The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

God is God

"When Rachel saw that she wasn't having any children for Jacob, she became jealous of her sister.
She pleaded with Jacob,
'Give me children, or I'll die!'
Then Jacob became furious with Rachel.
'Am I God?' he asked.
'He's the one who has kept you from having children!'"
Genesis 30:1-2

There is a self-help book for any problem with which I could ever imagine being faced.  Talking heads dispense advice freely to anyone who tunes into their shows.  Friends stand waiting in the wings to tell me what they think I should do.  There is no shortage of opinions and guidance in this day and age.

The problem is that the only One who has the wisdom I need is God.  He is God, and I am not; nor is anyone else.  No one knows what I need besides Him!  Many times I forget He is sovereign over all things and instead I place my trust elsewhere.


I knew I could always go to her for good advice.  She always seemed to know what to say.  I never questioned if the opinions she so boldly proclaimed were truth, or if it was the right recommendation for me.  Instead, I accepted her guidance as good.

Most of us have that go-to person who we can always count on to know how to handle any problem.  While the advice they give may not be godly, it does sound good to my itching ears, so I follow it. (2 Timothy 4:3

The problem with this approach is I'm not taking God into account.  I'm leaving Him to sit on the sidelines of my life as I develop a strategy I think will work.  Meanwhile, He stands at the door of my life, waiting to be invited in. (Revelation 3:20)

God is the one who created me for a specific purpose. (Ephesians 2:10)  Only my Creator knows the plan that He has for my life. (Jeremiah 29:11) The problem I now face is not a surprise to Him!  Instead, this difficult time has gone through His hands as something that will be used to bring about good in my life. (Romans 8:28) If I don't seek Him out, however, I will know neither the plan of action I am to follow nor the positive fruit that results.

When I trust in people instead of God, I don't give His plan a chance.


"He pulled himself up by his own bootstraps."  This phrase is often used to describe a resourceful person who found a way to help himself out of a tough situation.  Americans especially admire those who climb their way to the top using nothing but their own wits.

There was a television show in the '70s called "The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams," in which James Adams lived out in the wild with only an old trader and a Native American as his human friends.  He was somehow always able to help those passing by who fell into some kind of trouble as they attempted to traverse the untamed land.

I always admired this character's resourcefulness and how he never seemed to fail to know what to do.  His independence really appealed to my own desire to live a solitary life surrounded only by animals who adored me.

In reality, though, there is nothing good found within me, that is in my sinful nature. (Romans 7:18) My own resources, abilities and discipline pales in comparison to the well from which my Father draws  (Psalm 50:10), the power He possesses (Ephesians 3:20), and His faithfulness on which I can always count (Psalm 33:4).

When I trust in myself instead of God, I miss out on seeing the work of His mighty hand.


He tried every method ever known to man to try to quit drinking.  While each may have worked for a time, he always returned to the comfort of the bottle.  Alcohol seemed to hold a power over him that nothing could break.

It is easy to turn to methods or strategies to try to solve my problems as well.  While the steps suggested may make sense and seem to work for a time, there is nothing that can replace the Lord as the healer of all my hurts (Psalm 107:19-20), the answer to all my problems (Colossians 1:17-18), and the only One who can satisfy my soul (John 6:35).  My friend discovered this when he turned his life over to Jesus and finally found freedom from alcoholism.

Instead of saying certain prayers to attain specific results, or doing good deeds as a way to make up for all my sins and gain God's favor, or thinking positive thoughts as a way to build up beneficial things in my life, all I need is Jesus.  He is the only answer I need seek.

When I trust in methods instead of God, I miss out on the saving grace that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

There are many places I may turn to for help.  Only One, however, is the source of all good things.  When I trust in people, myself, or methods, I miss out on seeing God's plan unfold, witnessing His mighty power and finding Jesus, the only solution to all my problems.  It is my intention to always remember, then, that only God is God!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust in God to satisfy every need I have today.

When do I trust in others instead of God?

How do I tend to seek out methods to solve my problems instead of going after God?

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