to cover my sins. As I accept this new covenant God has offered through the redemptive work Jesus accomplished on the cross, I must realize there are other sacrifices I am called to make. One is to maintain a continual attitude of praise, no matter my circumstances. Another is to look for ways to spiritually please God, like through my willingness to submit to His will and offer words that lift Him up. Finally, not only is it important that I seek ways to help His family members, but also to be humble enough to receive assistance when offered. In these ways I am offering up to the Lord a sacrifice of praise.
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can maintain an attitude of praise toward a God who loves me.
When am I most apt to slip into a negative mindset?
How do I fight God in the attitude of my heart?
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