The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Which Light?

"Who among you fears the LORD
and obeys the word of his servant?
Let the one who walks in the dark,
who has no light,
trust in the name of the LORD
and rely on their God.
But now, all you who light fires
and provide yourselves with flaming torches,
go, walk in the light of your fires
and of the torches you have set ablaze.
This is what you shall receive from my hand:
You will lie down in torment."
Isaiah 50:10-11

It's dark.  When it's dark, I'm desperate for light, any light, even if it's only a flashlight or a candle.  My eyes crave the light.

Similarly, when the world is dark, cruel and morally bankrupt, I look for any sign of goodness, of understanding, civility, kindness.  My eyes long to see something decent, some insight and discernment to light my way.  If its not the true Light I seek, however, I'll be sorry.

The Way.  It's a pretty exclusive lifestyle.  In fact, few find the secluded little gate hidden among the vines that opens the way to life.  Nearby is a well-traveled, smooth road that gets much more attention, is highlighted on the evening news and acclaimed as the best route to take.  Many choose its even surface, enjoying the camaraderie and comfort that comes from being part of the crowd, wondering why there's reason to go anywhere else.  There are warning signs, people calling out to the travelers, "Change your course now, before it's too late.  Danger is coming!  Hellfire awaits!"  Yet I look around and no one seems worried, the birds are singing and my comrades continue plodding along so I push the nagging message out of my head.  Surely such a popular, nice path can't be all that bad, I reassure myself (Matthew 7:13-14).

Jesus said He is the only way to heaven, the only gateway to find eternal life, the sole source of truth, the lone route that leads to the everlasting destination that is free of pain and sorrow and lit by the glory of God (John 14:6, John 10:7Revelation 21:4, 23).  Furthermore, if I want to find meaning and fulfillment in the here and now, I must fulfill my purpose to honor God in all I do as I live in relationship with Him, like a child to a Father (John 10:10, Isaiah 43:7).  And the only way to do so is by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. 

As I live in this dark world I must seek the true Light that is Jesus and follow Him alone.

Own Light.  Sometimes it's hard to follow Jesus.  I must give up my own destructive, harmful habits that are so familiar to me.  I must deny myself, seeking to live for God's purposes instead of my own (Matthew 16:24).  I must undergo lifelong transformation which is often a painful process as the cancer of sin is rooted out and replaced with that which reflects the true Light (Romans 12:2). 

Since this pilgrim life is so contrary to my own idea of what the rich, satisfying life should be, I am tempted to come up with my own philosophy of living, taking a bit of Biblical truth and sprinkling in pop-psychology and widely-held principles that sound good to my itching ears.  Then I hear a popular preacher spreading the same half-truths and I hungrily take it in, comforted by the thought that my ideas must be right (2 Timothy 4:3).  I feel relieved with this new god and religion that is more palatable and empowering to help me succeed in reaching my goals.  Gone are all those uncomfortable convictions that kept me up at night.  The problem is, I'm following the wrong light, even though it seems so good.

As I live in this dark world I must seek the true Light that is Jesus and follow Him alone.

Torment.  There is no way to get around it.  No matter who I claim to follow, the fruit I produce tells the real story.  I reap what I sow (Galatians 6:7-8).  If I live according to what makes me happy, brings me contentment at least for the moment, gives me satisfaction and pleasure, I'll produce fruit in line with my flesh.  Lust will rule my heart, hostility will often rear its ugly head, jealousy will frequently seep in and ambition that only furthers my own dreams and aspirations will drive my days.  Not only will my life be filled with anguish, but I will be shocked to learn I am left out of God's kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21).

If I instead set aside my own desires and am sensitive to God's indwelling Spirit, going where He leads me, saying the words He gives me, cooperating with Him as He changes my heart so that the things I want line up more closely with His desires, I'll produce godly fruit.  Apart from any effort of my own I'll discover His love welling up inside, a joy that cannot be quenched, faithfulness toward God and His purposes, gentleness in my dealings with others (Galatians 5:22-23).  Once I get out of the way, God produces in me that which honors Him and lasts forever, making an eternal impact on the world around me (John 15:5).  Not only will my life be filled with treasures untold, but I will be grateful to realize I have an eternity in His presence to which I can look forward!

As I live in this dark world I must seek the true Light that is Jesus and follow Him alone.

There are choices to make as I live in the darkness.  Since I crave light, I am tempted to create my own.  When I do, I miss out on the true Light of Jesus who serves as the only way to a rich, meaningful life that lasts forever and I set myself up for torment that extends into eternity.  When I wonder which light to follow, the choice that leads to life is the Light that is Jesus Christ.  May I dedicate my days to Him and Him alone!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can only have eyes for Jesus, the Light of the world.

When do I create my own light to follow, one that seems similar to the true Light?

How am I at risk of straying away from Jesus?  

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