The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, April 3, 2015

More Than Words on a Page

"My heart is set on keeping your decrees
to the very end."
Psalm 119:112

Many see it as an instruction manual for how to live life to the fullest.  Others view it as a tome of wise words.  Some as an historical work.  

While the Bible comes in the same form as other books, words printed on sheets of paper that are bound together; there is so much more to God's Word than just a collection of words on a page (Hebrews 4:122 Timothy 3:16-17).  So much more.

Lamp.  We walked down the steep road, enjoying the beautiful vistas from such a high hill.  Always at the back of our mind, however, was the fact that night was coming.  Soon it would be dark and it would be difficult to make our way back to our car at the bottom of the mountain.  My husband and I had hiked to the top of Mt. Constitution on scenic Orcas Island that brisk November day, eager to see the view from the top.  Unfortunately, it took longer than we anticipated and we realized we'd probably be making at least part of the walk back in the dark.  Because of this, we opted to use the road instead of the narrow trail which wound through the woods.  It gets dark quickly in a forest.

As the sun went down, the moon illuminated our way enough so we could negotiate the winding road, tread carefully on the icy patches and avoid debris from an earlier wind storm.  If it wasn't for our beacon-in-the-sky, the going would have been treacherous.  This is like the power of God's living and active Word in my life.  God uses it to guide me, to help me along the way, to illuminate the hazards to avoid.

If I set my heart on obeying God's Word, I will find it to be a lamp to my feet, providing guidance and help as I trek through the darkness of this world.

Light.  It's hard to live a life with no direction, purpose, or understanding.  If I try to simply trudge along, going whichever way the wind blows me, I'll find myself in despair, wondering why I'm here in the first place.  God's Word gives me enlightenment so that I can live in His beautifully constructed will for my life.

God has a plan, a purpose, a reason for every obstacle I encounter and each mountaintop I experience.  This life is not simply a series of random events, but a well-orchestrated work of art meant to bring glory to it's Creator.  Only God's Word can awaken this understanding within me, illuminate my desperate need for Jesus, and give me a ravenous hunger for more.  This sweet desire is not simply for the sake of learning or acquiring knowledge, but so that I'll have greater insight into God's character, His kingdom, and how I fit into it all.

If I set my heart on obeying God's Word, I will find it to be a source of enlightenment into Him and His ways.

Heritage.  "Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart's delight." (Psalm 119:111 NLT)  He considered his worn copy of the Bible to be his most valuable possession.  He carried it with him wherever he went, never leaving it behind for fear of loss or theft.  Anytime he had a moment to spare, he'd open the thin, crinkly leaves, savoring each word like a rare delicacy.  The Chinese follower of Christ didn't always have the honor of owning his own Bible, so when he was given a copy of his own, he cherished it as his greatest prize.

I couldn't always understand this mindset.  Sure, I knew God's Word was important, but I didn't treasure it like this follower of Christ did.  God had to cultivate such an understanding within me.  When He did, I could see the holy Scriptures in the same way the psalmist did; I can't wait to open it's pages and discover the nugget of insight God has in store for me to find each day.  It's so exciting to interact with my Father as He guides me through the pages of His Word, opening me up to new and sometimes sobering truths.  Simply reading it is not an option anymore.  I must listen intently as I study so that I can hear the message He has for me within these precious pages.

If I set my heart on obeying God's Word, I will realize it's infinite value and discover His teachings as my heart's delight.

The Bible is more than just a collection of wise sayings printed on a page.  Instead, it's God's very words offered as a gift to me as His child.  As I grow in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I come to use God's Word as a lamp for my feet as I negotiate the rocky and dark road of life, a light that brings understanding and insight into His purposes, and a precious heritage that is my greatest possession.  Yes, God's Word is so much more than just words on a page.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that God will develop in me a greater hunger for His Word.

How do I view the Bible as just another book of advice?

In what ways do I minimize its potential impact on my life?          

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