The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, May 17, 2013


strengthen your feeble arms
and weak knees.
'Make level paths for your feet,'
so that the lame may not be disabled,
but rather healed."
Hebrews 12:12-13

In attempting to describe the concept of leading from the front, a friend of mine told me of an old Native American proverb: If you pull a string of beads, they will fall into line, but if you push the beads, they will scatter.

It's not so different with us as followers of Christ.  As I walk along with Him, there are others who are following me.  My willingness to allow God to use struggles and trials to purify me is not just for my own benefit, but for the good of those who follow me as well.  Who is watching and trailing behind me?  

Buck Up!

The men faced a treacherously imposing foe.  As their small band gathered on the battlefield on the cusp of war, their courage leached from their souls at the sight of their enemy.  Aragorn, their rightful king and leader, sought to encourage them saying, "Hold your ground, hold your ground!  Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers!  I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.  A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.  An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down!  But it is not this day!  This day we fight!  By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you, 'Stand, Men of the West!'"

This is my call as well, to stand firm and fight!  It is not a battle fought against flesh and blood, however, but a spiritual battle against Satan and his minions.  As imposing as this enemy seems, I have been given all authority and power against them through the name of Jesus Christ.  (Matthew 28:18,Mark 16:17, Luke 10:17)

Therefore it is time for me to buck up!  I no longer desire to cower in the shadows, afraid to step out in faith, only doing enough to get by.  Instead, I want to live victoriously as I have been called to live. (Romans 8:37)

For the sake of all those who are following me, it's time to take a strong stance.

From the Front

My powerlifting coach made it easy to learn proper form and technique when I was new to the sport:  All I needed to do was watch anyone in his family work out.  His wife and sons all studied under his tutelage and were good models from which I could learn by example.  In this way, as much of my training time was spent in watching as in listening to instruction because they lived what they preached.

As humans, we learn more by what we see others do than from what they say.  It really is true that actions speak louder than words!  For this reason, it is important that I lead by example, making the way easy for those who follow behind.  Just like my coach and his family made learning to lift weights pretty straightfoward by their good model, I can do the same for others.

This means I need to act intentionally within the boundaries of scripture instead of making decisions based on a whim, risking sending someone astray.  It is also important that I listen carefully to My Shepherd and only go where He leads me so I don't send a mixed message.  I'll also need to consider my words with care so as only to say what will build others up.  

For the sake of those following behind me, I need to learn to lead from the front.

Promote Healing

After surgery, my husband was given instructions that would help the healing process along.  One was to keep the incision clean and dry.  Another was to get up and move as much as was comfortable.  It seems our bodies were created to be used, so the quicker he could get up and  start therapy, the faster he'd be on the road to healing.

As a believer, I can also be a promoter of healing by encouraging others to exercise their faith.  I can do this by encouraging those who are in my circle of faith to stay true to God by giving them a helping hand when they've left the path, showing my love and care for their well-being.  (Galatians 6:1)  Another practice is in gently but firmly reminding others of God's amazing plan for their life when I can see the path of destruction on which they are traveling, helping them to get back on track.  It is also vital that I show great care to not condemn but instead to cheer my brothers and sisters on, exhorting them to accept the abundant life Jesus offers which will re-establish their relationship with a holy God.

For the sake of those following behind me, it is important that I primarily seek the restoration of their relationship with our Father in heaven.

My life is not my own for I have been bought at a price by Jesus Christ.  Not only that, but we as believers also belong to one another as a body.  As a result, I must live as a conqueror,  consider the example I am setting, and always seek to promote healing for the sake of those who are coming up behind me.  I must think of myself as a leader, and start to lead!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I will remember that others are watching me.

How do I live in such a way that I think I only need answer to me?

When do I fail to set a good example of faith?    

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