The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, January 9, 2015

Hope When Down

"Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you in turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my salvation and my God."
Psalm 42:5

It seemed there was no reason to carry on, like life was futile and just an endless series of disappointments, hardships and heartaches.  What's the point?  Why am I here?  The pit yawned deep and dark beneath me.  Despair loomed.

It's hard to carry on when I feel discouraged and without hope.  Will I ever feel better?  Will joy return? This psalmist understood the wisdom of living according to what he knew instead of by how he felt.  How did he endure depression? 

Heart of Praise.  It's hard to give God glory and honor when I'm not feeling it.  It's not natural to lift my voice with words of worship and adoration when the darkness presses in.  My heart is not inclined toward the Lord when it feels like everything is spiraling out of control.  At these times, it's good to continually remind myself of the transient nature of my current emotional state.  This too shall pass.

My hope is not in my circumstances, not in anything inside of me, not in my own ability to save myself nor in any humans willingness to help.  The only confidence I have is in God.  As the prophet Jeremiah professed as he lamented the affliction, anguish and desperation he and the nation of Israel have endured, "'The LORD is my portion' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him.'" (Lamentations 3:24)

Reminding myself that God will pull me out of the pit, placing my feet on solid ground, gives me the strength to carry on (Psalm 40:1-2).

Deep Calls to Deep.  The waves of turmoil and trouble keep coming, one after the other.  It feels I'll never catch a break, as if I can't breath in deeply but have to settle for the quick snatches of air I can suck in between outbreaks of heartache.  As I weather such storms, I have the rare opportunity to connect to God on a deeper level, the core of my soul reaching out to Him in desperation.

It's hard to think of the struggles as a benefit, but it can be a sweet time of seeing God on a new level where I experience His comfort, His lovingkindness, His faithful strength and support.  If my life was always easy and comfortable, I'd never get to see this side of God.  My relationship with Him would stay on the surface, shallow and superficial.  

The times of heartache and misery are opportunities to connect to God on a new level, growing in my relationship with Him as we endure the hard times together.

His Song.  Most of the time you don't hear birds singing once the sun goes down.  If you are fortunate enough to live in an area where the Mockingbird resides, you may hear a bachelor's love song resonate through the still, night air.  While this sound may annoy one who is trying to sleep, it is a beautiful reminder of the song of the Lord that stays with me during the dark times.

Just because I'm going through hard times doesn't mean God's goodness has gone away.  He is still a God who is worthy to be praised, no matter how bad things look in my life.  His character never changes and His constant nature is imprinted on my soul.  Therefore, if I look hard enough, I'll see evidence of His handiwork throughout the night.

My connection to the steadfast love of God is not lost no matter my circumstance.

When I feel down and in the dumps, it may seem like I'll never come out of it.  During such times, it's important to remind myself that my heart will praise God again, that joy will return.  It also helps me to realize the hard times are a unique opportunity to grow in my relationship with the Lord.  Finally, the song God leaves in my heart will not depart just because the night has come.  When I'm in a state of depression, I always have hope through Jesus.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God through the darkness.

When do I give in to feelings of depression instead of reminding myself of the hope I have?

How do I fail to connect to God when the going gets rough?


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