The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Monday, February 9, 2015

New Pattern Taught

"For he gave his laws to Israel and commanded our fathers to teach them to their children,
so that they in turn could teach their children too.
Thus his laws pass down from generation to generation.
In this way each generation has been able to obey his laws
and set its hope anew on God
and not forget his glorious miracles.
Thus they did not need to be as their fathers were--
stubborn, rebellious, unfaithful, 
refusing to give their hearts to God."
Psalm 78:5-8 TLB

Hard-headed.  Obstinate.  Self-sufficient.  Defiant.  Hard-hearted.  Adulterous.  My flesh is bent on such destructive ways.  It's easy to become unfaithful, forgetting God's might and power in the midst of the mess that is called life.  I easily get caught up in the mindset of this world, going with the flow of living my own way, forgetting the One who made me for Himself.

In order to become a nation of faithful followers of Christ, we must teach a new pattern to the next generation or else they'll just do what comes natural to their sinful flesh.  If the Gospel is not proclaimed, the Way will be lost, the Truth forgotten, and the Life snuffed out (John 14:6-7).  The new pattern of Jesus must be taught to those coming behind us or else they will never know of Him and His offer of abundant life.

Keep Covenant.  Without guidance of any kind, an introduction to Jesus, I naturally think the way to a better life is through hard work, adherence to a standard, and maintaining good morals and values.  I think the way to God is through religion, following a set of principles and sticking to it's practices.  Since I am stuck in this body of death, I can't seem to get it together, resulting in a nagging guilt that colors everything I do as I attempt this empty way.  I begin to think if this is what faith is all about, I don't see why anyone would want to be apart of it.

Jesus came to usher in a new age, a different covenant than the one that required the following of rules and the offering of sacrifices.  The new covenant, is so much better and rooted in the work that Jesus has already done, not on what it's followers do (Hebrews 8:6, Galatians 3:21-22).  Therefore, freedom is found in Christ as we learn to simply follow Him as He leads us closer to His Father (John 6:44).

I must teach the next generation of the joy that is found in keeping the covenant of grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Stay With Him.  The One True God is a relational God who is involved in the day-to-day details of my life.  He is not aloof and far away, keeping His distance so as not to be tainted by my mess.  Instead, there has been a pattern from the beginning of time of Him entering into the lives of those He created in His image.  

This is true of the people of Israel.  He never left them to their own devices after He delivered them from Egyptian slavery, washing His hands of them as if freedom was enough.  No, He never left them even when they gave Him every reason to do so by their unfaithfulness to Him, their constant whining and complaining.  Instead, He personally led them in His own unique way (Exodus 13:21).

In order to follow His lead in my modern life, I must pay attention, looking for the telltale signs of His mighty hand at work.  I can't expect to see a pillar of cloud towering above the path He wants me to take by day, and a column of fire lighting the way when the sun goes down.  That would be too obvious and impersonal.  Instead, His guidance is tailored to me as He leads me in a way I can recognize.  In order to go where He wants me to go, however, I must stay with Him instead of wandering off on my own.  This is not a practice that is naturally known to all, but must be taught.

I must teach the next generation the intimacy that comes in a personal relationship with a Shepherd that will personally lead them through each moment of their lives.

Accept Provision.  A constant hunger for more.  An unquenchable thirst for comfort.  A desire for power to dictate the details of my own life.  I am so much like the people of Israel who were given everything they needed, personally witnessing the power of the God who delivered them from harm's way, yet constantly displayed a spirit of discontentment and unfaithfulness (Numbers 11, 14, 20).

God is a generous Father who gives me far more than what I need.  He lavishes His love upon my life, sending little signs of His love for me throughout each day.  Yet, it's so easy to want more than what He gives, or even desire for it to come delivered in a different package.  My discontentment in what God has provided shows my utter lack of thankfulness for what is His best for me.  The new way that is so foreign to my ungrateful flesh is to develop a spirit of gratitude that comes with practice.  

I must teach the next generation the contentment that comes from accepting God's provision and seeing it as the lavish gift it is.

I live in the age of enlightenment where everything but the Truth is taught as virtuous.  In such a world, it is vital that I make it my mission to teach to those coming up behind me the new pattern of grace that comes through faith in Jesus.  In Christ, it is possible to walk in a new covenant based on grace and received by faith, to follow His lead in a world of independence, and to accept with gratitude what He graciously gives.  If no one tells them, those following behind will never know of such riches.  This is a new pattern distinct from the one that is extolled by the flesh and this fallen world, and it must be taught!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust in God's new covenant of grace and see the need to teach the truth to those coming up behind me.

When do I assume others know simply because I do?

How am I resistant to telling of the pattern of grace, fearing it rings hollow to young ears?

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