The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, August 28, 2015


"Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me,
and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance."
Isaiah 55:2 NKJV

There is so much upon which I can depend for strength, especially here in the "land of opportunity."  I can buy into countless beliefs, philosophies or theories, all claiming to bring good things into my life.  But only One can deliver the best, what was meant for me: communion with the Maker of my soul!  Frankly, everything else is a waste.

Physical.  Success.  Reputation.  Image.  Fame.  Wealth.  Comfort.  Security.  These are some of the things in which I can invest, spending my time, money and energy in order to acquire or preserve.  These physical ventures seem so valuable, like they will make my life better, more meaningful, deeper.  Yet I discover they fade away like the grass of the field, here today and gone tomorrow.  Why did I give so much of myself to these empty pursuits?

Jesus warned against laying up earthly treasures because they just don't last.  Instead, He urges us to devote our time, energy and money into heavenly investments that will endure (Matthew 6:19-21).  Anything done in tandem with Jesus, while connected to Him as my only source, in obedience to His Lordship over me, will result in fruit that lasts into eternity (John 15:5, Psalm 23:3).  This fruit may not be tangible nor will it necessarily be recognized by the world as valuable, but it is nonetheless more precious than all the success, fame, wealth or comfort that can be acquired through all my diligent dedication.  After all, what good is any of it if I lose my soul (Matthew 16:26)?

Every physical pursuit apart from Jesus Christ I can spend my life chasing is a waste of the one life I've been given to live.

Futile.  I'm told the secret to happiness is having a job I love.  Others say it is connecting deeply with others.  Some believe it is setting a goal and striving hard to reach it.  The sense of accomplishment when succeeded will bring great joy and fulfillment, or so I'm told.  Still, my heart is empty and I yearn for more.

The one thing that can truly bring satisfaction is knowing God and being known by Him.  To live in such a state of intimacy fulfills the purpose for my being.  I am here for God, and when I live in relationship with Him through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, I find meaning and contentment.  Everything else after which I run is an exercise in futility.  I will simply never find satisfaction apart from the One who made me.

Everything the world encourages me to strive for will be exposed for what it is; a futile attempt to find purpose in a life that was created for one purpose only, and that is to showcase the goodness of God (Isaiah 43:7, Psalm 100:3).

Inferior.  I can find my worth in what I do, who I am, the titles I possess or degrees I have attained.  I can think of myself as important because of my family heritage, my experiences that are filled with prestigious accomplishments and success, or my popularity among influential people.  I can also find security knowing that I am needed, that my job is vital and I am appreciated.  There is much in which to find my value.

No matter how good I feel about myself, my sense of self-worth will crumble at one point or another as long as it's based on anything else besides God's love for me manifested through His Son.  All other foundations upon which I build my own sense of worth is inferior to the one found in Jesus Christ.  When I have the privilege of getting to know Him, I discover that nothing else truly matters (Philippians 3:8). I also discover that His love for me is not contingent upon my performance.  I do not have to jump through hoops or meet a certain standard in order to experience the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.  Instead, I find this security as a benefit of being called a child of God when I turn away from my own destructive ways and embrace Jesus as my lifeline (1 John 3:1).  Nothing can make God stop loving me through His Son (Romans 8:38-39).  And this love gives me the truest sense of just how valuable I am to Him.

I discover a superior sense of self-worth through faith in Christ.

It can be hard to live in this broken world with all of its various belief systems touting wonderful benefits for which my heart longs.  Yet only One can deliver on it's promises.  Only in giving my life to Jesus will I find the best God has planned for me.  Even so, I tend to invest in the physical that will not last, waste my life on futile efforts, and find value in the inferior.  All of it is a complete misuse of the one life I've been given.  Only in Christ will I find a sound investment, a worthwhile use of my resources, and a secure sense of my worth.  And when I discover Him for who He truly is, I will stop wasting my life!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can stop wasting time, effort and energy on things that won't last.

How am I focused on the physical instead of the spiritual?

How can I divert my attention away from all that will let me down?

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