"For Christ’s love compels us,
because we are convinced that one died for all,
and therefore all died.
And he died for all,
that those who live should no longer live for themselves
but for him who died for them and was raised again."
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Do I really know God? Or do I simply know of Him? Do I enjoy a relationship with my Father in heaven, or do I only acknowledge what He has done for me?
God is jealous for me. He created me to be in relationship with Him. Not to simply read about Him as I learn about a character in a book or to talk about Him as some kind of cosmic force who is incapable of connecting with those He created in His own image. He understands me more than I understand myself and He has promised that when I seek Him. . . strive to know Him with all my heart. . . I will find Him.
The One True God is a relational God. Do I really know God?
Live for Him
The daughter of a reigning king does not live for herself. If she loves her father and his kingdom, then every decision she makes is influenced by that love. Her highest priority is in bringing honor and glory to her father and doing what is best for his kingdom.
As a daughter of the King, I can either live for myself, or live for my Father. Whatever my decision, if it is not propelled by love for God, I will grow resentful. I will become angry that I cannot do things the way I want to do things but am bound to His way.
The truth is that I always have a choice. My Father is not a bully who forces me to live for Him. He is a loving Father who waits for me to choose to live for Him. . . .out of love for Him. When I surrender out of love, all trace of bitterness is gone and I become like the apostle Paul in today's passage, being compelled by the love of Christ.
Loving God means living for God.
Please Him
When I look into the eyes of my dog, I see a genuine desire to please me as his master. I can only describe that look as a combination of affection and worship. He simply adores me and would do anything for me. Ah, the loyalty and devotion of a dog!
It is my desire to hold that same intensity of adoration and devotion for my Father, to long to please Him and Him alone. I can take the advice of the Apostle Paul when he said, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." (Colossians 3:23-24)
When I am devoted to my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, I want Him to hold the highest position in my list of priorities and in my heart. For it is said that, "the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." (Psalm 147:11)
Loving God means striving to please God.
Share Him
When I make a delicious batch of ooey-gooey chocolate chip cookies, it is my natural inclination to keep them for myself and my family. I want to enjoy them as long as I can and, being naturally selfish, it's not surprising that I would think this way.
As a follower of Christ, He calls me to share all the good things I experience, including my precious baked goods! But the most important thing to share is the amazing love He has for me. I can't keep that to myself. As one who has experienced an intimate relationship with my Creator, I must let everyone I meet in on the possibility of sharing in that connection. They too can enter into a life-changing relationship with their Creator through faith in Jesus Christ.
Loving God means sharing God through Jesus my Savior.
As you listen to "What do I know of Holy?" by Addison Road, meditate on the powerful message written by Allison Rogers and Jennifer Ann Simmons.
To move beyond simply knowing of God or knowing about Him, I must enter into a relationship with Him and experience His love for me, which fosters a love for Him in my heart. As I love Him, I will live for Him, desire to please Him and share Him with others. And my love will grow!
As I begin this day, it is my prayer that I will grow in my love for God, not just in the disciplines or in my character.
Has my love for God grown cold, propelling me into a cycle of living only for myself and my family?
How can I share the love that God has for us to all those around me instead of hording it for myself?
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