"Since the children have flesh and blood,
he too shared in their humanity
so that by his death he might break the power of him
who holds the power of death
--that is, the devil--
and free those who all their lives were held in slavery
by their fear of death.
. . . Because he himself suffered when he was tempted,
he is able to help those who are being tempted."
"My husband and I have never argued or raised our voices at each other." The hard-to-believe proclamation from the woman leading our women's Bible study resonated through my mind, tempting me with feelings of guilt and failure at the thought of my own disappointments and conflicts. Wondering if her statement could possibly be true and reflecting upon my own marriage and the disagreements and difficulties my husband and I had endured, I concluded that either my leader was holier than I, or she wasn't being honest. Either way, there was no possibility that I would ever go to her for marital advice; she couldn't possibly relate or understand my struggles.
Thankfully, there is One who perfectly understands every difficulty I face. Jesus has suffered in every way a human could struggle, making Him the perfect Counselor, Comforter and Shepherd and the only One who can truly help me through my suffering.
The weakness and fatigue went beyond simple weariness. This feeling of exhaustion was due to the month He had gone without food. As His body began to shut down because of the lack of sustenance, hallucinations ruled his mind while even the slightest exertion required a period of rest. Jesus was nearing the end of His 40-day-fast and His fully human body was not functioning on all cylinders. (Luke 4:1-2)
Jesus dwelt in a perishable, temporary body during the 33 years He lived among His creation. I often wonder if He endured the same kinds of aches and pains I have experienced during my time on earth. Even though I can't recall any Scriptures answering these questions, I do find His humanness in the fact that He bled when wounded during the horrible scourging and beatings endured on the way to the cross, and that He did feel pangs of hunger due to His time of fasting in the wilderness after His baptism.
When I'm in my time of need as I deal with chronic pain, struggle with the limitations of my broken body, or wonder how I can go on in the midst of such suffering, I can receive mercy and grace directly from the One who truly comprehends my anguish.
Jesus understands any physical suffering I encounter because He endured much pain during His time as a human.
The thoughts of what He was about to endure drove Him to His Father for strength. ". . .if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." (Matthew 26:39b) He had sought the support of His disciples, asking them to keep watch as He told them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death." (v 38)
There is no doubt that Jesus suffered mentally while here on earth. Because of the excruciatingly intense stress placed upon His psyche, there is nothing I can go through to which He cannot relate. As I bring my fears, doubts and sorrows to Him, He will grant me the kind of comfort that only comes from One who has been there and possesses true compassion.
Jesus understands any mental suffering I encounter because He endured much anguish during His time as a human.
This was perhaps the worst part of the whole ordeal; the connection Jesus had always enjoyed with His Father no longer existed. The sin of all mankind rested upon Him, repelling the holy eyes of the Father away from His Beloved Son. (2 Corinthians 5:21, Matthew 27:46, Psalm 22)
When I go through desert times when I cannot feel the presence of my Father, His reassuring words of encouragement nor even a tiny grain of hope in the sea of despair in which I find myself floating, I can remember that I am not alone.
Jesus knows how it feels to be abandoned. Between the time He was nailed upon the cross until He committed His Spirit into the loving hands of His father at the end of His earthly life, He endured separation from His Father's love. (Luke 23:46) Thankfully, I never actually am apart from Him; I only feel as if I have been abandoned. The truth is that there is nothing that can separate me from the loving kindness of my God. (Romans 8:38-39) Jesus endured that Hell so that I do not have to.
Jesus understands any spiritual suffering I encounter because He endured spiritual agony during His time as a human.
Since I have such an understanding Lord, I can trust Him with any of the suffering I endure on this earth. Instead of trying to buck up and keep going in my own strength, I can instead lay everything at the feet of Jesus. He truly empathizes with my physical, mental and spiritual suffering. Moreover, He is the only source of power I can use to continue on in the face of all the trouble I endure during this temporary life. I can then choose to remember that I am more than a conqueror through Christ who has overcome the world. (Romans 8:37, John 16:33)
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can take heart in the sufferings of Christ.
How do I feel sorry for myself in thinking I am the only one who has been through such a trial?
When do I feel most alone?
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