"For the Spirit God have us does not make us timid,
but gives us power,
and self-discipline.
do not be ashamed of the testimony
about our Lord or of me his prisoner.
join with me in suffering for the gospel,
by the power of God."
Their laughter only made the blood rise quicker until it reached the tips of my ears, turning my face red as a beet. I couldn't believe what they were saying about my Lord Jesus Christ! Attention always made me uncomfortable, but the comments I was about to say in defense of the One whom they were ridiculing would most assuredly draw negative attention, to say the least. My thoughts betrayed my fear: How can I speak up and risk my reputation? I've always been known as one who goes with the flow, but standing for Christ in the midst of such widespread contempt for Him would definitely rock the boat.
Living in a world that is opposed to Christ can cause any believer to quake in their shoes. God, however, did not give us this spirit of apprehension. Instead, He uniquely equipped us to testify about Him.
Power of God
False accusations flew like so many stones thrown with the intent to kill. Those in authority, who had the influence to make his life a living nightmare, had been stirred into a frenzy. Their intent was to bring him down. Even with all their efforts, though, these troublemakers were about to experience a smack down like no other. You see, Stephen, the one they accused, was full of God's grace and power. No one could argue against the divine wisdom that came out of his mouth. (Acts 6:8,10)
Stephen went on to give a speech to the Sanhedrin that began with Moses and chronicled the history of God's people. (Acts 7) He ended by turning the accusing finger back on his adversaries, delivering a message of judgement from a holy God. For this, Stephen lost his life. While this may not seem like a victory, for God's kingdom, it is. That fateful day, all who were present for the speech of Stephen heard the power of God as He communicated through the lips of a man.
Stephen is not unique in that I, as a believer, possess that same power of God to speak the truth boldly to those who stand against the Lord. All it takes is for me to be a willing vessel. When I step forward in faith, He will deliver the right words at the right time and give me the courage to say them. But I'll never know until I trust Him enough to step forward.
God's power uniquely equips me to testify about the Lord.
Love of God
There was no reason for her to stay; her husband had died, she didn't have any children, and her mother-in-law was planning to travel back to her hometown. The only logical decision would be for Ruth to return home to her birth family. Her heart, however, would not let her leave this woman that she had grown to love and respect. (Ruth 1:16-17)
God's love empowers me to do things I normally wouldn't do, like forgive someone who hurt me, or reach out to someone who makes me uncomfortable, or consider my enemy to be my friend. There is no greater power than the love of God.
This love never gives up on people, even those who seem like they'll never care about the forgiveness that is theirs through Jesus Christ. The compassion of God prepares me to speak the truth in a gentle and kind way to those who need to hear it. When I live by way of the love that God so generously supplies, it will be the trademark by which I am known. (John 13:35)
God's love uniquely equips me to testify about the Lord.
Nike began a successful advertising campaign with three simple words: Just Do It. In a nutshell, this summarized the need for self-discipline when sticking to any exercise or training regime. Successful athletes are known for this kind of discipline because they know it's the only way to excel in their sport.
In a similar way, I need a bit of discipline in my spiritual walk. The Apostle Paul spent a lot of time teaching and discipling other believers. I am sure there were days that he didn't feel like talking to anyone. Maybe he didn't have a good nights sleep and he was a bit grumpy, like I am prone to get. Or, it could be that he just wasn't in the mood, or didn't feel his usual passion for training others in God's ways. Some days are what I like to call, "bad hair days."
The amazing thing about God, is that he gives us a spirit of self-discipline for those days when I don't want to do what He's called me to do, but I can push through anyway with this spirit of obedience.
For the times when an opportunity to share the gospel is presented but I don't feel in the mood, I can follow-through despite my lack of passion. Instead of waiting to feel motivated to tell what I know about the Lord, I can just do it.
Self-discipline uniquely equips me to testify about the Lord.
I am living in a world that desperately needs to hear the message of love and grace that is found in the good news of Jesus Christ. When I'm feeling afraid to speak up, I can tap into the power that comes from God, His trademark love, and the ability to follow-through despite my lack of motivation. I have been uniquely equipped to testify through words and actions, but it is up to me to utilize these tools. Then I will know what it means to not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can stop depending upon my own wherewithal and instead depend upon the spirit God has given to me.
How do I let my feelings dictate my actions (or lack of action)?
When am I afraid to speak up for Christ? How can I purposefully depend upon the spirit God has given me during those times?
Boy did I need to hear this. It reminded me of a moment earlier this week. I was with a bunch of middle schoolers and they used God's name disrespectful and I was going to say something but I let fear take over.