The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

While I Praise

"As they began to sing and praise,
the LORD set ambushes against the men
of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir
who were invading Judah,
and they were defeated."
2 Chronicles 20:22

It's not exactly the expected response.  The odds were overwhelmingly against them.  A coalition of armies loomed before them.  The original inhabitants of the Promised Land who God commanded the people of Israel to leave alone all those years ago now threatened them with the war God initially sought to avoid (Deuteronomy 2:4-6,9,18-19). It seemed there was no way the people of Judah would get out of this alive.

In the midst of such a crisis, King Jehoshaphat worshiped the Lord and then he directed his people to sing God's praises.  It would seem the appropriate response would be to form a battle plan, but Jehoshaphat's attention was focused in another direction.  He had no idea how to protect his people from such a threat, but he did know Who held all the answers in His hands (2 Chronicles 20:12).

When I'm faced with overwhelming odds and it seems there is no hope I can do as Jehoshaphat did.  Against all common sense and what appears as a more responsible response to my problems, I can instead turn my eyes to the Lord as my only hope, seeking His will and trusting in His protection.  As I worship and adore Him for who He is and for what He is about to do, I may be surprised at what He does in the meantime.

Fighting my Battles.  It seems like I should be doing something.  The cancer doesn't take a day off from spreading.  My marriage isn't going to mend itself.  A job won't simply jump in my lap.  It's easy to think the responsibility to solve my problems and fight my battles belongs to me.  As a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ, however, I have a mighty Warrior who fights on my behalf!

There was another man who faced a formidable foe.  His name was David and he was a mere youth at the time of his encounter with Goliath, a seasoned and humongous soldier.  Still, David was not intimidated because his faith in God was strong.  He knew that no matter how great the opponent or large the obstacle, God is bigger still (1 Samuel 17:47).

Whatever giant I am facing, God is not overwhelmed nor is He at a loss for what to do.  When I place all my faith in Him, praising Him in advance for what He is about to do, obstacles will fall away, hardened hearts will be softened and doors once closed will now be open.

As I praise the Lord, He is busy fighting my battles for me.

Providing for my Needs.  The large cat with the fluffy tail sits for hours by the window, watching out for tiny frogs, slimy slugs or flitting birds to cross through his line of vision.  Our cat is not worried about where his next meal will come from.  I never see him fret about anything nor have I noticed him attempt to arrange for his own needs.  He trusts his masters to fill his food dish, replenish his water bowl and clean his litter box, freeing him up for more important pursuits (Matthew 6:25-34).

Midnight knows he doesn't have to worry about his needs.  He is well-cared for by a family who loves Him.  Similarly, I have a Father who knows my needs and delights in not only supplying those needs, but also giving me what I ask for (Matthew 7:11).  Therefore, I can do as Midnight does and focus my attention on more important pursuits (Matthew 6:33).

As I praise the Lord, He is busy providing for my needs.

Paving a Way.  He was scared out of his mind.  Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite troops, oppressed the people of Israel for 20 years with his 900 chariots and cruel ways.  In response to their cries for help, God had appointed him, lowly Barak, to lead 10,000 men to victory against this formidable enemy.  How could he face such a foe?

As he begged the wise and prophetic Deborah to accompany him to war, she reminded Barak of a very important fact.  As she exhorted him to go ahead for God would deliver Sisera into his hands, she asked, "Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?" (Judges 4:14)

Similarly, God has gone before me, preparing the route, marking the path and paving the way.  All there is left for me to do is walk forward in faith.  The problem is, I can't see with my eyes all the preparations He has made.  All I see is the trouble that seems to block my way.  If I trust God, however, and believe He keeps His promises, I will soon reap the benefits of the groundwork He has laid (Hebrews 12:1-2).

As I praise the Lord, He is busy paving the way for me.

Trouble seems to follow me.  It's easy to get discouraged when the obstacles that stand before me look so imposing.  Instead of resigning myself to defeat, though, I can praise the Lord.  As I do what seems entirely inappropriate at such a time of crisis yet pleases God to no end, I will discover that He is at work on my behalf.  While my eyes are on Him, he is fighting my battles for me, providing for what I need, and paving the way for my feet to follow.  It's amazing what God does while I praise Him!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can keep my eyes on the Lord, especially when the going gets rough.

How do I tend to think I have to come up with my own solutions?

When do I most often fail to trust God to provide for what I need?

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