The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013


"The LORD said to Moses,
'Speak to the Israelites and say to them:
These are my appointed festivals,
the appointed festivals of the LORD,
which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.'"
Leviticus 23:1-2

It's been called the most wonderful time of year; the season when visions of sugar plums dance in the head's of children everywhere, television executives inundate us with special programming, and families gather to celebrate the birth of the Christ child.   Who doesn't love a good holiday?

While there are many who find Christmas time to be stressful and overdone, many followers of Christ do look for ways to honor God and the gift of His Son in the midst of the hustle and bustle.  God is big on celebrations and observances, but not for the reasons we may think.  Instead, there is a greater purpose for the festivals He set forth for His people to observe.  We can learn what's important to God by paying close attention to His Word.


The appointments were piling up and the list of things-to-do was growing longer.  There's no rest for the weary, the harried mother thought as she rushed through her tasks. I sure could use a little break; Calgon, take me away!  There was a commercial popular in the 1970's for a luxury bath product that depicted women in stressful situations who needed a little pampering to help them cope with their nerve-racking lives.  Their solution was to jump into a warm tub of soothing, fragrant water where they would, "Lose themselves in luxury."

While it may be nice to be able to put the world on hold while I take a luxuriant bath, God has a more practical and effective approach.  He set the example for us in the beginning by creating all things in six days and then taking the seventh day off.  (Genesis 2:2)  As His people, we are called to do the same.  It is important for our health to have a time to recuperate from our busy lives, refreshing our spirits and giving us renewed strength to get through the week to come.

It is easy to think I need this extra day to be able to accomplish all the work I have before me.  In the same way that it takes an act of faith to give at least ten percent of my income back to the Lord, I can trust God that He will give me the grace to do everything I need to do if I set aside a day for Him.  

In a wider scope, Hebrews 4 describes a rest that exists as I rely on the Lord.  I must enter into this rest by placing all responsibility and the outcome of my efforts squarely on His shoulders, trusting Him completely to supply all my needs and to achieve what He desires to accomplish.  When I do this, I will find a peace and sense of calm as I trust God to fight my battles for me as well as to give me all the grace and mercy I need to get through each day. (Hebrews 4:16)

It is important that I set aside a day to rest, but also that I rest each moment in His sovereign power.


The twelve representatives of their respective tribes each carried a stone from the center of the Jordan River and placed it carefully in the designated spot, constructing a memorial to the Lord.  These stones of remembrance served as a reminder of how the Lord had stopped the waters of the mighty river, allowing His people to cross over into the land promised to them. (Joshua 4

It is easy to forget what God has done.  At the time of our deliverance, or of unexplained healing, or in His great providence, I am overwhelmed with His might.  As time goes by and the next crisis hits, the latest problems threaten to overtake my field of vision and the power of the Lord fades into the background.  It is at this time that I need to remember God's mighty deeds of days gone by.

Keeping a journal has been a powerful reminder for me to use during times of fear and doubt.  When I'm tempted to fall into despair, I pick up this book and read about the things God has done in my life.  As I remember, my faith grows stronger and my hope in what He will do builds.  Soon, I find my feet back on solid ground as I stand firmly on the foundation made strong by the Author and Perfecter of my faith.  (Psalm 40:2Hebrews 12:2)

It is important that I find a way to remember all that God has done in my life.


From the beginning of time, God made it clear to His people that all things were from Him.  Perhaps to keep our minds on the true Source of provision, He consistently required the first fruits to be returned to Him.  For instance, Abel's offering of the firstborn was accepted while Cain's of some of the fruit of the ground was not. (Genesis 4:3-5)

Later, God declared the first born to be considered as belonging to Him (Exodus 13:2) as well as the firstfruits of any harvest (Leviticus 2:9-14).  Flashing forward to the time of Jesus, the Son of God always took the principles involved in the law and went deeper, including the heart and not just the outward actions.  Therefore, He tackled this standard of giving the first fruits by pointing out the poor widow who gave back to God more than anyone else because she gave all she had. (Luke 21:1-4)  

Instead of going out and giving all I have away in response to this teaching, I think God is trying to show me that it is my heart that is important to Him.  He wants me to trust Him enough to be generous in my attitude toward God and others.  If I'm afraid to even give back the minimal Old Testament requirement of ten percent, how will I ever get to the point where I can give all I have to the Lord?

In many ways, this goes beyond money and possessions.  Knowing that I belong to the Lord and have been bought at a price, it is His desire that I trust Him with my whole life; so much so that I'll be generous with my time, talents and possessions. (Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 6:20)

If I'm always holding back, afraid that I won't have enough for myself, I don't truly understand His ability and desire to give me more than I need.  The difficulty comes in that this kind of giving is based on faith, not on sight.  In other words, I can't be assured with any of my five senses that I'll have enough energy, money, or means to get through the day if I give everything away, but I have to trust God that He is faithful to give me what I need. (Matthew 6:32)

It is important that I return to God at least the first and best of what He so generously bestows upon me.

Everyone loves a holiday, but sometimes the purpose for the celebration goes deeper than we first realized.  Therefore, when learning about the festivals God set aside for His people to observe, it reveals what is important to Him.  He wants me to enter into the rest He so wisely provides for me, to remember all He has done, and to return at least a tenth of what He so lavishly overflows into my life.  In these ways, every day can be a holiday!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can enter into the rest that comes with trusting God implicitly.

When do I forget all the great things God has done?

How am I betraying my lack of faith in my hesitancy to give more than the minimum?   

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