"'For you who revere my name,
the sun of righteousness will rise
with healing in its wings.
And you will go out and leap like calves
released from the stall.
Then you will trample down the wicked;
they will be ashes under the soles of your feet
on the day when I do these things,'
says the LORD Almighty.'
Malachi 4:2-3
Crimson and golden hues color the darkened horizon as the sun begins to peak up over the trees. Light spreads through the sky, marking the transition from night to day. The sound of birds singing praises to their Creator fills the air as the new day begins. My soul feels light and new, His mercies overflowing, giving me a new lease on life. All the worries and problems that weighed me down last night don't seem as heavy. My burden has been lifted, my wounds bound, by heart healed. A new day is dawning.
For those of us who call Christ as Lord and Savior, each day brings new hope and assurance, but the day of judgment is also coming. All around me evil seems to prosper; the defenseless suffer at the hands of the wicked, the weak bow under the control of the strong, and the case of the powerless is lost in a mountain of paperwork.
There is also much suffering as people endure the fallout of living in a sinful world. Disease ravages the body, abuse runs rampant, selfishness rules. All of this, however, will come to an end that fateful day. If only I can stand firm, respecting and worshiping His Name and following Him alone, I will welcome the dawn of the Sun of Righteousness!
I suffered with iron deficiency anemia for several years. Before my diagnosis, I didn't know why I felt tired all the time and the exercise I loved had become so difficult. I chalked it up to getting old and tried to push through the fatigue. After a routine blood test, however, my doctor soon was able to pinpoint the problem and a solution was agreed upon: I would have a hysterectomy. Once I healed from the procedure and my iron counts returned to normal, I felt better than ever. There is nothing like a sickness or ailment to help me to appreciate good health.
Likewise, I can look forward to the day when "the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted." (Isaiah 30:26) This life offers much suffering, a lot of it as a result of my own disobedience, but as a follower of Christ I don't have to simply survive. I don't have to wallow in the depths of despair where I many times feel comfortable. Instead, I can look forward to the healing that comes as evil and sin is exposed and allowed to be cleansed in the Sun.
It's easy for me to hide my problems and pretend like I'm not suffering. But If I really want true healing, it's time for me to search for the source of the issues with which I'm dealing and bring it into the light. Just as knowing the source of my fatigue brought healing through treatment, so does getting to the bottom of my sin problems.
The Apostle Paul told the believers living in Ephesus that, "everything exposed by the light becomes visible. . . " (Ephesians 5:13) Once sin is brought out into the open, I can examine it from all angles and nail it to the cross, rendering it impotent against me. Hiding my sin only increases it's power against me but turning it over to Jesus will bring healing.
The Sun of Righteousness will bring restoration as I experience the abundant life God intended for me to live.

Soon after birth as they wobbled around on their new legs, these newborns would immediately find their mama's udder, searching for the sustenance they instinctively knew came from her milk. Once they got a good meal in their belly, they would spastically jump around, as if trying out their new equipment. This "feeling their oats" continued throughout their childhood and is one of the funniest things to witness. Usually, it can be seen when they've been cooped up in a pen and are finally let out into the pasture. They leap around as if to say, "I'm finally free!"
It's the same with me. Once Jesus has healed me from an area of sin, suffering or fear, I will want to try out my new equipment, living my life the way God intended. There is nothing more freeing than knowing I can be myself. As I dump off all the pain that was weighing me down and let the blood of Jesus bind my wounds, I can begin my life anew as a newborn babe. I will see things with fresh eyes and experience life free from spiritual afflictions.
The Sun of Righteousness gives me a new lease on life as I leap for joy at the hope of my Salvation.
My anger burned within me as I stepped outside of my house to see my neighbor on our patio kicking his dog with all his might. The poor animal rolled over on his side, humbly taking the blows.
"No wonder he doesn't come to you!" I screamed as I stalked toward him in my robe and slippers. It didn't matter to me that I was only twelve years old and he was a grown man; I could not let anyone hurt this sweet, defenseless creature.
"Who do you think you are, treating your dog this way?! Get out of here! Get off my property!"
There is true evil in this world, and this dairy farmer, in my estimation, was one of them. Not only did he abuse his dog, but his wife, children and dairy cows as well. He was one mean man.
There will come a time when he and all who commit evil will receive what their dark deeds require. As angry as I may feel when seeing the wickedness all around me, God's anger burns much deeper. As the Just and Righteous God, his judgment will be swift and fair. I need not worry that people will get away with anything: God will make sure of that. I can trust His system of justice.
Placing the burden of judgement in God's hands leaves me open to passing on His grace and mercy to others who I may think don't deserve it. His act of love in sending His Son Jesus to take the punishment for all sin means that I can claim that mercy for myself and can do as Paul advised in Romans 12:21 when he said, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Knowing that God will serve justice, I can reach out to those who hurt others, offering them the same mercy God gives me. I am freed to forgive the most evil of characters. I can let go of my need to take revenge or enact justice. The blood of Jesus has set me free.
The Sun of Righteousness will usher in swift and fair judgement on the wicked: I need not take on that yoke.
God's mercies are new every morning. As I welcome Jesus as my Savior I can experience healing, joy and can rest in the knowledge that justice will be served. In this way I can bask in the Sun of Righteousness!
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can leave justice to God.
How do I hide my hurts, fears or other areas of sin from God instead of letting Him heal me?
Am I living an abundant life filled with lots of leaping for joy?
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