"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting
the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ
and are turning to a different gospel--
which is really no gospel at all.
Evidently some people are throwing you
into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.
. . .As we have already said,
so now I say again:
If anybody is preaching to you a gospel
other than what you accepted,
let them be under God's curse!
The flyer attached to my mailbox with the telltale fish sign drew my eye as it fluttered in the wind. Curious, I walked over and plucked it off the post. "Now is a good time to return to the Catholic Church." The flyer gave an invitation to Catholics to come back to the flock and gave ten reasons why people decide to return to a Catholic congregation after a prolonged absence. Reading through the pamphlet, I discerned a different kind of gospel than what I've been taught.
Followers were encouraged to come back so they can receive true forgiveness by confessing their sins to a priest where they will receive absolution, that only the Catholic Church has the fullness of grace and truth, and that the communion ceremony holds some kind of special power and gives spiritual nourishment.
While it is true that the Catholic Church boasts millions of members, the message they preach is not consistent with the Gospel I have learned through scripture. Staying true to the Gospel as I've been taught is an issue of life and death.
Followers were encouraged to come back so they can receive true forgiveness by confessing their sins to a priest where they will receive absolution, that only the Catholic Church has the fullness of grace and truth, and that the communion ceremony holds some kind of special power and gives spiritual nourishment.
While it is true that the Catholic Church boasts millions of members, the message they preach is not consistent with the Gospel I have learned through scripture. Staying true to the Gospel as I've been taught is an issue of life and death.
It was a necessary act, this spilling of innocent blood. As this life-giving fluid flowed from the body of the Son of God, He gave up His own life while simultaneously giving millions of the guilty a chance to live. (2 Corinthians 5:21) This spilling of innocent blood became the ultimate sacrifice.
Many believe they can get right with God through effort or good intentions. Others think confession in itself can save them. The truth is that no one can reach God's standards on their own and that He cannot forgive my sins, no matter how repentant I am, without the blood of Jesus to cover over my transgressions. (Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:7-9, Hebrews 9:22)
The Gospel I've been taught includes the importance of the blood of Jesus to the forgiveness of my sins.
He held the stones in his hand, aware of the gravity of the words God had personally engraved into the tablets. Moses had just spent 40 days with God on the mountain, receiving the specific rules and instructions He wanted His people to follow. As he prepared to present the word of the Lord to those who awaited his return, Moses could hear the sounds of revelry. (Exodus 32) This man, chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, knew deep down inside that the holy tablets he carried in his hands could do nothing to change the wicked heart of man.
I can try my best to obey the law as found in the Bible, but my best will never be good enough. If I follow a gospel that tells me I must obey the rules as a way to become righteous, I will set myself up to be judged according to the Law. (James 2:10) God will then condemn me as a law breaker and send me to eternal death. (Romans 6:23a)
If it were possible to become righteous by following the law, then why would God go through such heartache and pain in sending His Son to die on the cross? If I was able to live righteously on my own, then Christ died for naught! (Galatians 2:21)
Instead, I must remember that the law is powerless to save me, but can only show me where I fall short and need a Savior. (Romans 4:15) Thus, the law draws attention to my need for Jesus!
The Gospel I've been taught includes the powerlessness of the law to save me.
The very one who made her life a living Hell lay on his deathbed. Here was her chance for revenge, for some kind of retribution. He's only getting what he deserved, she thought as she remembered all the hurt he had caused her.
Then, she did the extraordinary. This victim who had suffered at the hand of evil, forgave. Instead of exacting vengeance, she offered grace, and shared the saving message of the Gospel to the man she wanted to kill for so many years.
It is not easy to offer grace to those who hurt me. Sure, for the ones I love I would gladly lay down my life. For those whose evil intent is obvious, though, I could not imagine doing anything nice for them, let alone giving my life so they might live. Yet, that is exactly what Jesus did for me!
While I was still a sinner, bent on living my life my way and unwilling to even acknowledge my Creator as Lord, He loved me enough to send Jesus to die for me. My uncovered sin made me an enemy of God! (Colossians 1:21) Even so, Jesus paid the ultimate price to cover a debt I couldn't pay: the death penalty my sin deserves for breaking His law. (Colossians 2:13-14)
The Gospel I've been taught includes the gift of grace God offers through faith in Jesus Christ.
While some messages I hear may sound good or may be a part of a tradition I grew up with, I must be careful to stay true to the Gospel as I've been taught. Only the Gospel of Christ and Him crucified can save me from eternal condemnation. (1 Corinthians 2:2)
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can keep the truth of the Gospel at the forefront of my mind.
When am I easily swayed by a message that sounds good but may not be true?
How do I try to earn grace by what I do, forgetting that Jesus already did everything required to earn me God's favor?
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