The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Newly Opened Eyes

"Thus I cleansed them from everything foreign,
and I established the duties of the priests and Levites,
each in his work;
and I provided for the wood offering at appointed times,
and for the firstfruits."
Nehemiah 13:30-31a ESV

Nehemiah had his work cut out for him.  The people had been far away from God, living in exile before returning to Judah.  Therefore, they didn't know any better than to live as the other nations did.  Once they returned to God, however, there were some changes to make.

It's the same with me.  When I'm living in exile from God, ignorant of His ways and unfamiliar with His love and grace that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, I can't help but live as the world does;  it's all I know.  Once I repent of my sinful ways, however, and come into relationship with Jesus Christ through faith, there are some changes to make.

Purge.  In the same way that God's people during the time of Nehemiah were affected by foreign influences, so I have many worldly ways about me when I come to Christ.  As I enter into His kingdom, there is some purging to do (Romans 12:2a).  

I have adapted mindsets that are comfortable to my flesh yet run counter to God and His Word.  These beliefs and views must be purged from my consciousness.  There are also ways of living that appeal to my sensual side, bringing fleeting moments of pleasure that don't line up with God's best for me.  

If I'm to live the abundant life Jesus died to deliver, I will need to turn away from such shallow pursuits.  In addition, I'm used to making decisions using my own common sense and intellect.  

Now that I have a Father who knows my needs and who has a plan for my life, I can leave the provision up to Him and let Him lead me down the path He has for me (Matthew 6:31-33, Jeremiah 29:11-13).

Once I come to Christ by faith, I'll need to purge the worldly ways from my life.

Establish.  Out with the old, in with the new.  I often repeat this saying to myself when I buy new clothes, taking a look at my closet and deciding which old clothing I will donate.  A friend of mine advised that I adopt this practice in order to keep from cluttering my closet, and that has helped me cut down on how much unnecessary stuff I end up with.

Similarly, when I repent of my sin, a continual process as a follower of Christ, I am wise to replace the old ways with something new.  In Christ, I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).  Sometimes, though, I fail to embrace the new and I easily fall back into the familiar.  Therefore, it is necessary that I take on the Lord Jesus Christ as I would don a coat (Romans 13:13-14).  Instead of doing as I always did before I knew Jesus, I can turn away from those old, sinful ways and walk with Him, letting my Shepherd lead me down paths of righteousness that lead to life (Psalm 23:3, Matthew 7:13-14).  Otherwise, if left to my own devices, I'll just do as I've always done which has led me nowhere good.

Once I come to Christ by faith, I'll need to establish a new way of living in Christ instead of in the flesh.

Give.  In my old way of living, when I was immersed in the world and it's ways, the mindset I learned and that fit so naturally with my nature was to take, take, take.  It was all about grabbing what I could for myself, hoarding good things for me and my family, and taking care of myself first and foremost.

Now that I belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ, He has introduced a new way of living where generosity rules.  In the same way that He lavishes His love on me, I find myself being transformed into the same kind of giving being (1 John 3:1,1 John 4:19).  Once I realize my security in His kingdom, I realize I don't have to grab all that I can as if there may be no more.  Instead, I can freely give, knowing that my Father owns a cattle on a thousand hills and He loves to give me good gifts.  I need not worry that I'll never have enough because I know my Father is a good provider.

I am therefore free to give instead of take.  And Christ compels me to do so.  Where I once only thought of myself, now I find my mind going to how I can benefit others with what I've been given.  When my budget used to be focused on how to get what I want, now I include giving back to God a portion of what He generously gives.  While I used to be all about me, now God is transforming my mind to think of others.

Once I come to Christ by faith, I'll need to let God transform my mind into becoming a more generous person.

In the same way that the recent exiles had to learn new ways once they came back to God, I have some changing to do once I accept Christ as my Savior.  These changes, though radical, are not as a result of my hard work but are intentional acts that are powered by the God who loves me.  It's not through my effort that transformation occurs, but is more of a supernatural work of God's indwelling Spirit.  I must, however, cooperate.  Once I do, I will need to purge the old to make room for the new and allow Him to change my once selfish ways into a more generous spirit.  These are some of the changes that happen once I pledge my life to Jesus, giving my newly opened eyes a whole new vista to appreciate.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can keep my eyes on Jesus as I operate in His Kingdom instead of the world.

When do I resist cleansing my life from the sin that so easily entangles?

How am I caught up in living as if I am not a new creation?     

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