The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Beautiful Feet

"How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of the messenger who brings good news,
the good news of peace and salvation,
the news that the God of Israel reigns!
The watchmen shout and sing with joy,
for before their very eyes 
they see the LORD returning to Jerusalem."
Isaiah 52:7-8 NLT

All is broken, twisted, ruined because of sin.  Judgment is my inheritance, condemnation my rightful fate (Romans 3:23, 6:23).  Nothing is as God first created it to be.  I need some good news in the midst of all this mess.  

Behold!  A messenger is coming!  Now is the time to pay attention.

Comfort.  It's true, I get what's coming to me.  Whichever path I choose will determine my destination (Matthew 7:13-14).  There is no magic pill that will protect me from experiencing the consequences of my actions (Galatians 6:7-8).  Still, when everything is falling apart because of my stubborn insistence on living my way, God still cares.  He's still there.  He still offers help in spite of my wayward heart (Isaiah 52:9).

How can I receive such help from a holy God?  Since I am sinful to the core, is it even proper for me to approach the throne of grace for assistance from the One with unlimited resources?  Can I even receive His consolation? Feel His caring touch?  Experience peace with him?  Yes!  I am astounded to discover that I can enter into relationship with the living God who will never cease to amaze me.  How?  By turning away from my own selfish ways and taking on Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior (Acts 20:21)!  Through Jesus I find the lovingkindness of God freely pouring into my life (Hebrews 4:16).

The good news of Jesus Christ is that I can receive the comfort of God.

Redemption.  I'm held captive by my sinful flesh.  I'm a slave to the desires of my selfish heart (Romans 6:16).  I can't help but sin for I have no other choice.  As a result, I reap all the results of such a lifestyle.  Hostility rules my heart and I find myself often getting into heated arguments with others over the silliest of things.  Anger erupts on a regular basis and I find my family is in a constant state of divisiveness, as if we can never find common ground.  I am drawn to the substance of my choice as a tool to drown my sorrows, numb my feelings, ease the pain of my life and the only things that seems to bring me any joy is the latest party, the rowdier the better.  I find myself sinking deeper and deeper into such captivity and I feel I have no power to break the bonds that hold me (Galatians 5:19-21).

Who will set me free from such destruction?  How will I ever feel at peace?  Is there hope for me?  Thank God for sending Jesus Christ to break the bonds that bind me and set the captives free (Isaiah 61:1-3, Romans 7:24-25)!  In dying on the cross He took the penalty for my sins, making a way for me to be right with God.  He paid the price to set me free from slavery to sin and now I can dedicate myself to living His way(Romans 6:18).

The good news of Jesus Christ is that I can be redeemed.

Freedom.  Living in tandem with the world corrupts my thinking, taints my heart, and leads me to destruction (Romans 12:2).  I am held back from truly living the life I'm meant to live, from experiencing the joy and peace that is mine, from being who I was created to be.  What is wrong with me, anyway?  Who is this monster that rises up inside of me and does all that is abhorrent to God?  It is sin.  And it seems to be an invincible force.

How will I ever live a pure life, unrestricted from the sin that weighs me down?  Will I ever discover who I'm meant to be, the real me apart from the fear and doubt, the insecurity and pride?  Through faith in Jesus Christ I can find freedom from what burdens me and holds me back.  In Him I have the opportunity to move from slavery into sonship, from shackles to freedom, from rejection to acceptance as a well-loved child.  In Christ I can find freedom from the sin that taints me; the kind of liberty that is real, permanent and authentic (John 8:34-36).  The kind of freedom that ushers me into the family of God forever (1 John 3:1).

The good news of Jesus Christ is that I can find freedom from the sin that corrupts me (Isaiah 52:11).

I am discouraged as I look around me at my life, the world, even my own heart.  Is there anything good, any news to offer hope?  Then I see a messenger coming, an ordinary-looking man without flowery speech or flashy delivery, but I know deep down that his message is important.  When I pay attention and listen with my whole being, I realize he is telling me what I need to know.  He is giving me the Good News of Jesus Christ that offers the comfort of God, redemption from slavery to sin, and freedom that liberates me in every way.  This is the kind of news I need, the message that will endure.  And I am so thankful for the beautiful feet who took the time to deliver such good news to me.   Why keep it to myself?

As I begin this day it is my prayer that God will develop in me a desire to share such good news with others. 

How have I only partially received such news?

When do I expect to have it both ways, sticking to my way of living and wanting the blessings that only come through obedience?       


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