The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rightly Related

"Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers,
for by so doing some people have shown 
hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Continue to remember those in prison
as if you were together with them in prison,
and those who are mistreated
as if you yourselves were suffering."
Hebrews 13:1-3

Every decision I made was based on what was best for her.  My perspective was completely centered on her, making myself always aware of her presence.  My sensitivity to how things affected her, how she was being perceived and how she came across monopolized my thoughts.  This woman was the most important person in my life.  This woman was me.

After Jesus became Lord of my life, I became rightly related to God.  As I submitted myself to Him, He transformed my mind, thus changing my priorities.  Now, instead of me being the center of my attention,  there are others who stand out in my life as more important.

One Another

Some are hurting.  Others are hungry.  Several feel discouraged.  A few are ready to give up the fight.  All need love.

Which of my brothers and sisters in Christ need a helping hand, an encouraging word or a special time of prayer?  As a follower of Christ, I am called to be devoted to my spiritual family, looking for ways I can help, love and serve. (Romans 12:10-13)  

My relationship with a loving God changes me, infusing me with His love, mercy and grace.  As I stay in His presence, my cup overflows so that I am drawn toward those in need, desiring to show that love in a tangible way.  

Where I once hoarded extra supplies, now I can't help but see an abundance as an opportunity to share.  Where I once felt afraid to reach out to those who are hurting, now I can't stay away.  Where I once was uncomfortable with hosting guests, now I am compelled to invite others in.

Jesus changed my focus from myself to the "one anothers" all around me.


I saw my oldest daughter, then two-years-old, sitting in the yard chatting to a neighbor girl.  What could they possibly be talking about?  I thought as I wondered at my daughter's ability to make friends so easily.  As if to prove my point, the pair came galloping over to our patio and Vanessa introduced me to her "new best friend."

I can learn something from watching children interact with each other.  They have this way of accepting others as part of their group without fear, judgement or caution.  In the same way, Jesus helps me to see everyone, even strangers, as people made in God's image who have hopes and dreams, hurts and disappointments just like me.  He helps me see a stranger as simply a friend whom I have yet to meet.  

Jesus changes my focus from wariness of strangers to acceptance.


One day he was living his life as any other person, the next he was defending himself against a charge of murder.  As he languished in prison, he wondered how he ended up there when he'd never had so much as a parking ticket.  Maybe he had been guilty of speeding from time to time, but murder?  That was preposterous.

The prison system is full of people who are serving their time, either rightfully sentenced or unjustly condemned.  Either way, there's not much in the way of hope in a jail cell.  I can think of no perfect condition for one to learn the gospel of Christ; while they are in desperate need of some Good News!

Instead of being repelled by the thought of visiting prisoners, Jesus makes my heart go out to those whose lives have been forever tainted by their time behind bars.  If anyone could use some encouragement, it's them.  And who's to know if one day I might be right there with them?  If there, I sure would want to see a friendly face and hear a word of encouragement.

Jesus changes my focus from disgust toward inmates to a deep, abiding love for them.

Now that I am rightly related to God through the redemptive work Jesus accomplished on the cross, I no longer see myself as the most important person in my life.  Instead, I look for ways to love other believers, treat strangers as friends, and give those in prison the hope of heaven.  In these ways, my life will never be the same.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can keep my life in Jesus' hands so He can continue to mold me.

How do I get in the way of the transformation process God is attempting in my heart?

Am I holding myself back from loving others in some of these ways?  

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