"Because of your promise,
and according to your own heart,
you have brought about all this greatness,
to make your servant know it."
2 Samuel 7:21 ESV
One thing is for sure: David loved to sing praises to the Lord and to make his faith in God known to all. Consider the first stanza of Psalm 21:
"O LORD, in your strength the king rejoices,
and in your salvation how greatly he exults!
You have given him his heart's desire
and have not withheld the request of his lips."
How was David able to sing such praise to God? He knew God intimately. David let God into every part of His life, sharing the grief, heartache and joy with the Lord of heaven and earth. For such a reason David became known as a man after God's own heart. (Acts 13:22)
But David is not the only one who can gain such a reputation. I, too, can invite the God of the universe into the nitty-gritty parts of my life through faith in Jesus Christ. I, too, can open my heart to Him, letting Him in where I dare not let other's see. I, too, can share my life with Him. When I do, my heart will become like David's; full of the greatness of God.
The Lord's willingness to include David in His sovereign plan was something the second-crowned king of Israel understood and accepted. He marveled at the fact that such a majestic and powerful God would bother to bring us into the workings of His plan at all. But He did and He still does. Why?
Due to His Promises
"I promise I will always be here for you," the young father assures his son. The next scene of the movie predictably depicts the death of this well-meaning dad. The rest of the movie is spent watching this boy grow up without a father and dealing with the fallout of broken promises.
I cringe whenever I hear a parent, or anyone for that matter, guarantee that which is completely out of human control. Each breath is as a result of the grace of God and none of us knows which day will be our last. Therefore it is foolish to promise something of which I cannot deliver.
God does not have this same limitation. He is all-powerful, present everywhere and knows full-well what tomorrow will bring. In fact, the Lord goes before us, not just aware of the future but already there. He is not limited by time or space. Therefore, God is able to not just make a promise, but keep it as well. For this reason I can trust Him wholly.
Due to His promise-keeping ability, I know that He will always be with me. (Deuteronomy 31:6) I can count on the fact that I belong to Him and He to me. (Isaiah 43:1, Psalm 100:3) I need not fear His judgement for He has promised an end to condemnation through Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1) I can look forward with confidence to that place that has been prepared especially for me. (John 14:1-3)
I am an integral part of God's plan due to the promises He has made and kept.
According to His Heart
Men have sought Him out since the beginning of time, trying to understand His mysterious ways. How incredible that such a God who is holy and greater than the human mind can fathom desires to be known by those He created! He has made Himself available to us so that we can seek to become familiar with Him. It is part of God's nature to love His people in such a warm and intimate way.
Understanding this aspect of God, then, it is not surprising that He desires to include man in the workings of His plan. He could easily provide for a family's needs by supernaturally speaking the necessities into being. Instead, it makes His heart sing to send His own to provide in a tangible and practical way. (James 2:15-16)
It is not difficult for God to comfort the grieving heart of one of His children. Still, He often chooses to send someone who has received that comfort to pass it on to his fellow man. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
God can easily and generously dispense wisdom to those in need. (James 1:5) Often, though, He gives it indirectly through another believer who lends timely words of godly advice. (Titus 2:3-8)
I am an integral part of God's plan due to His heart that cherishes His people.
Make His Greatness Known
It was one of the most difficult classes I had to take during my college career: Organic Chemistry. Unfortunately for me, the only available time for me to fit it into my schedule was during the summer. As I embarked on this short yet intense journey, I learned there would be three professors teaching this course.
Dividing the class into three equal segments, each professor would cover one part before giving a test. As a result, I would never benefit from the understanding a student usually gains after the first test. Instead, each test would be administered by a different professor, thus leaving his class members at a disadvantage. That summer I never got to know the teaching style and testing practices of one particular teacher.
Thankfully, the Lord is a God who desires to make His greatness known to His children. He does not make it difficult to learn more about Him as His nature is revealed throughout His creation. The vastness of His glory is shown throughout the heavens on a starry night. (Psalm 19:1)
His creative streak is evident when I visit the zoo and examine the peculiarity of a flamingo's leg or a platypus's appearance. (Genesis 1:20-25)
His attention to detail is made known through the intricacy of design found in the center of a tulip or in the pattern made by the petals of a rose.
In fact, God is so intent on making His greatness know that He put His very light within His fragile and frail children, adopted through faith in Jesus Christ, so that those who witness their lives will know the power comes from God Himself.
How could a stutterer sing such beautiful songs? Or a victim extend such forgiveness? Or a broken woman exhibit such strength? It is the surpassing power of God who is found within. (2 Corinthians 4:6-7)
I am an integral part of God's plan due to His willingness to make His greatness known to me.
In the same way that David understood God's desire to use him as part of a divine plan, I can live each day with this same truth ingrained in my heart. This kind of inclusion is only possible because the Lord is a God who keeps His promises, whose heart is open to His people, and is willing to put His greatness into each of His frail children. What a gift that such greatness is made known to each of His own!
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can live with a large image of God.
When do I strive to make much of myself instead of glorifying God in the details of my days?
How am I failing to tap into such greatness?
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