The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Right Time

"After this, Jesus went around in Galilee.
He did not want to go about in Judea
because the Jewish leaders there were looking
for a way to kill him.
But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near,
Jesus' brothers said to him,
'leave Galilee and go to Judea,
so that your disciples there may see the works you do.
No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret.
Since you are doing these things,
show yourself to the world.'
For even his own brothers did not believe in him.
Therefore Jesus told them,
'My time is not yet here;
for you any time will do.'"
John 7:1-6

Most gardeners possess an internal calendar of tasks and projects necessary for tending their yard, flowers and vegetables.  There is a specific time for every chore and it's important to know when to do each.  For instance, if I trim my Crape Myrtle bush in the early summer, it will not bloom that year.  Or, if I were to prune my River Birch tree in the Fall, it would bleed a lot of sap.  Instead, it's best to wait until after the new leaves are well established in the springtime.  Additionally, if I were to fertilize my lawn at the wrong time I could damage or weaken the tender blades of grass.  Knowing that there is a right time for every task is vital to the success of my garden.

In the same way that a garden flourishes under the care of a master gardener who understands the importance of timing, so my faith will grow and thrive when I submit to the master plan of the One who holds time in His hands.


People tend to love giving advice, but accepting it is a whole other thing.  Take Job, for example:  When he was going through the most difficult trial anyone could imagine, his friends were there to offer plenty of counsel, suggestions and opinions.  Unfortunately, most of what they said was not godly, helpful or even encouraging.  After awhile, their words even became downright condemning. (Job)

People mean well, but most tend to lean on their own understanding, thinking they have the solution needed to solve another's problem.  There are times I do the same as well, relying on my own common sense instead of seeking God's will to direct my words to a good friend.  

When money is tight and we have a hard time paying the bills, many give the suggestion that my husband should find a higher paying job or I should enter the work force.  If I take their advice without consulting God for His plan, I risk stepping outside His will and missing out on all the blessings found there.

When the children are exercising their strong wills and I experience constant opposition from them, the experts may tell me the exact opposite of how God wants me to handle the conflict.  If I never take this issue before the Lord, I'll never know how He wants me to guide my children through this time of testing.

When life gets hectic and the word "complicated" doesn't even begin to describe my life, well-meaning friends may have all kinds of advice as to what activities I should eliminate from my schedule.  Only the Lord knows, however, what He has prepared in advance for me to do, so it is best if I pay attention to what He is telling me.  (Ephesians 2:10)

Advice is always available, but if I want to live according to God's plan and help others do the same, I must stay in tune with Him.

My Plan

Humans love to make plans.  Whether it be financial strategies with the aim of becoming independently stable, personal plots used to reach a certain goal, or professional campaigns designed to fulfill a dream, every person tends to make some kind of plan for their own life.

My plans tend to be based on opportunity, expectations or tradition.  For instance, my dad went into barbering as his lifelong career because his best friend's father was a barber and took him under his wing.  My dad went to school and soon found himself practicing his newly learned skill, all because a door opened before him.

Similarly, a friend of mine in high school never thought about going to college because no one in her family did, and neither of her parents ever suggested it.  It was her expectation that she would get married and raise a family without ever considering higher education.  In contrast, I went to college out of a sense of custom: it just seemed to be the pattern that most people followed so I thought a person's life should follow the same path of graduating from high school, going to college, getting married and raising children.  

In every one of the above instances, none of us consulted God, inquiring as to whether the path I found before me matched up with God's plan.  Instead, we let our own understanding of where we fit into the world shape our future.

It is easy to make a plan based on my own ideas, but if I want to follow God's master plan for my life, I must stay connected to Him.

His Plan

She couldn't understand why God made her this way:  Her hair was jet black and stick straight and while most students in her class could easily reach the coat racks, she always needed help to hang up her jacket.  As a result, this young girl was often the butt of many-a-joke while she was in school.  Once she entered into the mission field, however, everything began to make sense.

You see, this young lady became a missionary to the Chinese people where she fit in quite naturally due to the very physical characteristics that used to bring her such grief.  God had a plan that she could not understand until later.

For this reason, it is important that I trust God enough to accept all the quirky qualities He has placed within me, believing that He will one day use it for His glory.  Instead of putting myself down, then, I can see myself as one who was "fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14)  God has a plan that I know nothing about, and to Him, I am a work of art that He purposefully placed right where I am.  Therefore, I need not worry about tomorrow because it's all mapped out.

God's plan is mysterious and masterful, but if I want to follow the path He has laid out for me, I must keep His sovereignty always in mind as I walk closely beside Him.

There is a time for everything, as Solomon so eloquently penned in Ecclesiastes 3.  Either I can base that timing on the advice of others or I can follow my own plan, but if I want to live based on God's purpose, it is vital that I follow His blueprint for my life.  Since He's the only one who knows that plan, then, I would be wise to stick closer than a brother to my loving Father.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can stay connected to my Master Planner.

When do I rely on my own common sense to make decisions instead of seeking God's will?

How do I ignore the still, small voice of God's Spirit as He tries to guide me through my day?  

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