The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Reason to Rejoice

"Sing for joy, O heavens!
Rejoice, O earth!
Burst into song, O mountains!
For the LORD has comforted his people
and will have compassion on them in their suffering.
Yet Jerusalem says,
'The LORD has deserted us;
the Lord has forgotten us.'"
Isaiah 49:13-14 NLT

I have every reason to rejoice yet I often feel depressed, as if God has deserted me, leaving me to face this harsh world alone.  My feelings easily deceive me into thinking all is lost and my life is a waste, in shambles, beyond repair.  Does the suffering I currently endure mean I am forgotten by the One who created me in His image?  Or is my focus off, am I looking in the wrong place? 

Let's take a look at God's promises to His wayward people, and learn how to negotiate this rocky path of life with a song in our heart!

Restoration.  Whether I know it or not, restoration in mine through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.  God responded to the brokenness of the world He created, the bondage His people endured, the darkness in which His sheep groped by sending the long-awaited Messiah (Isaiah 49:8-12).  He sent His Son to make all things right, to free the captives and to shed His Light in a dark world (2 Corinthians 5:21, Isaiah 61:1-3 John 1:5).  And this indescribable response of God still impacts us today.  Even now Jesus is being offered to mankind as a way to restore that which has been ruined by sin.

When I turn away from my sin, ceasing to think of it as my friend and instead embrace this Jesus by faith, donning Him like a garment, I will find the forgiveness I need in order to forge a bond with the One who loves me perfectly.  I then can relate to Him as a daughter to a Father, not an earthly father who sometimes fails and lets me down, but as a heavenly Papa who knows exactly how to provide, lead, and love in a way that quenches every thirst and fulfills every desire.  Through the blood of Jesus, my standing as God's child is reestablished and I am firmly implanted in His family forever (1 John 3:1).

God's promise to restore His people is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world (1 John 4:14).  Of this great treasure may my heart always sing!

Comfort.  I try to avoid it like I do the IRS, doing whatever I can to keep from being tainted by its agony.  I would do anything to prevent it's access to my life.  Still, suffering comes, inflicting devastation and heartache.  Why can't I catch a break?  I wonder.  Must my life always be tainted by this poison that contaminates the plan I have for my life?  My desire for a pain-free existence?  The expectation that I can enjoy at least a moment free from sorrow?

While it may seem more than I can bear (and perhaps I'm a bit dramatic and narrow in my assessment of the situation I face), there is a great benefit to encountering misery.  If my life was always free from all anguish, I would never experience the comfort of my Father (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).  He consoles my hurting heart in a way that only He can.  I find relief from the pain when I sink into His loving arms, experiencing Him in a more intimate way as I rest in His lovingkindness.  My understanding of His nature grows as I see this caring and gentle side of Him.  Even more astounding is the fact that through Jesus Christ I have access to my Father at all times, able to approach Him in order to receive all that I need in order to negotiate the rocky paths I encounter (Hebrews 4:16).  

God's promise to comfort His people is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ who ushers believers into the presence of the great Comforter.  Of this great treasure may I always rejoice!

Compassion.  The gods of this world are cold and calculating, each with an agenda of their own that brings about some form of suffering upon their people.  While they are impotent to actually become who their legends proclaim them to be, millions subscribe to their beliefs, appeasing them with the hope that they can give some sort of favor.  Followers are willing to risk the consequences that may come from trusting in such a risky proposition with the chance that they might benefit from such a relationship.  There is always the risk, however, of ticking off the gods and enduring their retaliation.

Thankfully, God is not prone to flying off the handle and lashing out in a rage.  In fact, if He were to truly give mankind what we deserved, we wouldn't live another moment (Psalm 103:10, 130:3).  In His mercy He allows each of His image-bearers ample time to come around to our senses so that we can accept the free gift of salvation He offers through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:9).  As is written, "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail." (Lamentations 3:22).  Nowhere is this love more evident than in the sending of God's precious Son to save a wicked people (Romans 5:8).  

God's promise to have compassion on His people is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ.  May this great treasure always cause me to burst into song!

Living in this dark world can leave me in despair.  I tend to look around me at all that is wrong and look within and find nothing good.  When I turn my eyes upon Jesus, however, and see Him for who He is, I discover there is much to set my heart to singing!  I've been restored, am given the benefit of a wonderful Comforter and daily discover how much he cares.  In Jesus Christ I have every reason to rejoice!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to see Him as He truly exists.

When do I focus on the mess around me instead of on God's goodness?

How am I now receiving the comfort of God?        

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