The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hostile Environment

"When our enemies heard that we knew of their plans and that God had frustrated them,
we all returned to our work on the wall.
But from then on,
only half my men worked while 
the other half stood guard with 
spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail.
The leaders stationed themselves behind 
the people of Judah who were building the wall.  
The laborers carried on their work 
with one hand supporting their load 
and one hand holding a weapon.  
All the builders had sword belted to their side.  
The trumpeter stayed with me to sound the alarm."
Nehemiah 4:15-18 NLT

Nehemiah and the people of Judah had a job to do.  Even though God had sent Nehemiah to start work on rebuilding the wall, providing the necessary supplies and paving the way, his job was not without trouble.  There were those who opposed his work, fighting him every step of the way.

Don't I live in a similar environment?  While I may not be physically threatened, today's culture does threaten my faith.  How then does the church survive?

Delegation.  Abortion.  Euthanasia.  Gay marriage.  Restriction of religious freedom.  Banishment of God from public domain.  There are many ways our culture is defying God and His intended purpose for His image bearers.  As we stray further and further away, those who follow Jesus become increasingly alarmed.  But we can't all spend our days fighting such moral battles.

When my husband served in the Army, I learned that not every soldier serves on the front lines.  Instead, each is trained in specific areas and a large majority are used behind the scenes, supporting those who are engaging in combat.  Similarly, while we are all in the battle taking place in this fallen world, only some are called to the front lines.  My job, then, is to focus on my mission and to support those who are covering me against the enemy's attacks.

God has placed each of us exactly where He wants us, has called each to a specific mission and has equipped every one with talents and gifts to be used in that charge.  In short, God delegates duties.  He calls some to fight the battles, preserving religious freedoms, protecting the innocent from dangerous legislation or even standing in the gap as prayer warriors.  

The people of God can stay on task when each diligently works where God has placed them while supporting those who are on the front lines.

Leadership.  A leader is not always out in front.  Many times, it is the purpose of a leader to stand behind those he leads.  Such was the case in Nehemiah's time when the leaders positioned themselves behind their people to encourage, protect and assist.  

Therefore, I would be wise to learn from this model of leadership, realizing that there are some who are watching me, learning from me, and following behind me.  Since I have such influence, I must make every effort to lend them a hand when possible, smooth the way for them to grow in their faith, and encourage them in their walk.  Who am I leading and how can I provide this kind of leadership?

A leader in God's kingdom is a servant who helps to equip the people to succeed in their God-given calling.

Equipped.  It's important to know that God goes before me always, fighting my battles for me.  With such knowledge, I can boldly step forward into the fray, keeping my weapons at the ready, being alert to the battle at hand and never letting my guard down.

While my battle is not physical, I am in a war as a follower of Christ living in a world ruled by my enemy.  Therefore, I must keep God's Word, my sword, set to use at all times (Ephesians 6:17).  Then I can wield my weapon against the enemy any time he attacks, reminding him of the truth, shedding light in the darkness, and giving all who hear a dose of hope.

It is also important that I not let my guard down while I am here in enemy territory.  Even though I am secure in Christ, I make myself vulnerable to attack when I deny the existence of an enemy, or pretend he is not a threat, or forget he is always looking for chinks in my armor (1 Peter 5:8).  Therefore I must stay alert, watching for ways he is attempting to isolate me from the Body of Christ, or tempt me to doubt in God's ability to use me, or steal the peace that comes from trusting God.  I am uniquely equipped to fight while I serve in my area of calling.

Knowing that God fights for me empowers me to stand strong against my enemies, staying alert to the battle at hand, even while I answer His calling.

As a follower of Christ, I have a job to do, similar to the task facing Nehemiah and the people of Judah in building the wall.  Even in the midst of such a calling, I am not without opposition.  Therefore, God delegates some to fight on the front lines while I support their efforts and benefit from their diligence. It is also important for leaders to stand behind their sheep, providing an atmosphere conducive to work.  Finally, I must realize I'm equipped to be ready to fight when necessary, always aware that God is my ultimate Warrior.  Even though I serve God in a hostile environment, I can still complete the mission given to me.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can remember that God has my back.

How am I afraid to step out in faith, fearing the backlash that may come from my stance?

When do I avoid my mission because I'm unwilling to work in a hostile environment, afraid it may cost me my security or comfort? 

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