The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Prepared for Service

"Then the LORD said to Moses,
'Bring Aaron and his sons,
along with their sacred garments, the anointing oil,
the bull for the sin offering,
the two rams, and the basket of bread made without yeast,
and call the entire community of Israel together at the entrance of the Tabernacle.'
So Moses followed the LORD's instructions,
and the whole community assembled 
at the Tabernacle entrance."
Leviticus 8:1-4 NLT

He spent years training to be a doctor; four earning an undergraduate degree, four more completing medical school and another three in a residency.  Thousands of dollars were spent in preparation.  Once he completed his residency, he was ready to serve.

Becoming a medical doctor takes a serious commitment to entering that field of work; it would be hard to finish the grueling process without dedication and perseverance.  While practical training is a key part of the process, no one can begin treating patients until they have gone through rigorous instruction.  Preparation is essential.

While the world trains people to enter into specific fields through education, God has a different kind of preparation.  Instead of relying on my skills, knowledge and experience as a gauge as to when I'm ready to serve, God tests my heart by calling me first.  Once I accept the calling by faith, He equips me to be able to carry out His mission.  Instead of looking at a stack resumes filled with credentials and choosing the best prepared, then, He considers my willingness to be used as His only criteria.  Instead of calling the equipped, God equips the called.


Before he entered the playing field, he painstakingly strapped all the pads to his body, sliding his jersey on over the bulky shoulder pads.  He stepped into the pants, complete with pads to protect his thighs, knees and hips. Next, he laced up his cleats to help give him traction on the grassy turf. Finally, he carried the helmet, ready to place it on his head before he went out on the field.

While a game of touch football in the backyard does not require a special uniform, playing organized ball does.  No player is allowed into a game without the proper gear.  In the same way, I have been given special attire to don as preparation for entering service.  When I make a commitment to stand for the Lord, Satan places a target on my chest.  As a result, I need armor.

Paul reminds me in Ephesians 6:10-18 that I am a part of a spiritual battle against the unseen forces responsible for much of the destruction found in this dark world.  When I take God's side in this fight, Satan will launch attacks against which this armor will help me to stand firm.  The truth as found in God's Word, my right standing with a holy God that comes through the blood of Jesus, the Gospel of Jesus Christ that gives me peace with a just God, my faith that helps me believe when everything I see tells me to give up, and the salvation that comes by grace are all integral parts of this protective covering.  

Once I'm shielded in this way, I take up my weapons, the Word of God and all kinds of prayers.  Now I am ready to stand firm in what God is calling me to do, no matter what my Enemy does.  In the same way that a football player would not enter the field without his gear, so God prepares me for service by providing armor to both defend myself against the one whose purpose is to steal, kill and destroy, and to inflict damage to his position. (John 10:10)

Before I enter into service for the Lord, it is important that I suit up in the armor He has supplied.


She couldn't explain it, but she possessed this passion for serving the homeless.  When she spoke to those who were suffering, a light shone from within her, drawing the lost to hear the message of the Gospel.  The words flowed from her mouth without effort, touching the hearts of all who listened.

As a follower of Christ, I have been set aside for His purposes and supernaturally equipped to fulfill what I've been created to do.  (2 Corinthians 1:21, Ephesians 2:10) While I may need to obtain an education or specific training to fulfill certain requirements that allow me to enter into a certain field of work, there is nothing man can do to prepare me for God's service.  He provides all the training I need.  (1 John 2:27)

My job, then, is to stay connected to the Source of my anointing.  When I walk in the Spirit, I am enabled to teach, preach, encourage, help, prophesy, heal or whatever it is I am supernaturally equipped to do.  When I step out on my own, however, I will be able to do nothing.  (John 15:4-5)

This is not to say preparation is not important.  It takes much work to fulfill God's calling.   It is, however, work empowered by God's Spirit.  If I step out in faith, believing God will equip me to do as He has called me to do, I will find I'll be able to do things I never dreamed I could do.  If I hang back, afraid to let God use me because I can't picture myself doing what He says He will do, I will never experience His anointing:  I possess it, but I will not see it come to fruition.

Before I enter into service for the Lord, I must realize I have been set aside for His purposes and am supernaturally equipped to accomplish the mission to which He has called me.


She didn't feel clean.  Her mind was consumed by her past sins and she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt over how she hurt her family.  Even though she had acknowledged Christ as her Savior, she failed to fully accept His forgiveness.  Therefore, she continued living the life she thought she was destined to live.

It can be hard to believe all my sins have been wiped clean by the blood of Jesus.  (Isaiah 1:18, 1 John 1:7)  The truth is, however, that the moment I enter into a relationship with Him through faith, His righteousness becomes my own.  His sacrifice was enough to make me appear holy and blameless before God. (Colossians 1:22

Therefore, what Jesus did in sacrificing Himself out of obedience to His Father accomplished what my effort is unable to do: make me right with God.  What Jesus did in dying on the cross provided a way for God to forgive my unforgivable transgressions against His righteous requirements.  What Christ did in taking the punishment required for my sin was all that was necessary.

All that is left for me, then, is to accept what He has already done for me.  When I genuinely grasp the complete forgiveness that is found in Christ, I can live a truly free life.  Free from condemnation, free from fear, free from hesitation.  As Jesus said, "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)

Before I enter into service for the Lord, I must fully accept the complete forgiveness I have in Christ.

God's kingdom is upside down and backwards from any earthly one.  I cannot expect to apply worldly principles, then, to His realm.  Instead, I must take on the preparation He has for those who are called according to His purpose.  When I accept His calling, I will find armor made to prepare me for spiritual battle, an anointing that fits me for the task, and purification that sets me free from the burden of sinful entanglements.  In these ways, I am prepared for service.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can fully accept the calling God has placed before me.

How do I hold back because I don't believe God can use me as He has suggested?

When am I afraid to step forward in faith?            

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