The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, January 23, 2015


"But I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble.
You are my strength, I sing praise to you;
you, God, are my fortress,
my God on whom I can rely."
Psalm 59:16-17

The words fall easily from my lips, natural to my carnal self.  While I don't mean to be negative, my flesh loves the pessimistic and cynical mindset.  Complaining can be a group practice, a way for me to connect with others, a common ground we share, like at the supermarket checkout.  "Can you believe the traffic around here?"  "Typical Monday; dreary and wet."  "It figures, I usually get in the line where the register runs out of paper or the cashier is slow."  Rolling of eyes, snickering under the breath, connection made.

Is this what I want to be about; all that is wrong in life?  Sure, there is plenty to complain about, don't get me wrong.  If I wanted to, I could maintain an endless list of circumstances, situations and incidents that are bad and worthy of sharing with others.  But why would I choose all that is broken and amiss in this world when I have a God who is so good?  I have much about which to give Him praise.  Why not choose to sing?

Strength.  God never gets fed up with me, growing tired of my failings or giving up on my weaknesses.  He never runs out of steam as He takes attentive care of all His children.  He doesn't need to take a break to refuel and recuperate after a long day.  God doesn't need to sleep so He'll feel better in the morning, ready to face another day of ruling over His creation.  He is the same this moment as He was the last.  His strength never runs out (Isaiah 40:28).

This is the kind of strength I need to sustain me.  I do get fed up with others, grow tired of my own failing as well as the shortcomings of those around me.  It's easy for my flesh to want to give up the fight, wondering if I'm capable of taking another step.  With all I face in life, I tend to run out of steam, needing refreshment and rejuvenation.  I can't go without sleep, but need it so my body can rest.  

In my weakened human state, I need the strength of God to sustain me.  He makes it possible for me to carry on when I'm ready to throw in the towel.  He renews my resolve when I'm done dealing with the world.  He sprouts a seed of hope inside me that gives me supernatural strength to carry on.

Why not choose this day to sing about this strength upon which I can rely? 

Steadfast Love.  It doesn't matter what I do, I can't lose it.  Even if I fall a thousand times, I will never be out of it's abundant flow.  While my behavior may give humans a reason to withdraw it, there is nothing that can make God stop loving me.  His very identity is love and it is His nature to love (1 John 4:8).  Because of His character of love, I am secure in Christ (Romans 8:35-39).  I am always His beloved child.

For this reason I need not despair when trouble comes my way.  No matter what happens I can never lose my place in the family of God under the devotion of a Father's love.  Even if my heart despairs to the point of death over my failings, my Father looks compassionately upon me as if looking upon a wounded bird who needs an extra dose of tender loving care.  When I feel the whole world is against me and I can't find a lick of sympathy or anyone to show concern for my plight, God's love is there to minister to my wounded heart.

Why not choose this day to sing about the steadfast love of God that never runs out?  

Fortress.  Life can be cruel.  The blows come fast and hard.  I wish someone would cut me a break, that the onslaught would slow.  Still, the difficulty comes like a relentless wave threatening to take me under.  Then I see it.  The sturdy lighthouse standing firm in the raging sea.  Once inside, I am safe and secure, able to rest in the midst of the storm.

God is this lighthouse against the powerful tempest.  He is a fortress in times of trouble.  He is my Rock and my Redeemer.  He is my refuge in the midst of the turmoil that swirls around me.  Resting in Him gives me inner peace and tranquility even though I should be panicked and disturbed.

Why not choose this day to sing about the God who is my fortress against the trouble found in this world?


It's too easy to complain, it comes so naturally.  This day, it is my prayer that I will choose a different path, that my heart will be moved to sing about all God is to me.  He is my strength, abounding in steadfast love, and providing a mighty fortress in which I am safe and secure.  For these reasons, I choose this day to sing!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can focus on the goodness of God instead of all there is to complain about.

How am I drawn to the negative?  How can I retrain myself to look instead at God and His goodness?

When am I most prone to whine and grumble?


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