The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, February 3, 2012

Faith of the Flawed

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see.
This is what the ancients were commended for. "
Hebrews 11:1-2

A deceiver, a schemer, a trickster, a young boastful boy, a rich, spoiled man with a temper, a bunch of whiners, a prostitute.  This sounds like a list of people I may have found at the local prison, serving time for any number of offenses.  In reality, this is a partial list of the characters that have been placed in the so-called Hall of Fame of Faith as those who we are to look to as examples of impressive faith. 

Faith, you see, is not based on the uprightness of my character or on my ability to live up to God's standards.  As a sinful being, this would mean I could never possess faith.  Instead, faith is the ability to believe God will deliver despite what I see around me.  Even though I know the weakness of my character.  Regardless of how many flaws I possess. 

Faith is more about who I believe God to be and not at all about who I know myself to be.  Anyone can have great faith.  Faith comes with learning more about the greatness of God.


One thing these ordinary people of great faith knew about God is that He could be trusted to deliver on His promises.  For instance, the Lord promised an old, sterile couple that not only would they deliver a child in their old age, but that the husband would be known as the father of many nations and all peoples of earth would be blessed through him.  They believed that God was good for His word.

Since God is faithful, the problem of my worry, then, lies within myself, not in God's inability to provide for my needs.  He is perfectly able to take care of me.  My problem is that I don't want to let go and let Him take care of me.

Worry is focused thinking on any one thing.  As I turn a problem, issue, or dilemma over and over in my mind, analyzing it from every angle and thinking of all possible solutions, I am worrying.  Jesus told us we do not have to worry because our Father in heaven knows what we need.  He said when we worry, we are being men and women of little faith.

God is faithful to take care of me.  I can either choose to dwell on the difficulties of life, or I can release the troubles from my mind and let Him handle it for me.

Faith is trusting that God will deliver.


I will never forget my feelings of complete and utter lack of control as I endured a 6.8 magnitude earthquake in 2001.  During those terrifying 45 seconds, I experienced the most vivid understanding of God's sovereignty.  There was absolutely nothing I could do to save myself or to stop the earth from trembling.  As I watched my house shaking and felt the waves under my feet, I cried out to the Lord in absolute submission.  My life and the lives of my family were completely in His hands, at His mercy.

That understanding has never left me.  God is always in control and my life is always in His hands, but I sometimes tend to think I have some semblance of power.  In reality, I only have what He allows me to have and He is gracious to give me so much. I must constantly remind myself the lesson of the earthquake.

Faith is knowing that God is sovereign.


The men and women of faith listed in Hebrews 11 understood that God is a jealous God.  Many of them lived during a time when it was common to see carven images of any number of creatures who became "gods" or "idols" to the people. 

As the Lord told his people through the prophet Jeremiah, these gods are, "Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good.” (Jeremiah 10:5) 

Those who possessed great faith demonstrated their respect for God by not worshipping these widely-accepted idols.  Instead, they placed the Lord in the position He deserves; as their one and only God.

Even though we don't see carven images erected in prominent places in today's homes and public squares, we do face perhaps a more insidious threat.  We commonly worship at the altar of widely accepted, yet false, lines of thinking. 

There is the common attitude of acceptance of all belief systems as truth.  Or the desire to fit in superseding the importance of showing a respect for God in all situations.  Or even letting a "can-do" attitude replace a "Let Him" approach.  Or perhaps the most seemingly benign; the false conviction that "God helps those who help themselves."

Each of these common mind-sets are dangerously similar to worshipping an idol because it replaces God as the only One deserving of praise with my comfort and abilities as the most important consideration.  If I give God the highest priority, setting Him above all other things, then I am truly showing Him the honor and reverence that He deserves as the Creator of all things.

Faith is giving God the highest position.

I may not be listed in the Hall of Fame of Faith, but I can possess the faith of these saints.  I can trust Him to take care of me, acknowledge his complete sovereignty and give Him the highest place of honor in my life.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I will grow in my faith.

How do I show disrespect for God in my attitudes and beliefs?

In what way do I trust in my own abilities rather than in God's capacity to take care of me?

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