The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

God's Elect

"Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
To God's elect,
exiles scattered throughout the provinces of
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia,
who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge
of God the Father,
through the sanctifying work of the Spirit,
to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood:
Grace and peace be yours in abundance."
1 Peter 1:1-2

Sometimes I wonder why my husband chose me to be his wife.  I have a few strengths, but I also have a many weaknesses as well as some parts of my sin nature that can (and do) drive a man crazy!  As we have grown as a couple, I do see how we complement each other in many ways.  As sinful humans, though, it takes a lot of grace to continue to live with each other in a loving, God-honoring way.

Similarly, I sometimes wonder why God chose me as His own. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Colossians 3:12)   I realize His love for me is so great that He demonstrates it by giving His own son to take my place on the cross, bearing the burden of punishment for my own sins.  (Romans 5:8)  This sacrifice was made for a greater reason than just to save me from eternal death, though.  God also has a purpose for me as His child in this life.


He was easy to pick out in the crowd.  While everyone else was sporting a short haircut, his was long and shaggy.  All the boys wore camouflage while he dressed in trendy clothes.  Whereas the demeanor of the majority was stiff and disciplined, the boy visiting his brother at military school carried an attitude of defiance and apathy.  One look at the crowd was all it took to see who didn't fit in there.

While it is human nature to want to fit in, God calls us to live as strangers in a foreign land. (Matthew 5:13-16)  I am to guard against blending in, instead focusing on retaining my godly, kingdom-focused ways. Then I will stand out from the crowd, bringing glory to my Father in heaven. (1 Peter 2:11-12)

God chose me to live in the location in which He has placed me without losing any of His tell-tale indicators.


In days gone by, girls used to prepare a hope chest.  In this special  trunk, girls would set aside the materials necessary for pulling off a beautiful wedding ceremony as well as the items needed to set up their own household once they were married.  The articles collected were saved for a specific purpose; namely, their new life as a married woman.

I have also been set aside by God for a specific purpose.  I am not here for my own reasons or to serve my own set of principles.  I am not even here to please myself or fulfill my own dreams.  Instead, I have been created to do the things God has prepared for me to do.  (Ephesians 2:10)

It's easy to get caught up in following my own path, driven by my own desires.  But I am here for God; to bring glory to Him and to grow closer in relationship with Him.  Instead of turning inward, then, my focus needs to be upward.  I am set apart for obedience to the things Jesus teaches me.

God chose me so that I could carry out the specific purpose for which He created me.


The guilt was more than she could bear.  She had let her children down in so many ways, and now they suffered greatly.  Some were in prison.  Others were bound by the shackles of drugs.  One was destined to divorce over and over, never finding a man who would treat her with respect.  This mother grieved over the fallout from her sinful life.

While we all suffer to some degree from the consequences of our past, it is important for me to remember that the blood of Jesus sets me free from the deadly snare of guilt.  No longer do the thoughts of days gone by need to haunt my memory, but I can instead walk boldly to the throne of grace, receiving His mercy and love as one who is cherished as more precious than gold. (Hebrews 4:16)  

I can enter into the presence of a holy God who calls me His treasured daughter and wipes my slate clean so I appear as white as snow.  (Hebrews 10:22, Isaiah 1:18)  The blood of Jesus frees me from the burden of guilt so I can walk freely with Him as He has called me to live.

God chose me to let go of the guilt my sin leaves behind and instead go forward in the freedom of a forgiven and dearly loved child.

Scripture is clear that I am chosen by God; but why did He pick me?  (John 15:16)  It is not solely so I will be able to enjoy eternity with Him.  In addition, He desires that I retain my Kingdom identity so I'll stand out among the world. He also sanctified me for His own purposes, and cleansed me from sin so I can live guilt-free as a forgiven child.  This is what it means to live as God's elect in the here and now.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can remember my purpose.

How do I live as one who blends in with the world?

When do I get weighed down with guilt for what God has already forgiven me?

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