The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Why Anger Such a God?

"When the LORD heard them, he was furious;
his fire broke out against Jacob,
and his wrath rose against Israel,
for they did not believe in God
or trust in his deliverance.
Yet he gave a command to the skies above
and opened the doors of the heavens;
he rained down manna for the people to eat,
he gave them the grain of heaven."
Psalm 78:21-23

I am so removed from God's anger by the Gospel of grace that I don't often think of it.  I figure I'm covered by the blood of His Son and so protected from His wrath.  While Jesus does shield me from eternal condemnation, I can still tick my Father off in some ways. With such a merciful God, why do I test His patience so?  

I can learn a lot about God by finding out what His children do that stirs up His anger.  Once I know this, I can save Him the aggravation by avoiding such common anger-provoking behavior.  What is it about me that angers God?

Faithlessness.  He did everything for them, guiding them, saving them, providing for them, even performing wondrous miracles for them.  Yet, they doubted His existence.  In the midst of the latest crisis, they forgot all He had done and returned to their old pattern of fear and anxiety.  What are we going to do out here in the middle of nowhere without any water?  They had seen God provide water out of a rock before, and even turn bitter water into sweet (Exodus 17, 15:22-25) .  These faithless people should have known He had their back, but they acted as if there was no sovereign, powerful God to lead them and protect them (Numbers 20).

It's easy for me to look down on these people of old, thinking they were so dense and hard-headed and lifting my chin in pride as I consider my own strong faith.  Then the sickness hits, the job is lost, or the home is in jeopardy and I waver.  I panic, wondering if I'm going to make it, if all is lost.  I forget that I have a Father who loves me and knows my needs (Matthew 6:32).  I act as if there was no sovereign, powerful God to lead me and protect me.

It angers God when I act like He doesn't even exist.

Unbelief.  They limited God, placing parameters around His powers.  While these people who were called by His name agreed that God was able to bring life-giving water out of a plain, old rock, they didn't think he was able to go so far as to generate bread and meat out of thin air.  That's impossible! they agreed (Psalm 78:17-31).

I'm really no different when it comes down to it.  I may say that nothing is impossible with God, but then I doubt He can deliver me from a mountain of debt that weighs down on me, or I wonder if He could truly heal the sickness that ravages my body, or I figure it all depends on me because the job market in this area is weak at best and even an act of God could not find me a position in my field.  That's impossible!  I say in my heart.

It angers God when I limit His powers and doubt His ability to save.

Grace.  Despite their faithlessness and unbelief, God didn't give up on them as a nation.  He still sent manna from heaven, the perfect food that was unlike anything anyone had ever seen and was able to perfectly sustain them.  Even though this was enough, they wanted meat, so He sent quail.  While He would have been perfectly just in killing every last one of His people, He held back, only taking a portion, always saving a remnant to carry on.  Then, the picture of His grace for them; a king who cared for them and led them expertly.  A man after His own heart to reign over them (Psalm 78:65-72).

He treats me no different than He did these clueless Israelites.  Even though I deserve death because of my defiance, my wayward heart, my doubt and fear, He gives me good things.  And in His most lavish picture of His love for me, He sent a King who cared enough to give His own life on my behalf (Romans 5:8).  He paid the debt I could never pay to a Judge with impossibly high standards who held a sentence of eternal damnation over my sinful head.  Once Jesus paid the price, I was acquitted and all charges were dropped.  I was free to go under the reign of a Man like no other.  A God-man whose throne room is my heart and who gives me access to this righteous Father.  I am freed from getting what I truly deserve.

Despite my ability to tick my Father off, He still gives me what I don't deserve and I am redeemed!

God is angered when I act like He doesn't even exist or doubt in His ability to save.  Even though I don't deserve it, He still loves me enough to save me from the death I have earned.  In this grace I must rest, loving Him enough to live as if He were there directing my footsteps and waiting for my faith to believe He can rescue me from any hopeless situation.  With such a Father as this, why would I want to anger Him?

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust Him enough to believe He is capable of anything, leaving all my worries in His hands.

When do I doubt in God's ability, praying small prayers instead of big ones?

Do I limit God's work in my life by my puny faith?  

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