The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

What a Ministry

"And all of this is a gift from God,
who brought us back to himself through Christ.
And God has given us this task
of reconciling people to him."
2 Corinthians 5:18 NLT

Church people often talk about their ministries.  Feeding the hungry, discipling new believers, teaching children, working with youth, all important to be sure.  We get quite passionate about our particular ministry and often get quite involved.  But there is one ministry we all share, and none are exempt from this task.  In fact, it is perhaps the most important ministry of the Church.

Reconciliation.  Sin separates mankind from God.  A gulf has formed between the holy and the profane.  None can get to the One who loves perfectly and completely.  Even though I want to be a friend, my sin makes me an enemy of God (Romans 5:10).  How can I reach Him who makes all things right, who fulfills, who satisfies that longing in my soul?  Jesus.  He bridges the gap between man and God.  His death on the cross paid the debt God requires for my sin, and through faith and repentance I am reconciled with God (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Sin separates.  Jesus reconciles.  What a wonderful message, a message that saved me from certain death, gave me hope for eternity and peace for today.  How can I keep this to myself?  All need to hear, and it is through His own that they will hear.  It is time I stop being stingy and start speaking freely of the saving news that is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

All believers are included in the ministry of reconciliation, where God graciously and kindly offered His Son as a sacrifice to bridge the gap between sinful mankind and His holy self.

Conduit.  It really doesn't do anything.  It's best feature is that it stays pliable and ready to be pulled around wherever it is needed.  While it seems the life-giving water comes from it, the liquid that brings life actually comes from a source that is unseen.  Without my hose, I'd have a hard time watering my garden and flower pots.

In the same way that my garden hose is a conduit that delivers water to where its needed, I am a mouthpiece for Christ to pass on His plea to "Come back to God!"  (2 Corinthians 5:20)  Its not that He needs me, because He does not (Psalm 50:7-13, Daniel 4:35).  For some reason, though, He chooses to use His people to speak on His behalf.  What a privilege to be a part of God at work among His image bearers, bringing the life-giving message to a world that is parched and thirsty.  Let none shrink back from such a joy!

All believers are conduits of grace and the only prerequisite for such a ministry is to offer oneself as a pliable and ready spirit.

Passion.  There seems to be a spirit of fear among the Body of Christ.  As ones who are in the world but not of it, believers operate under a different set of rules with different weapons, reasoning that comes straight from the Holy Spirit to pierce the conscience and tear down the soundest of arguments (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).  Yet, its easy to be deceived into thinking my ability to share the Gospel is based on my own knowledge of scripture, my ability to recall the right truth at the right time, or the strength and shrewdness of my approach.

Instead, this ministry that we've been given is supernaturally powered by God's Spirit.  While I am Christ's representative, He does not expect me to come up with my own tactics or depend upon my own skills to say the right thing at the right time.  On the contrary, it depends only upon my willingness to let the love of Christ compel me to plead, implore, beg the lost to repent and turn to Christ.  Other times His Spirit may lead me to gently restore, to show mercy, to shine a light on the Way of life.  Only He knows which approach each soul needs, so I must stay sensitive to His lead.  Either way, the love of Christ compels me to do whatever is necessary to save people from God's holy judgment without getting caught up in their sinful lifestyle myself (Jude 1:17-23, Jeremiah 20:9).

All believers have the passion of God's Spirit indwelling, leading each to act as a lifeguard to those who are drowning in sin, offering up Jesus as a ring buoy of sorts who will keep them from being overcome by their transgressions.

I am involved in all kinds of ministries, many of which are powerful and necessary.  But have I ignored the one that all share?  The ministry of reconciliation is one with which each believer is tasked, but I need not fret.  The message that brings life comes through me but originates directly from the heart of God with a passion that I cannot resist.  What a ministry!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to put myself in His hands for His purposes.

How am I resisting God's attempts to speak through me?

When do I let fear cripple me, refusing to share the Good News of reconciliation?


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