The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Way of Sorrow

"What sorrow for those who get up early in the morning
looking for a drink of alcohol
and spend long evenings drinking wine
to make themselves flaming drunk.
They furnish wine and lovely music
at their grand parties--
lyre and harp, tambourine and flute--
but they never think about the LORD
or notice what he is doing.
So my people will go into exile far away
because they do not know me."
Isaiah 5:11-13a NLT

It seems like a joyous, carefree way to live, the good life, really.  Many strive to grab hold of the life filled with recreation and fun, full of pleasure.  But is it all its cracked up to be?  

Illusion.  I'm the master of my own destiny.  I don't believe in an afterlife and I'm okay with that.  There can't be a God, otherwise He wouldn't allow all this suffering, therefore, I can live however I want.  I'm just not the type who is into this God-thing; I'm fine just the way I am.  There are many methods mankind uses to create the illusion that God does not exist, or that He is optional, there if we need Him but otherwise fine with being left alone. Either viewpoint pays no heed to the Truth:  There is a God and He made His image-bearers for relationship with Himself (Psalm 100:3).

To live for selfish pleasures creates a false reality where God does not exist and those who adhere to such a lifestyle delude themselves into believing they will never need answer for the way they lived their lives (Hebrews 9:27).   There are only two choices as a follower of Christ:  Live with my flesh as lord, or with Jesus as my Ruler (Galatians 5:16-23).  The first leads to destruction, the second to life (Matthew 7:13-14).  To numb oneself with alcohol or other diversions has a blinding effect toward God and His constant work all around me.  Either I pay attention and respond, or I ignore and and carry on as usual.  Despite my choice, however, God is a reality I cannot deny, try as I might (Galatians 6:7-9).

To create an illusion that God does not exist or that it won't matter if I acknowledge Him or not is the way of sorrow.

Short-Term Payoff.  "You can either go on the website and fill out the claim form and wait to hear the decision, or you can get an immediate response by going through the process over the phone.  Which would you prefer?"  I was speaking to a customer service agent with my cell phone provider who was helping me get a replacement for my broken phone.  I replied with a chuckle, "I'll take the quick way, of course!  I'm an American and we want things now!"  And so it is.  

Today's culture is all about "spending our children's inheritance," investing in the good life here and leaving thoughts of eternity for another day.  Maybe when I'm done having fun I'll be ready to settle down and think about God.  Meanwhile, the Savior who wants to deliver the best life as only God could deliver for all of eternity is exchanged for a mediocre life now (John 3:16., 11:25, 14:2-3)  It's like preferring plastic beads now over real pearls later, or a shack in the woods without indoor plumbing or electricity now over a mansion with all the amenities later.  I must not be deceived:  Today's best just isn't that great.

To invest in a short-term payoff in the here and now is to miss out on God's best for all of eternity, the way of sorry indeed.

Counterfeit Joy.  Every human desires it.  That happiness that doesn't come and go but stays put despite my circumstances.  The glow that tells me my life is good and all is well with my soul.  I search for it in religion, relationships, my life's work, but it is as elusive as a butterfly refusing to light on the flower that is my heart.  It's frustrating, really.  I pursue it, providing all the pieces that should bring it, but it never comes.

True joy only comes in knowing Jesus.  When I turn away from all other pursuits and place all my eggs in His basket, I will be "filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy" (1 Peter 1:8b).  Living for Him, with Jesus as my greatest treasure, my loftiest goal, the prize to keep my eyes upon (Hebrews 12:2), I'll discover a joy that does not fade over time and is not dependent upon circumstances.  No matter what comes my way, I'll have the hope of Jesus to carry me through.

To seek counterfeit forms of joy in human experiences is the way of sorrow.

Many have come up short when they live according to their own desires.  When I follow suit, I'll live under the illusion that there is no God at work all around me, invest for the short-term payoff, and look for counterfeit joy.  In each case, I'll be following the way of sorrow.  If I want a better way, I need only give my life to Jesus.  His way is far superior, and it leads to life abundant!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to live His way so that I'll benefit in eternity.

When do I get caught up in following the way of Sorrow?

How am I investing in the short-term?    


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